24 research outputs found

    Использование методологии SAR для идентификации аллелохемиков пресноводных макрофитов с высоким антицианобактериальным эффектом в отношении планктонных цианобактерий

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    Controlling harmful cyanobacterial “blooms” through developing a new generation of algaecides based on allelochemical substances is a challenge facing modern aquatic ecology and biotechnology. The present article is devoted to the use of the SAR (Structure-Activity-Relationship) information technology to identify allelochemicals from aquatic macrophytes (floating-leaved Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. and several species of submerged macrophytes: Ceratophyllum demersum L., Myriophyllum spicatum L., Elodea canadensis Michx, and species of the genus Potamogeton) effective against planktonic cyanobacteria. Detection and identification of compounds were performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances) computer program has been applied to predict biological activity spectra of the major components of macrophyte metabolomes and discover their ecological potential against cyanobacteria. A study of the biological activities of major low-molecular-weight organic compounds showed that monocarboxylic acids, gallic acid, cis‑6-octadecenoic acid, cis‑9-octadecenoic acid, palmitoleic acid, linolenic acid, and 9-cis‑12-cis-linoleic acid are the most promising compounds for the experimental verification and creation of nature-like algaecides of a new generation. PASS predictions were successfully compared to the available information on the biological activity of those compounds and confirmed experimentally. The present study shows that some organic acids significantly inhibit the growth of Synechocystis aquatilis Sauvageau and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Bornet and Flahault and can be used as algaecides for suppression of cyanobacteria. The inhibitory effect of the combined mixture of these allelochemicals is stronger than the effect of each individual component, suggesting that there are various mechanisms of cyanobacterial growth inhibitionПроблема борьбы с опасными цианобактериальными «цветениями» посредством разработки нового поколения альгицидов, основанных на аллелохемиках растений, актуальна на современной стадии развития водной экологии и биотехнологии. Статья посвящена использованию информационной технологии SAR (cвязь структура – активность) для выявления эффективных аллелохемиков водных макрофитов (с плавающими листьями – Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., и нескольких видов погруженных макрофитов: Ceratophyllum demersum L., Myriophyllum spicatum L., Elodea canadensis Michx и виды рода Potamogeton) против планктонных цианобактерий. Обнаружение и идентификацию соединений проводили с использованием метода газовой хромато-масс- спектрометрии. Компьютерная программа PASS (прогнозирование спектров активности для веществ) была применена для прогнозирования спектров биологической активности мажорных компонентов метаболома макрофитов, чтобы обнаружить их экологический потенциал против цианобактерий. Изучение биологической активности основных низкомолекулярных органических соединений показало, что монокарбоновые кислоты, галловая кислота, цис‑6-октадеценовая кислота, цис‑9-октадеценовая кислота, пальмитолеиновая кислота, линоленовая кислота и 9-цис‑12- цис-линолевая кислота являются наиболее перспективными соединениями для экспериментальной проверки и создания природоподобных альгицидов нового поколения. Прогнозные оценки PASS были успешно сопоставлены с доступной информацией о биологической активности этих соединений, а также подтверждены экспериментально. Было показано, что некоторые жирные кислоты значительно ингибировали рост Synechocystis aquatilis Sauvageau и Aphanizomenon flos-aque Ralfs ex Bornet and Flahault и могут использоваться в качестве альгицидов для подавления цианобактерий. Поскольку ингибирующий эффект комбинированной смеси аллелохемиков был сильнее, чем у отдельных компонентов, имеются основания предполагать, что существуют различные механизмы ингибирования роста цианобактери

    Digital Footprint in the Educational Environment as a Regulator of Student Vocational Guidance to the Teaching Profession

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    В статье рассматривается проблема совершенствования профориентации студентов педагогического вуза на всех этапах их теоретического и практического обучения на основе исследования цифрового следа в образовании. Целью статьи является описание подходов к анализу цифрового следа студента в цифровой образовательной среде вуза и внешних ресурсах для управления его профориентацией и педагогической направленностью. Для достижения данной цели проводится обзор отечественной и зарубежной научной литературы, рассматриваются научные исследования по проблемам сбора, анализа и интерпретирования данных цифрового следа студентов и профориентации будущих педагогов. Более того, в статье намечаются предварительные корректировки понятия профориентации в условиях погружения учебно-воспитательного процесса в цифровую образовательную среду с учетом развития мотивации и педагогической направленности обучаемых. Авторы анализируют возможность применения технологии фиксации и интерпретации различных цифровых данных, отражающих результаты образовательной деятельности студентов, в процессе поэтапного развития их профориентации на основе актуализации педагогической направленности. В результате авторы статьи пришли к выводу, что применение данных цифрового следа позволит вывести на новый качественный уровень процесс непрерывного формирования профориентации обучаемых на педагогическую профессию путем регулирования педагогической направленности будущих педагогов, выявлять направления развития их профессиональных интересов и мотивов с целью индивидуализации профессиональной подготовки. Намечена структура профиля «Профориентация» при разработке личного кабинета студента педагогического вузаThe article is devoted to the digital footprint in education as a method of improving the career guidance of students of pedagogical higher education at all stages of their theoretical and practical training. The article discusses approaches to students’ career guidance and pedagogical orientation based on the analysis of their digital footprint in the learning environment and external resources. The review of researches in collecting, analysing and interpreting students’ digital footprint and in career guidance of future teachers is provided. Moreover, the article outlines preliminary adjustments to the concept of vocational guidance to the teaching profession in a digital learning environment. The authors analyse the possibility of using the technology of fixing and interpreting various digital data to manage the process of gradual development of career guidance grounded in the actualization of pedagogical orientation. As a result, the authors conclude that the use of digital footprint brings the process of students’ vocational guidance to the teaching profession to a new quality level by regulating the pedagogical orientation of future teachers and identifies areas of their professional interests and motives in order to individualize professional training. The practical result is a section «Vocational guidance» in the personal account of the pedagogical university studen

