10 research outputs found

    Ideological grounds determination in Latin American history and culture

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    The relevance of the problem under study is conditioned by the importance of the Mexican scientist, philosopher, historian of culture and a public figure Leopoldo Zea and his scientific heritage for the world Latin American studies. The article is aimed at main ideological grounds determination for his unique methodological approach to the history and the culture of Latin America. An important element of this publication is the systematization of scattered historiographic information devoted to the reconstruction and the study of the scientific concept by Leopoldo Zea. The practical importance of the methodological approach by Leopoldo Zea should be noted especially. The methodology developed by him turned out to be applicable to historical and cultural studies of non-European regions of the world. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the interdisciplinary approach, in which the main research method - the method of comparative analysis aimed at the revealing of the author's methodology general grounds by Leopoldo Zea with the well-known Western European methodologies of the second half of the 20th century and his own methodological innovations. The main results of the article are represented by an integrated approach to research problems. The materials of the article can be useful to develop the lecture materials for the students studying a wide range of social-humanitarian educational programs during the selection of the methodological approach in anthropological, historical, cultural, artistic, scientific and philosophical research.peer-reviewe

    Regional problems in the North-East Africa

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    This paper deals with the analysis of the regional security problems in the North-East Africa. The author refers in the introduction to the colonial past of the African continent, when the territory of African countries was arbitrarily divided between the major colonial powers. After the Second World War as a result of raising the national liberation movement the African peoples gained independence, but the colonial past has left its imprint on the new independent states in the form of a series of armed conflicts, upon which the author dwells in the main part. The author pays major attention to the conflicts in the North-East Africa, particularly, in the Horn of Africa. The author exhaustively covers the main causes of African conflicts such as the colonial past of these countries, arbitrarily set boundaries, as a result of which many of African nations were divided, as well as difficult post-colonial national-state development, and the active intervention of external forces. The conflicts in Somalia, Sudan, inter-state conflicts between Ethiopia and Somalia and between Ethiopia and Eritrea have been considered. There have been distinguished regional and international organizations, which in prospect should assume the responsibility for the maintenance of regional security.peer-reviewe

    Livonian source information about Tatars

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    Relevance of the issue under study is caused by the necessity to expand the source of study database of the history and culture of Tatars of the 13th - 16th cent. The purpose of the article lies in revealing the data about Tatars in the Livonian written sources of the XIII – XVI cent. The main approach to the study of this issue is the problematic chronological approach. Main results of the study lay in the expansion and addition of the information on history and culture of the Ulus of Jochi (The Golden Horde) and of Tatar states – her heirs. There are selected main groups of Livonian written sources. Materials may be useful for researchers of the Mongol Empire, the Golden Horde, the Tatar khanates of Eastern Europe.peer-reviewe

    Livestock motifs in Tatar tales

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    Cattle breeding had a huge impact on the traditional worldview system and the views of Tatars. It is an ancient branch of Turkic-speaking people economy. The attitude towards a horse is distinguished particularly. Like many Turkic peoples in the Tatars' economy, it occupies the main place and performs the functions of labor and transport, guaranteeing the reliability of life communications, serves as the most important factor of family well-being, provides nutritious high-calorie food, provides leather, hair and tendons in Tatar economy like among numerous Turkic peoples. At the same time, a horse was worshiped, proud of, it was considered as the property of the Tatar family. Tatars still have the echoes of ancient beliefs of nomadic culture concerning the horse cult. It is particularly pronounced in folklore. Mythical white horse "акбүз ат" is one of the most active artistic images of folk lyrical songs, magical and adventurous tales, dastans. In the conspiratorial - spellcasting tradition and in occasional ceremonies, the mane and the tails of horses are still used, which, according to the Tatars, protect from evil spirits, demons and dangers. An old horseshoe, which, according to the Tatars, does not let the impure force into a house, hammered to the threshold of an entrance door of a residential building, continues to perform its protective function. There is a lot of such examples related with the traditions of domestic cattle breeding. But, unfortunately, these phenomena are practically not studied in the Tatar folklore studies. Taking into account this fact, the authors will try to reveal the mechanisms of viability of the pastoral traditions among the Tatars, expressed in folkloric phenomena, in our case in the Tatar folk tales for the first time within the framework of this article. Due to the limited amount of this article, we will focus only on the image of a horse.peer-reviewe

