2 research outputs found

    Espacios barriales y convivencia: reflexiones sobre las concentraciones de poblaci贸n inmigrada y la territorialidad urbana / Neighborhoods and coexistence: reflections on migrant concentrations and urban territoriality

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    Los espacios barriales de las ciudades con presencia de poblaci贸n inmigrada, conforman actualmente un paisaje urbano heterog茅neo, en el que el cruce de desigualdades sociales, culturales y econ贸micas, han desembocado en una ocupaci贸n desigual del espacio, surgiendo una nueva expresi贸n de vulnerabilidad urbana y fracturas en la convivencia ciudadana. De esta manera, asistimos a espacios barriales fragmentados y polarizados dentro de las ciudades, algunos como polos de atracci贸n para parte de la poblaci贸n inmigrada, como es el caso de los barrios en Santiago de Chile que son analizados en este art铆culo, a trav茅s de un an谩lisis cualitativo. Por ello es importante preguntarse qu茅 factores explicativos socio-territoriales determinan la vulnerabilidad en los barrios con alta concentraci贸n de poblaci贸n inmigrada y qu茅 efectos se derivan de estos cruces de desigualdades en sujetos espec铆ficos. Esto porque las caracter铆sticas del territorio constituyen una realidad que nos remite permanentemente a la estructura social y a los c贸digos culturales de las colectividades que los habitan, quienes a su vez despliegan sobre ese contexto, imaginarios sociales (Mafessoli, 2003) y reacciones que impactan en la relaci贸n con la territorialidad y en las relaciones entre sujetos considerados o no como ciudadanos.   The neighborhood spaces of cities with an immigrant population, currently make up a heterogeneous urban landscape, in which the crossing of social, cultural and, economic inequalities, have led to an unequal occupation of space, emerging a new expression of urban vulnerability and fractures in the citizen coexistence. In this way, we witness fragmented and polarized neighborhood spaces within cities, some of them like as poles of attraction for immigrant population, as is the case of some neighborhoods in Santiago of Chile which are analyzed in this article, through a qualitative analysis. Therefore, it is important to ask what socio-territorial explanatory factors are determining vulnerability in neighborhoods with a high concentration of immigrant population and what effects are derived from these inequality crossings in specific subjects. This, because the characteristics of the territory, constitutes a reality that permanently refers us to the social structure and to the cultural codes of the communities that inhabit them, who in turn display on this context, social imaginaries (Mafessoli, 2003) and reactions which impact on the relationship with territoriality and in relations between subjects considered or not as citizens

    Psychosocial interventions and their effects on the trajectory of immigrant women in Chile Intervenciones psicosociales y sus efectos en la trayectoria de mujeres inmigradas en Chile

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    Part of the analysis on migration in Chile focuses on immigrant subjects and their level of inclusion in different social spheres. Therefore we turn our eyes towards psychosocial intervention: from a feminist perspective, we look at the ways interventions act and generate psychosocial effects and the "line of flight" (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988/2012) that escapes hegemonic practices. For this, a set of Narrative Productions was carried out with interveners and users, which through a process of figuration, made it possible to understand the multiple bridges of opening, closure and contradiction that overlap in the trajectories of immigrant women and their passage through civil and public services