    Factors associated with abnormal cardio-ankle vascular index in patients with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine the phenotypic and genetic characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with different responses to treatment with metformin (MF) in the Novosibirsk region.  Materials and methods: We examined 460 patients with T2DM in the Novosibirsk region. Patients were divided into groups according to their HbA1c level: patients who achieved the target HbA1c level during MF therapy (n = 209) and those who did not reach the target HbA1c level (n=251). Genotyping of ATM (rs11212617) was performed using polymerase chain reaction by TaqMan.  Results: Patients who achieved the target HbA1c level during MF treatment (good response) were older (61. 1±9. 1 years vs. 57. 4±8. 4 years, p=0. 001), had later onset of diabetes (54. 6 ± 10. 1 years vs. 49. 2±8. 5 years, p = 0. 0001) and shorter duration of diabetes (6. 5±5. 9 years vs. 8. 2±6. 1 years, p=0. 03) compared with those who did not achieve the target HbA1c level. There was no statistically significant association between ATM rs11212617 and achieving the target HbA1c level among all patients [odds ratio (OR)=0. 94, 95% confidence interval = (0. 73–1. 23), p=0. 67] or those with MF monotherapy [OR=0. 90, (0. 65–1. 25), p=0. 54] or combination therapy [OR=1. 02, (0. 72–1. 43), p=0. 92]. There was an effect of age on response to MF therapy in all three groups (all patients: p=0. 001, MF monotherapy group: p=0. 04, combination therapy group: p=0. 0009). In the MF monotherapy group, low dose MF was associated with a good response (p=0. 03), and in the combination therapy group, males were more likely to have a good response (p=0. 003). Patients with genotype C/C or A/C for ATM (rs11212617) compared with those with genotype A/A were more likely to have high levels of triglycerides [2. 33 (1. 52–4. 2) mmol/l, 2. 09 (1. 35–3. 0) mmol/l and 1. 99 (1. 49–3. 21) mmol/l, respectively, p=0. 001], coronary heart disease (CHD) (13. 4%, 13. 4% and 9. 6%, respectively, p=0. 009) and myocardial infarction (7. 8%, 3. 2% and 4. 0%, respectively, p=0. 001).  Conclusion: Patients with T2DM who had a good response to MF therapy were older, more likely to be male and had a later onset of T2DM. Genotype C/C for ATM rs11212617 was associated with high triglycerides, CHD and myocardial infarction. ATM rs11212617 was not associated with response to MF therapy in the Novosibirsk region

    Physicochemical and functional properties of Cucurbita maxima pumpkin pectin and commercial citrus and apple pectins: A comparative evaluation.

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    The physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima D. var. Cabello de Ángel) pectin obtained by cavitation facilitated extraction from pumpkin pulp have been evaluated and compared with commercial citrus and apple pectins. C. maxima pectin had an Mw value of 90 kDa and a high degree (72%) of esterification. The cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of citrus, apple and pumpkin pectin samples with different concentrations were studied in vitro in cell lines HT-29 (human colon adenocarcinoma) and MDCK1 (canine kidney epithelium). All pectin samples exhibited cytoprotective effect in HT-29 and MDCK1 cells after incubation with toxic concentrations of cadmium and mercury for 4 h. Pumpkin pectin increased the proliferation of cadmium-treated MDCK1 cells by 210%. The studied pectins also inhibited oxidative stress induced by 2,2'-azobis(2-methylpropionamidine) dihydrochloride (AAPH) in cell cultures, as determined by measuring the production of intracellular reactive species using dihydrochlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA). Pectin from pumpkin pomace had the highest (p < 0.05) protective effect against reactive oxygen species generation in MDCK1 cells induced by AAPH. Distinctive features of pumpkin pectin were highly branched RG-I regions, the presence of RG-II regions and the highest galacturonic acid content among the studied samples of pectins. This correlates with a considerable protective effect of C. maxima pectin against oxidative stress and cytotoxicity induced by heavy metal ions. Thus, C. maxima pectin can be considered as a source of new functional foods of agricultural origin

    Mold Alkaloid Cytochalasin D Modifies the Morphology and Secretion of fMLP-, LPS-, or PMA-Stimulated Neutrophils upon Adhesion to Fibronectin

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    Neutrophils play an essential role in innate immunity due to their ability to migrate into infected tissues and kill microbes with bactericides located in their secretory granules. Neutrophil transmigration and degranulation are tightly regulated by actin cytoskeleton. Invading pathogens produce alkaloids that cause the depolymerization of actin, such as the mold alkaloid cytochalasin D. We studied the effect of cytochalasin D on the morphology and secretion of fMLP-, LPS-, or PMA-stimulated human neutrophils upon adhesion to fibronectin. Electron microscopy showed that the morphology of the neutrophils adherent to fibronectin in the presence of various stimuli differed. But in the presence of cytochalasin D, all stimulated neutrophils exhibited a uniform nonspread shape and developed thread-like membrane tubulovesicular extensions (cytonemes) measuring 200 nm in diameter. Simultaneous detection of neutrophil secretory products by mass spectrometry showed that all tested stimuli caused the secretion of MMP-9, a key enzyme in the neutrophil migration. Cytochalasin D impaired the MMP-9 secretion but initiated the release of cathepsin G and other granular bactericides, proinflammatory agents. The release of bactericides apparently occurs through the formation, shedding, and lysis of cytonemes. The production of alkaloids which modify neutrophil responses to stimulation via actin depolymerization may be part of the strategy of pathogen invasion