6 research outputs found

    Catalytic Cracking of Crude Palm Oil Using Ni-Carbon with Ion Exchange Method

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    According to data from the National Energy Council (DEN) (2016), the energy consumption in Indonesia is increasing every year and will increase 1.8 times in 2025, this requires an alternative energy to back up the energy needs. One such alternative energy strategy is to use biodiesel. Biodiesel can be obtained from Crude Palm Oil using a catalytic cracking process. This study investigated the cracking of Crude Palm Oil using Ni-carbon with ion exchange method. The concentration of the metal solution used was 1, 2 and 3%, with temperature 450, 500 and 550 ° C. The catalyst was analyzed by XRD and showed that the highest pattern at 25.6º on 2% solution. The catalyst characterized by SEM-EDX showed that the nickel metal bonded to the 1, 2, and 3% Ni-Charcoal catalysts was 02.01, 1.13 and 2.09%, respectively and the average of catalytic cracking product conversion at concentrations of 1, 2and 3% was 62.55, 66.52 and 56.50%, respectively

    Pelatihan Pembangunan Rumah Ramah Lingkungan di Tinjau Dari Aspek Pemanfaatan Cahaya Alami di Desa Nyogan

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    Pada saat ini, pengembangan perumahan bahkan telah menjadi fokus pemerintah dengan hadirnya perumahan subsidi. Namun, pendirian rumah tempat tinggal yang berkembang saat ini hanya berfokus kepada aspek pembiayaan dan keindahan semata, tanpa adanya peninjauan dari aspek lainnya. Kondisi lingkungan sekitar dan iklim (sirkulasi udara dan penerangan alami) merupakan beberapa aspek yang sering diabaikan. Terbatasnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai hal ini merupakan penyebab utama dari tidak adanya pertimbangan aspek pencahayaan alami dalam hal membangun rumah. Aspek ini sendiri merupakan salah satu aspek yang dinilai penting dalam membangun rumah ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan pencahayaan dari sinar matahari, akan mampu mengurangi konsumsi energi listrik yang nanti akan berdampak pada efisiensi biaya dan guna menjaga kelestarian lingkungan sekitar. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pelatihan dan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat khususnya di desa Nyogan kecamatan Mestong Kabupaten Muaro Jambi tentang pemanfaatan pencahayaan alami dalam desain bangunan rumah tinggal ramah lingkungan. Kondisi eksisting di desa Nyogan ini juga sering mengalami mati lampu bisa selama 2 hari, tentunya dengan kondisi seperti ini sangat membutuhkan penerangan alami baik pada siang maupun sore hari. Pelatihan dihadiri beberapa perangkat desa pada bidang infrastruktur, masyarakat berprofesi tukang dan masyarakat biasa dengan dibekali buku saku yang berisikan pedoman pembangunan rumah ramah lingkungan daitinjau dari aspek pemanfaatan cahaya alami. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat telah meningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang rumah ramah lingkungan dan juga meningkatkan minat masyarakat untuk membuat rumah ramah lingkunga

    Pra Rancang Pabrik Pembuatan Asam Sulfat dari Sulfur, Oksigen, dan Air Menggunakan Proses Kontak dengan Kapasitas 160.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Pabrik pembuatan asam sulfat ini direncanakan berlokasi di daerah Prambonwetan, Jawa Timur dengan area luas 3,8 ha dengan kapasitas 160.000 ton/tahun. Proses pembuatan Asam Sulfat menggunakan bahan baku dari Sulfur, Oksigen dan Air dengan bantuan Vanadium Pentoksida sebagai katalis. Reaksi berlangsung di dalam Burner (B-01) sebagai pembentukan Sulfur Dioksida pada suhu 1000 oC dan tekanan 1 atm. Selanjutnya reaksi berlansung di dalam dua jenis reaktor yaitu Continuous Stirred Tank Reaktor (R-02) sebagai pembentukan Asam Sulfat pada suhu 80oC dan tekanan 1 atm. Sedangkan reaktor Fixed Bed Multibed (R-01) tersusun atas 4 buah bed sebagai pembentukan Sulfur Trioksida dengan suhu masing-masing 450oC, 440oC, 425oC, dan 405oC pada tekanan 1 atm. Perusahaan berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas (PT) yang dipimpin oleh seorang Direktur Utama. Sistem organisasi perusahaan adalah line and stuff dengan total karyawan 210 orang. Hasil analisa ekonomi dari prarancang pabrik pembuatan Asam Sulfat ini adalah Biaya Produksi sebesar US 2.711.778.745,5753,HasilPenjualansebesarUS 2.711.778.745,5753, Hasil Penjualan sebesar US 3.947.629.377,3979, Annual Cash Flow sebesar US $ 811.552.893,4923, Pay Out time selama 3 tahun, Break Even Point 36,4319 %, Service Life 11 tahun

