7 research outputs found

    Sociological framework applied to a case report of diabetes in adolescence

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    A case report concerning a 10 year old girl with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in the Young is described. Diagnosis, prevalence in Malta, and patient support are described and followed by a discussion of how diabetes affects the family of similar cases. Research on a Sociological Paradigm describing Microsystems, Mesosystems, Exosystems, and Macrosytesms is discussed with reference to the case report.peer-reviewe

    The management of nocturnal enuresis in children

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    Introduction : Nocturnal enuresis is more prevalent in the male gender. Studies such as that by Butler & McKenna (2002) show how nocturnal enuresis is hereditary, with approximately 50% of the children affected if one parent has suffered from it. The main cause for nocturnal enuresis can be drinking late in the evening or not passing urine before going to sleep, resulting in excessive urine volume. A detailed history needs to be taken, eating and drinking habits should also be assessed, and any drinks or food that can increase the chances of bedwetting should be removed or reduced. Management: Management has to be adapted to the child and his/her family requirements. Prescribing the right medication and ensuring compliance is important but is only part of the management plan. Lifestyle changes should be advised. A very simple bedwetting vibrating alarm can be considered. If symptoms persist, pharmacological treatment should be prescribed together with the bedwetting alarm. Conclusion: Nocturnal enuresis is a common condition in a young child, however it requires a careful assessment and management in cooperation with the child’s parent or carer. Physicians need to be aware of when the child needs to be referred.peer-reviewe

    A study of the management of head lice by paediatricians in Malta

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    Head lice infestation is a condition found in every country in the world about which it is important to have proper education and awareness. This study aimed to examine the treatment of head lice and the education given to the patient and their parents from the paediatrician’s point of view. A questionnaire consisting of multiple choice questions and a covering letter was sent by post to all the paediatricians that were registered in Malta’s specialist register as of May 2014. Guidelines from the UK and America were used to draw up this questionnaire.peer-reviewe

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : an overview

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioural disorder found more commonly, but not exclusively, in school-age children. The hallmarks of the condition are inattention and hyperactivity/ impulsivity, which often go together. Although the term ADHD was coined relatively recently, ADHD has in fact been described as early as 1902. This review article will go through the most important historical aspects of the condition, and will also give an account of what is known about the aetiology of ADHD. The diagnostic criteria issued by the American Psychiatric Association in DSM-5, have been last updated in May 2013. This article will highlight the differences between DSM-5 and the previous version, DSM-IV-TR, and will also touch upon the latest developments in electroencephalographybased investigations and imaging studies for ADHD. Although the condition cannot be cured, symptoms can be managed using various modalities such as behaviour intervention strategies and medication, such that the individual affected by ADHD can have the least possible disruption to social and academic functioning.peer-reviewe

    Applying leadership styles to the healthcare sector

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    Introduction Leadership can have a different meaning to different individuals. The way a person defines a leader depends on many aspects, such as cultural background, beliefs and experiences. Leaders are not in short supply but leaders that truly make a positive difference are not easy to come by. Leadership styles There are many leadership styles that are mentioned in the literature. In this review, four models are discussed which the author thinks best apply to the healthcare sector. The leadership styles that will be described are the Situational Leadership Model, the Exemplary Leadership Model, the Authentic Leadership Model and Goleman’s Leadership Styles. Examples of how these styles can best be adapted to the healthcare system will be discussed. Conclusion A leader can only be successful if there is a proper communication system in place. Leaders of a healthcare system have to capitalize on the fact that the healthcare system is a learning organisation. This will ease the implementation of the strategies since the employees will be more willing to learn new things related to these strategies.peer-reviewe

    Good parenting

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    Doctors need to realize that when one of their patients becomes a parent all of a sudden, everyone around them becomes an expert on parenting. They will start getting plenty of advice which will not always be the right one. That is where we, as doctors need to be vigilant. Parenthood can be very difficult. There is no right or wrong way of bringing up a child. This article is intended to give you the tools so you can give your patients the best advice based on the latest scientific evidence. Keep in mind that the evidence suggests that parents are happier than non-parents regardless of how tired they might feel at the end of the day. As Nelson et al. (2013) suggested, parents feel most fulfilled when they raise their children, as compared to the fulfillment they obtain from doing other things.peer-reviewe

    Thumb sucking and transitional objects

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    This case study assesses the effects of thumb sucking and transitional object on a 4 year old child while being observed in 3 different environments, for 15 minutes each time for 10 days. Sucking only occurred when the transitional object was with the child. These results are discussed through reference to a literature review. Methods of how to control thumb sucking are proposed.peer-reviewe