36 research outputs found

    Raynaud’s phenomenon in the endocrinologist’s practice

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    Raynaud’s phenomenon or syndrome (RS) is an episodic attacks of transient digital ischemia resulting from vasospasm of the digital artery, precapillary arterioles, and skin arteriovenous shunts in response to exposure to cold temperature or emotional stress. Prevalence averages 3–5%. The high prevalence of RS in the population, as well as the frequent association with other, often life-threatening, diseases and conditions, determines its clinical significance. In 80–90% of cases, RS is idiopathic. It is assumed that the spasmodic reactivity of the vessels is caused by a violation of the central and local dysregulation of vascular tone. The most important role is played by vascular endothelial, intravascular and neuronal disorders. In at least 10% of cases, this is a secondary phenomenon. Most often, RS is associated with systemic rheumatic diseases. Along with this, endocrine diseases can develop, including those affected by the pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, and diabetes mellitus. In some cases, RS may be the only symptom of endocrine pathology. In general, SR is a condition with a favorable outlook and a stable course. The most informative instrumental method for the differential diagnosis of primary and secondary syndrome is the capillaroscopy of the nail bed

    The prevalence of hypogonadism in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus in clinical practice

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    BACKGROUND: Hypogonadism is a common complication in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), but its prevalence remains unknown. AIMS: To estimate the prevalence of hypogonadism in men with type 2 DM. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male patients with type 2 DM were enrolled into a single-cohort contemporaneous multicenter non-interventional screening study. The study period was from November 2017 through August 2018. Assessments included total testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), sex hormone-binding globulin, HbA1c levels. Levels of free testosterone were calculated by Vermeullen method. RESULTS: TheThe median of age of 400 included men was 56 years [51; 58], total testosterone was 12.3 [9.2; 16.5] nmol/l, free testosterone – 270 [217; 334] pmol/l, HbA1c – 7,1% [6.1; 8.6]. Hypogonadism was found in 135 men (33.7%). The total testosterone level in that group was 7.9 [6.8; 9.8] nmol/l, and free testosterone – 192 [164; 227] pmol/l. In hypogonadism-free men their levels were 15,1 [12,4; 18,6] nmol/l and 311 [270; 364] pmol/l, respectively. In most patients with hypogonadism LH level was low, but within normal ranges, and significantly lower than in men without hypogonadism – 3.2 [2.1; 4.7] IU/L vs 3.8 [2.7; 4.9] IU/L, respectively (p=0.007). Most commonly hypogonadism was with normal LH levels (92,6%, median LH level 3.2 [2.2; 4.3] IU/L, p<0,001). The frequency of hypogonadism with high LH level (10.2 [9.2; 14.7] IU/L) and low LH level (1.0 [0.6; 1.1] IU/L) was 4.4% and 3.0%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of hypogonadism in men with type 2 DM was found to be 33.7%. Normal levels of LH are typical for this type of patients with hypogonadism

    Joint and muscle involvement in primary hyperparathyroidism

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    In addition to the classical symptoms such as osteoporosis, renal stones and gastric ulcers primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) could be presented with non-classical manifestations, including muscle and joint pathology. Moreover, in some cases the articular and neuromuscular impairment might be the main signs of the disease. Despite the long research history the true prevalence of these PHPT complications remains unknown. Discrepancies in studies results may be due the non-specific and different symptoms that patients complain about, various study design, uncorrected comorbid conditions, the different PHPT populations, a wide methods variety in the assessment of neuromuscular and articular involvement. However, the underestimated muscle dysfunction and joint damage can lead to decreased quality of life and disability, primarily from fragility fractures. In the majority of the studies parathyroidectomy improved muscle strength, but there is no clear results for articular manifestations. Basic research and large randomized control trials are limited. The main goal of this review is to summarize currently available data on muscle and joint involvement in patients with PHPT

    First description of a type v osteogenesis imperfecta clinical case with severe skeletal deformities caused by a mutation p.119C> T in IFITM5 gene in Russia

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a hereditary connective tissue disorder. Main clinical manifestations include recurring pathological fractures and progressive skeletal deformation. Five types of OI are distinguished based on clinical symptoms. In most cases, the disease is caused by mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, leading to a defect of type 1 collagen synthesis, which is the main component of the bone matrix. Up to 5% of patients with OI have a mutation in IFITM5 gene, which leads to the development of OI type V. Approximately 150 cases of the OI type V are described in the literature, and mutation c.-14C T in IFITM5 gene is found in most of the cases. Only 5 patients have a c.119C T: p.S40L.mutation. Pathogenesis of OI type V is not fully understood. It is assumed that mutations in the IFITM5 gene cause impaired osteoblastogenesis, decreased bone mineral density and multiple low-traumatic fractures. There is probably a phenotype-genotypic correlation in cases with different mutations of the IFITM5. However, it is currently difficult to assess the relationship in view of the variability of the characters and the low prevalence of the OI type V. We present the first description in Russia of the clinical case of an adult patient with OI type V due to a rare mutation p.119C T: p.S40L in the IFITM5 gene

