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Dissociating visuo-spatial and verbal working memory: It’s all in the features
Echoing many of the themes of the seminal work of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968), this paper uses the Feature Model (Nairne, 1988, 1990; Neath & Nairne, 1995) to account for performance in working memory tasks. The Brooks verbal and visuo-spatial matrix tasks were performed alone, with articulatory suppression, or with a spatial suppression task; the results produced the expected dissociation. We used Approximate Bayesian Computation techniques to fit the Feature Model to the data and showed that the similarity-based interference process implemented in the model accounted for the data patterns well. We then fit the model to data from Guérard and Tremblay (2008); the latter study produced a double dissociation while calling upon more typical order reconstruction tasks. Again, the model performed well. The findings show that a double dissociation can be modelled without appealing to separate systems for verbal and visuo-spatial processing. The latter findings are significant as the Feature Model had not been used to model this type of dissociation before; importantly, this is also the first time the model is quantitatively fit to data. For the demonstration provided here, modularity was unnecessary if two assumptions were made: (1) the main difference between spatial and verbal working memory tasks is the features that are encoded; (2) secondary tasks selectively interfere with primary tasks to the extent that both tasks involve similar features. It is argued that a feature-based view is more parsimonious (see Morey, 2018) and offers flexibility in accounting for multiple benchmark effects in the field
Ultrastructural Aspects of Spun Pea and Fababean Proteins
The ultrastructure of pea and fababean spun proteins has been studied by SEM and TEM as a function of dope pH and washing bath salt concentrations. The textural properties {mechanical resistance, moisture content) and diameter of the fibres have been determined.
Spinning was only possible when dope pH was higher than 11. An increase in dope pH from 11.5 to 13 induced a shear strength increase whereas the moisture content and the diameter of the fibres decreased . The structure of the fibres became more compact and changed from an aggregate of spherical particles to a tridimensional network. When dope pH was equal to 12. 6, the increase in washing bath salt content from 2 to 10 % NaCl produced more compact fibres.
At high dope pH, the protein aggregates were dissociated and the polypeptide chains were unfolded, which favoured the lining up of the macromolecules during the spinning process and increased the protein -protein interactions in the fibres.
High salt concentration in the washing baths produced a salting out effect which probably also enhanced the chain-chain interactions. Contrary to previous studies, protein strand orientation along the fibre axis and a double cortex-core structure have been demonstrated
Microstructure of Mealy and Vitreous Wheat Endosperms (Triticum durum L.) with Special Emphasis on Location and Polymorphic Behaviour of Lipids
Dark inclusions observed in osmiophilic zones, already described in mature wheat endosperm using transmission electron microscopy, were confirmed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy to be lipids. The polar lipids (glycolipids, phospholipids, free fatty acides, monoglycerides) were organized in a liquid crystalline phase. The reversed hexagonal or HII phase should be the main lattice which might arise from the transition of lipids present in membranous structures as a lamellar phase. This transition was caused by dehydration occurring during maturation. It is suggested that the water-dependent lamellar hexagonal phase transitions are of considerable importance in cereal food technology
Relationship Between the Starch Granule Structure and the Textural Properties of Heat-Induced Surimi Gels
Starch, used as a textural additive in heat-induced surimi gel, influences the rigidity of the protein gel matrix and hence the gel strength according to its botanical characteristics. The present study focuses on the correlations existing between the textural properties of heatind uced surimi gels obtained by physical measurements and the characteristics of different commercial starches. The gelatinization temperature of starch was closely related to the expressible moisture, work to fracture, and elongation. Behaviour of starchy components during thermal processing and its relationship to fish protein gel matrix were studied by light and electron microscopy. These studies showed differences in starch swelling, amylose leaching , and amylopectin behaviour depending on water intake. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy revealed structural features which have never been observed by the classical cyto-techniques
Ultrastructure of Cooked Spaghetti
Several electron microscopy (EM) complementary techniques (scanning electron microscopy, freeze-fracturing and thin-sectioning) have been applied in the ultrastructural study of spaghetti.
Experimental spaghetti have been produced starting from two semolinas from the same wheat cultivar and using a low temperature (LT) and very high temperature (VHT) drying schemes.
Cooking quality of these products was not related to the quantity of the main components present in semolina. however, the drying conditions (temperature and humidity) and the nature of the cooking water greatly influenced cooking characteristics.
The three EM techniques were used to detected differences in protein and starch organization in relationship to spaghetti quality. Structural differences present in the uncooked product were more evident after cooking. in particular, in each high quality spaghetti, interesting macromolecular arrangements were always found inside starch granules. These new structures, which were dramatically promoted by VHT drying, exhibited an exceptional resistance to alpha-amylase digestion
Ultrastructural Study of Yam Tuber as Related to Postharvest Hardness
Usually, parenchyma cell walls of monocotyledons do not develop secondary walls; however a few days after harvesting, the yam tuber of Dioscorea dumetorum starts to harden. Two or three weeks Iater, hardness is so pronounced that the tubers cannot be eaten, even after a long cooking time.
Cytochemical studies using autofluorescence or some fluorescent dyes, such as phloroglucinol hydrochloride showed that the thin, and flexible cell walls of parenchyma tubers very quickly became fully lignified after harvesting. Ultrastructura 1 stud ies of the hardened ce 11 wa 11 s showed very thick secondary wa 11 s and very deep pit apertures. These secondary walls reacted strong ly with li gn in reactants such as potassium permanganate. The use of a radioactive (l \u27• C) ce llulose precursor, uri dine- 5\u27-d ipho sphateglucose, confirmed the formation of such secondary walls. The lignification started from the corners of the cells around intercellular spaces and proceeded along the walls
Pattern recognition, attention, and information bottlenecks in the primate visual system
In its evolution, the primate visual system has developed impressive capabilities for recognizing complex patterns in natural images. This process involves many stages of analysis and a variety of information processing strategies. This paper concentrates on the importance of 'information bottlenecks,' which restrict the amount of information that can be handled at different stages of analysis. These steps are crucial for reducing the overwhelming computational complexity associated with recognizing countless objects from arbitrary viewing angles, distances, and perspectives. The process of directed visual attention is an especially important information bottleneck because of its flexibility in determining how information is routed to high-level pattern recognition centers
Establishing A Continuum of Care to Improve Follow-Up Rates for Survivors of Sexual Assault
Introduction. In 2011 there were over 1000 reported sexual assaults in Vermont. Current recommendations suggest that survivors of sexual assault (survivors) receive follow- up care within two weeks after an initial Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) exam, but fewer than 15% receive documented follow-up. A published report has demonstrated increased follow-up to over 80% when appointments are scheduled prior to discharge from the emergency department (ED).https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1082/thumbnail.jp
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