15 research outputs found

    A critical analysis and validation of the accuracy of wave overtopping prediction formulae for OWECs

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    The development of wave energy devices is growing in recent years. One type of device is the overtopping wave energy converter (OWEC), for which the knowledge of the wave overtopping rates is a basic and crucial aspect in their design. In particular, the most interesting range to study is for OWECs with steep slopes to vertical walls, and with very small freeboards and zero freeboards where the overtopping rate is maximized, and which can be generalized as steep low-crested structures. Recently, wave overtopping prediction formulae have been published for this type of structures, although their accuracy has not been fully assessed, as the overtopping data available in this range is scarce. We performed a critical analysis of the overtopping prediction formulae for steep low-crested structures and the validation of the accuracy of these formulae, based on new overtopping data for steep low-crested structures obtained at Ghent University. This paper summarizes the existing knowledge about average wave overtopping, describes the physical model tests performed, analyses the results and compares them to existing prediction formulae. The new dataset extends the wave overtopping data towards vertical walls and zero freeboard structures. In general, the new dataset validated the more recent overtopping formulae focused on steep slopes with small freeboards, although the formulae are underpredicting the average overtopping rates for very small and zero relative crest freeboards

    High-resolution, large-scale laboratory measurements of a sandy beach and dynamic cobble berm revetment

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    High quality laboratory measurements of nearshore waves and morphology change at, or near prototype-scale are essential to support new understanding of coastal processes and enable the development and validation of predictive models. The DynaRev experiment was completed at the GWK large wave flume over 8 weeks during 2017 to investigate the response of a sandy beach to water level rise and varying wave conditions with and without a dynamic cobble berm revetment, as well as the resilience of the revetment itself. A large array of instrumentation was used throughout the experiment to capture: (1) wave transformation from intermediate water depths to the runup limit at high spatio-temporal resolution, (2) beach profile change including wave-by-wave changes in the swash zone, (3) detailed hydro and morphodynamic measurements around a developing and a translating sandbar.</p

    A new average wave overtopping prediction formula with improved accuracy for smooth steep low-crested structures

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    Wave overtopping is a key process in coastal protection and its assessment defines the design of the sea defence structures. An existing knowledge gap in wave overtopping prediction is identified for steep low-crested structures, i.e., structures with steep slopes up to the limit case of vertical structures, with small relative freeboards down to the limit case of zero freeboards. This type of structure is increasingly relevant in a sea level rise context due to climate change. Additionally, steep low-crested structures are also of interest when used as overtopping wave energy converters. To cover the identified knowledge gap, more than 900 2D hydraulic model tests have been performed in the wave flume of the Department of Civil Engineering at Ghent University. Wave conditions and the overtopping performance have been measured. After analysing the average overtopping rates of the new tests, we found that there is a lack of accuracy of the recommended EurOtop 2018 manual overtopping prediction formulae for steep low-crested structures. Based on the new tests, a new average overtopping prediction formula for steep low-crested structures is obtained. This formula improves the prediction accuracy of the average overtopping rates for steep low-crested structures with respect to the recommended predictions in the EurOtop 2018 manual by reducing the RMSE by 35% for zero freeboards, by 16% for very small relative freeboards, by 31% for very steep slopes and by 24% for vertical structures. The accuracy of the EurOtop 2018 manual for other structural is maintained