    Gender modernization or cultural deformation

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    The article is devoted to social-cultural transformations in the Russian village, mediated by the modernization processes caused by the participation of Russia in the Great War. The militarization of industry and the mobilization of the rear led to the need to involve women in the production process. This, in its turn, stimulated the increase of the woman authority in traditional social structures. These processes, characteristic of the whole country, affected, among other things, the Muslim settlements of the Middle Volga region. The First World War was a serious social-cultural challenge for the Islamic social enclaves, which experienced a cultural shock in 1916 caused by the influx of carriers of other forms of culture, represented by disabled people, wounded and soldiers on leave, as well as the refugees and evacuees. The obvious result of this cultural expansion was the public and the widespread use of self-made alcoholic beverages at Sabantuy in 1916. This kind of modernization process, characteristic of the broad stratum of the population, has come into some contradiction with the movement of cultural woman emancipation, which in the early 20th century was spread among enlightened Muslims. Ultimately, following the Second Russian Troubles, the conflict between enlightened Islam and the people's modernizations was removed, as the result of the Bolsheviks victory and a radical change in the political and social-cultural situation in the country.peer-reviewe

    Historical and cultural heritage as a factor for the tourist development of a city

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    The article considers the influence of historical and cultural heritage preservation on the development of the tourist potential of Kazan. Today, the protection of cultural heritage is one of the state priorities. The Republic of Tatarstan is distinguished by a rich cultural heritage. Multicultural and multi-confessional nature are present on this land traditionally. The capital of the republic - the city of Kazan - is visited annually by millions of tourists. The authors pay a special attention to the most visited tourist sites of the city: the museum-reserve "Kazan Kremlin", the Old-Tatar Sloboda, the Kazan Bogoroditsky Monastery and the historical center. In recent years, full-scale works have been carried out in the field of cultural heritage preservation, in particular on designated sites, whose results are now witnessed by the residents and the tourists of Kazan. In order to popularize the cultural heritage and attract the tourists to the city, Kazan museums conduct an active exhibition, methodical, publishing and other activities. All necessary infrastructure for the reception of tourists is created in the historical center of the city: hotels, food and specialized trade places. The cultural heritage of the city and modern tourist realities do not contradict, but complement each other harmoniously.peer-reviewe

    Dialogue of cultures : concept in Russian humanities

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    The urgency of the problem under study is caused by the lack of a common opinion in the scientific social and humanitarian community about the content of "culture dialogue" concept and the interdisciplinary status of cultural research. The article is aimed at the revealing of the variety of used terms identical to "culture dialogue" and the presentation of a possible classification of values that are laid down in this term depending on the research problem. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the poly-paradigmatic approach, in which the main research method is the comparative analysis method, aimed at the comparison of existing definitions, the determination of their common and specific base components. The main results of the article represent the approaches to the definition of "culture dialogue" existing in the Russian humanitarian field. The materials of the article can be useful to develop the lecture materials for the students studying a wide range of social humanitarian educational programs, during the selection of a methodological approach in anthropological, historical, cultural, artistic, scientific and philosophical studies.peer-reviewe

    Intercultural communication experience

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    The urgency of the problem under study lies in the fact that the problems of intercultural communication of the peoples of Russia, which were on the agenda during the ХIХth - early XXth centuries, did not lose their relevance in the 21st century. The Volga-Ural region with its multinational and multi-confessional population is of special interest in this respect. The article reveals the significance of the cultural and historical experience of Islamic and Christian culture interaction in the Volga region and the Urals as the most important basis for the development of tolerant relations and the confirmation of the dialogue of cultures at the present stage. It is also stressed that intercultural exchange is the best way to harmonize ethnic-confessional relations. Attention is paid to the theory of intercultural dialogue by N.S. Trubetskoy. The fruitfulness of Trubetskoy's ideas for the development of intercultural dialogue ideas is marked by modern scientists and politicians. The purpose of the article is to show the development of interethnic and interconfessional dialogue of the Volga-Ural region peoples in the process of communication at the household level and in the sphere of education.peer-reviewe


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    Purpose: The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need for deep studying of the history of Russian economic science at the end of XIX – the beginning of the 20th century. It is possible to reach a result only through research of certain representatives’ heritage. A.I. Chuprov's activity was aimed at studying a number of questions of economic and social development of Russia. The important place was given to issues of country community reforming. A.I. Chuprov belonged to a number of consecutive opponents of the agrarian reform undertaken by P.A. Stolypin. The concept of country community development presented in the works of A.I. Chuprov is explained in the paper. Methodology: The leading methods of the research are the system analysis that has allowed submitting A.I. Chuprov’s communal concept and also the dialectic method opening his logic of interrelation of economic views and public beliefs. Result: The main results of the article allow presenting A.I. Chuprov's views of agrarian reform at the beginning of the 20th century and a way of modernization of social and economic situation in a village. Materials of the article can be used during the formation of lecture courses for students studying a wide range of socio-humanistic educational programs. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Country Community of Russia in A.I. Chupro's Works are presented in a comprehensive and complete manner