    Hormonal status and the orexin system in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    The aim of research was to estimate the influence of hormone metabolism and sleep apnea on patients with obesity. 76 patients (37 males and 39 females) with obesity were included in this study. After night polysomnography all patients were divided in two groups comparableby age, sex ratio and BMI. The first group consisted of 41 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), the second (controls) – 35 patients without breath disorders during sleep. OSAS is accompanied by the increase in urinary cortisol during the night, high levels ofbasal insulin, disturbances of hepatic production of IGF-1, dysfunction of the pituitary-gonadal axis. Our results show that sleep-related breathing disorders render markedly and negatively affect on hormonal parameters of patients with obesity. As a reliable difference of basalsecretion of orexin A in obese patients with and without OSAS was not revealed (42,0 [14; 99,5] vs. 18,0 [14,5; 124,5] pg/ml; р=0,9), we were not able to show the existence that the existence of OSAS is followed by any special changes of activity of the orexin system

    Phenotype Fingerprinting Suggests the Involvement of Single-Genotype Consortia in Degradation of Aromatic Compounds by Rhodopseudomonas palustris

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    Anaerobic degradation of complex organic compounds by microorganisms is crucial for development of innovative biotechnologies for bioethanol production and for efficient degradation of environmental pollutants. In natural environments, the degradation is usually accomplished by syntrophic consortia comprised of different bacterial species. This strategy allows consortium organisms to reduce efforts required for maintenance of the redox homeostasis at each syntrophic level. Cellular mechanisms that maintain the redox homeostasis during the degradation of aromatic compounds by one organism are not fully understood. Here we present a hypothesis that the metabolically versatile phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris forms its own syntrophic consortia, when it grows anaerobically on p-coumarate or benzoate as a sole carbon source. We have revealed the consortia from large-scale measurements of mRNA and protein expressions under p-coumarate, benzoate and succinate degrading conditions using a novel computational approach referred as phenotype fingerprinting. In this approach, marker genes for known R. palustris phenotypes are employed to determine the relative expression levels of genes and proteins in aromatics versus non-aromatics degrading condition. Subpopulations of the consortia are inferred from the expression of phenotypes and known metabolic modes of the R. palustris growth. We find that p-coumarate degrading conditions may lead to at least three R. palustris subpopulations utilizing p-coumarate, benzoate, and CO2 and H2. Benzoate degrading conditions may also produce at least three subpopulations utilizing benzoate, CO2 and H2, and N2 and formate. Communication among syntrophs and inter-syntrophic dynamics in each consortium are indicated by up-regulation of transporters and genes involved in the curli formation and chemotaxis. The N2-fixing subpopulation in the benzoate degrading consortium has preferential activation of the vanadium nitrogenase over the molybdenum nitrogenase. This subpopulation in the consortium was confirmed in an independent experiment by consumption of dissolved nitrogen gas under the benzoate degrading conditions

    Repetition of the passed or new opportunities? Comments on Duntas L. New aspects of an old dilemma: treatment of hypothyroidism with L-thyroxine combined with L-triiodothyronine

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    This article is for comments and comprehensive discussion on relatively published review New aspects of an old dilemma: treatment of hypothyroidism with L-thyroxine combined with L-triiodothyronine by L. Duntas

    What prevents passing the law about prevention of iodine deficiency disorders in the country with iodine deficiency?

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    This time, the traditional column “De Gustibus” was prepared by three authors who began writing fragments of this article in late January – early February this year, once again discussing position of various departments and individuals about the development and adoption of the federal law “Prevention of iodine deficiency disorders in Russian Federation”. The fate of this unfortunate and necessary law reveals the shortcomings of education, culture, the level of scientific research, the state of prevention of non-communicable diseases, the social responsibility of business and many other problems that exist in our society. Self-interest and absurdity can become a downfall in which once again this necessary law will disappear

    Iatrogenic lesions of the skeleton

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    Osteoporotic fractures are an important public health problem due to their negative impact on the quality of life and life expectancy, as well as high cost of treatment and rehabilitation. Along with the major risk factors for osteoporotic fractures, such as low bone mineral density (BMD), age, low body weight, frequent falls and previous fractures, an important secondary risk factor, especially among susceptible individuals, is taking certain medications. The difficulty in assessing fracture risk when taking various drugs, as well as the development of appropriate methods of prevention and treatment, is often due to the absence of large randomized trials with a sufficient level of evidence, as well as the heterogeneity of the main risk factors for fractures in studied groups of patients. We focus on the main groups of drugs for which there is evidence of a negative impact on bone metabolism, BMD and fracture risk. In addition to drugs, bone metabolism is also influenced by bariatric surgery, transplantation of solid organs, gonadectomy for various diseases