12 research outputs found

    The development of magmatism along the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Evidence from teleseismic receiver functions

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    [1] The Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) in West Africa is a chain of Cenozoic volcanism with no clear age progression. The reasons for its existence are unclear, and the nature of its magmatic plumbing system is poorly understood. Specifically, whether or not the CVL crust presently contains melt and/or mafic intrusions, as is often observed at hot spots and rifts elsewhere, is presently unknown. To address this issue, we present a receiver function study of crustal structure using earthquakes recorded by the Cameroon Broadband Seismic Experiment. In regions of the CVL unaffected by Cretaceous extension associated with the breakup of Gondwana (e.g., the Garoua rift), Vp/Vs ratios are markedly low (network average ?1.74) compared to hot spots elsewhere, providing no evidence for either melt or cooled mafic crustal intrusions due to CVL magmatism. The character of P-to-S conversions from beneath the CVL also indicates that lower-crustal intrusions (often termed underplate) are not present beneath the region. Our observations thus corroborate earlier petrological studies that show CVL alkaline magmas fractionate in the mantle, not the crust, prior to eruption. Hypotheses for the formation of the CVL should not include markedly elevated upper-mantle potential temperatures, or large volumes of partial melt, both of which can explain observations at hot spots and rifts worldwide. The protracted, yet sporadic, development of small-volume alkali melts beneath the CVL may instead be explained better by lower melt volume mechanisms such as shear zone reactivation or lithospheric delamination

    The development of magmatism along the Cameroon Volcanic Line: evidence from seismicity and seismic anisotropy

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    The Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) straddles the continent-ocean boundary in West Africa but exhibits no clear age progression. This renders it difficult to explain by traditional plume/plate motion hypotheses; thus, there remains no consensus on the processes responsible for its development. To understand better the nature of asthenospheric flow beneath the CVL, and the effects of hotspot tectonism on the overlying lithosphere, we analyze mantle seismic anisotropy and seismicity. Cameroon is relatively aseismic compared to hotspots elsewhere, with little evidence for magmatism-related crustal deformation away from Mount Cameroon, which last erupted in 2000. Low crustal Vp/Vs ratios (?1.74) and a lack of evidence for seismically anisotropic aligned melt within the lithosphere both point toward a poorly developed magmatic plumbing system beneath the CVL. Null SKS splitting observations dominate the western continental portion of the CVL; elsewhere, anisotropic fast polarization directions parallel the strike of the Precambrian Central African Shear Zone (CASZ). The nulls may imply that the convecting upper mantle beneath the CVL is isotropic, or characterized by a vertically oriented olivine lattice preferred orientation fabric, perhaps due to a mantle plume or the upward limb of a small-scale convection cell. Precambrian CASZ fossil lithospheric fabrics along the CVL may have been thermomechanically eroded during Gondwana breakup ?130?Ma, with an isotropic lower lithosphere subsequently reforming due to cooling of the slow-moving African plate. Small-scale lithospheric delamination during the 30?Ma recent development of the line may also have contributed to the erosion of the CASZ lithospheric fossil anisotropy, at the same time as generating the low-volume alkaline basaltic volcanism along the CV

    De novo variants in the RNU4-2 snRNA cause a frequent neurodevelopmental syndrome

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    Around 60% of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) remain undiagnosed after comprehensive genetic testing, primarily of protein-coding genes1. Large genome-sequenced cohorts are improving our ability to discover new diagnoses in the non-coding genome. Here, we identify the non-coding RNA RNU4-2 as a syndromic NDD gene. RNU4-2 encodes the U4 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), which is a critical component of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP complex of the major spliceosome2. We identify an 18 bp region of RNU4-2 mapping to two structural elements in the U4/U6 snRNA duplex (the T-loop and Stem III) that is severely depleted of variation in the general population, but in which we identify heterozygous variants in 115 individuals with NDD. Most individuals (77.4%) have the same highly recurrent single base insertion (n.64_65insT). In 54 individuals where it could be determined, the de novo variants were all on the maternal allele. We demonstrate that RNU4-2 is highly expressed in the developing human brain, in contrast to RNU4-1 and other U4 homologs. Using RNA-sequencing, we show how 5’ splice site usage is systematically disrupted in individuals with RNU4-2 variants, consistent with the known role of this region during spliceosome activation. Finally, we estimate that variants in this 18 bp region explain 0.4% of individuals with NDD. This work underscores the importance of non-coding genes in rare disorders and will provide a diagnosis to thousands of individuals with NDD worldwide

    The Endothelium in Health and Disease-A Target for Therapeutic Intervention.

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    Calorimetry triggering in ATLAS

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    International audienceThe ATLAS experiment is preparing for data taking at 14 TeV collision energy. A rich discovery physics program is being prepared in addition to the detailed study of Standard Model processes which will be produced in abundance. The ATLAS multi-level trigger system is designed to accept one event in 2 · 105 to enable the selection of rare and unusual physics events. The ATLAS calorimeter system is a precise instrument, which includes liquid Argon electro-magnetic and hadronic components as well as a scintillator-tile hadronic calorimeter. All these components are used in the various levels of the trigger system. A wide physics coverage is ensured by inclusively selecting events with candidate electrons, photons, taus, jets or those with large missing transverse energy. The commissioning of the trigger system is being performed with cosmic ray events and by replaying simulated Monte Carlo events through the trigger and data acquisition system