    Modelling of phosphate enrichment and trophic status of Sipin Lake Jambi using TSI Carlson method

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    Floating fishery net (keramba) activity in Sipin Lake Jambi has increased significantly in the last decade. This intensive fishery results in enrichment of phosphate due to the application of fish feeding and induces eutrophication. The objectives of this study are to determine phosphate enrichment, the trophic status using TSI Carlson method and to propose a model of phosphate enrichment in the lake water. TSI Carlson is a method to determine the trophic status condition in the water body. Composite water samples were collected at up-, downstream and middle of the lake. Total phosphate content, chlorophyl-a, and brightness were measured. The results show that the average of total phosphate, chlorophyl-a, and brightness of the lake water are 0.0505 mg/L, 5.86 μg/L and 58 cm, respectively. These figures indicate that fishery net activity has induced eutrophication with phosphate enrichment of 9.65 T/yr. A proposed TSI Carlson model estimates the TSI value would be 61.79 within next ten years with phosphate enrichment of 12.04 T/yr. Application of double fishery nettings (keramba) would be expected to reduce these figures and the risk of eutrophication in the lake

    Modelling of phosphate enrichment and trophic status of Sipin Lake Jambi using TSI Carlson method

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    Floating fishery net (keramba) activity in Sipin Lake Jambi has increased significantly in the last decade. This intensive fishery results in enrichment of phosphate due to the application of fish feeding and induces eutrophication. The objectives of this study are to determine phosphate enrichment, the trophic status using TSI Carlson method and to propose a model of phosphate enrichment in the lake water. TSI Carlson is a method to determine the trophic status condition in the water body. Composite water samples were collected at up-, downstream and middle of the lake. Total phosphate content, chlorophyl-a, and brightness were measured. The results show that the average of total phosphate, chlorophyl-a, and brightness of the lake water are 0.0505 mg/L, 5.86 μg/L and 58 cm, respectively. These figures indicate that fishery net activity has induced eutrophication with phosphate enrichment of 9.65 T/yr. A proposed TSI Carlson model estimates the TSI value would be 61.79 within next ten years with phosphate enrichment of 12.04 T/yr. Application of double fishery nettings (keramba) would be expected to reduce these figures and the risk of eutrophication in the lake

    Modelling of phosphate enrichment and trophic status of Sipin Lake Jambi using TSI Carlson method

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    Floating fishery net (keramba) activity in Sipin Lake Jambi has increased significantly in the last decade. This intensive fishery results in enrichment of phosphate due to the application of fish feeding and induces eutrophication. The objectives of this study are to determine phosphate enrichment, the trophic status using TSI Carlson method and to propose a model of phosphate enrichment in the lake water. TSI Carlson is a method to determine the trophic status condition in the water body. Composite water samples were collected at up-, downstream and middle of the lake. Total phosphate content, chlorophyl-a, and brightness were measured. The results show that the average of total phosphate, chlorophyl-a, and brightness of the lake water are 0.0505 mg/L, 5.86 μg/L and 58 cm, respectively. These figures indicate that fishery net activity has induced eutrophication with phosphate enrichment of 9.65 T/yr. A proposed TSI Carlson model estimates the TSI value would be 61.79 within next ten years with phosphate enrichment of 12.04 T/yr. Application of double fishery nettings (keramba) would be expected to reduce these figures and the risk of eutrophication in the lake