609 research outputs found

    Role of defects and disorder in the half-metallic full-Heusler compounds

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    Half-metallic ferromagnets and especially the full-Heusler alloys containing Co are at the center of scientific research due to their potential applications in spintronics. For realistic devices it is important to control accurately the creation of defects in these alloys. We review some of our late results on the role of defects and impurities in these compounds. More precisely we present results for the following cases (i) doping and disorder in Co2_2Cr(Mn)Al(Si) alloys, (ii) half-metallic ferrimagnetism appeared due to the creation of Cr(Mn) antisites in these alloys, (iii) Co-doping in Mn2_2VAl(Si) alloys leading to half-metallic antiferromagnetism, and finally (iv) the occurrence of vacancies in the full-Heusler alloys containing Co and Mn. These results are susceptible of encouraging further theoretical and experimental research in the properties of these compounds.Comment: Chapter intended for a book with contributions of the invited speakers of the International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism 2007. Revised version contains new figure

    Nodal-antinodal dichotomy from pairing disorder in d-wave superconductors

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    We study the basic features of the local density of states (LDOS) observed in STM experiments on high-Tc_c d-wave superconductors in the context of a minimal model of a d-wave superconductor which has {\it weakly} modulated off-diagonal disorder. We show that the low and high energy features of the LDOS are consistent with the observed experimental patterns and in particular, the anisotropic local domain features at high energies. At low energies, we obtain not only the scattering peaks predicted by the octet model, but also weak features that should be experimentally accessible. Finally, we show that the emerging features of the LDOS lose their correspondence with the features of the imposed disorder, as its complexity increases spatially

    A first-principles DFT+GW study of spin-filter and spin-gapless semiconducting Heusler compounds

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    Among Heusler compounds, the ones being magnetic semiconductors (also known as spin-filter materials) are widely studied as they offer novel functionalities in spintronic/magnetoelectronic devices. The spin-gapless semiconductors are a special case. They possess a zero or almost-zero energy gap in one of the two spin channels. We employ the GWGW approximation, which allows an elaborate treatment of the electronic correlations, to simulate the electronic band structure of these materials. Our results suggest that in most cases the use of GWGW self energy instead of the usual density functionals is important to accurately determine the electronic properties of magnetic semiconductors.Comment: Final version as publishe

    Stability of ferromagnetism in the half-metallic pnictides and similar compounds: A first-principles study

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    Based on first-principles electron structure calculations and employing the frozen-magnon approximation we study the exchange interactions in a series of transition-metal binary alloys crystallizing in the zinc-blende structure and calculate the Curie temperature within both the mean-field approximation (MFA) and random-phase approximation (RPA). We study two Cr compounds, CrAs and CrSe, and four Mn compounds: MnSi, MnGe, MnAs and MnC. MnC, MnSi and MnGe are isovalent to CrAs and MnAs is isoelectronic with CrSe. Ferromagnetism is particular stable for CrAs, MnSi and MnGe: All three compounds show Curie temperatures around 1000 K. On the other hand, CrSe and MnAs show a tendency to antiferromagnetism when compressing the lattice. In MnC the half-metallic gap is located in the majority-spin channel contrary to the other five compounds. The large half-metallic gaps, very high Curie temperatures, the stability of the ferromagnetism with respect to the variation of the lattice parameter and a coherent growth on semiconductors make MnSi and CrAs most promising candidates for the use in spintronics devises.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Broken-Bond Rule for the Surface Energies of Noble Metals

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    Using two different full-potential ab-initio techniques we introduce a simple, universal rule based on the number of broken first-neighbor bonds to determine the surface energies of the three noble metals Cu, Ag and Au. When a bond is broken, the rearrangement of the electronic charge for these metals does not lead to a change of the remaining bonds. Thus the energy needed to break a bond is independent of the surface orientation. This novel finding can lead to the development of simple models to describe the energetics of a surface like step and kink formation, crystal growth, alloy formation, equilibrium shape of mesoscopic crystallites and surface faceting.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quasiparticle band structure of the almost-gapless transition-metal-based Heusler semiconductors

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    Transition-metal-based Heusler semiconductors are promising materials for a variety of applications ranging from spintronics to thermoelectricity. Employing the GWGW approximation within the framework of the FLAPW method, we study the quasi-particle band structure of a number of such compounds being almost gapless semiconductors. We find that in contrast to the \textit{sp}-electron based semiconductors such as Si and GaAs, in these systems the many-body corrections have a minimal effect on the electronic band structure and the energy band gap increases by less than 0.2~eV, which makes the starting point density functional theory (DFT) a good approximation for the description of electronic and optical properties of these materials. Furthermore, the band gap can be tuned either by the variation of the lattice parameter or by the substitution of the \emph{sp}-chemical element

    Search for spin gapless semiconductors: The case of inverse Heusler compounds

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    We employ ab-initio electronic structure calculations to search for spin gapless semiconductors, a recently identified new class of materials, among the inverse Heusler compounds. The occurrence of this property is not accompanied by a general rule and results are materials specific. The six compounds identified show semiconducting behavior concerning the spin-down band structure and in the spin-up band structure the valence and conduction bands touch each other leading to 100% spin-polarized carriers. Moreover these six compounds should exhibit also high Curie temperatures and thus are suitable for spintronics applications.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Structural and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metal NiMnSb

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    Using the full potential linearised augmented planewave method we study the electronic and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metallic Heusler alloy NiMnSb from first-principles. We take into account all possible surface terminations including relaxations of these surfaces. Special attention is paid to the spin-polarization at the Fermi level which governs the spin-injection from such a metal into a semiconductor. In general, these surfaces lose the half-metallic character of the bulk NiMnSb, but for the (111) surfaces this loss is more pronounced. Although structural optimization does not change these features qualitatively, specifically for the (111) surfaces relaxations can compensate much of the spin-polarization at the Fermi surface that has been lost upon formation of the surface.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    First-principles calculations of exchange interactions, spin waves, and temperature dependence of magnetization in inverse-Heusler-based spin gapless semiconductors

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    Employing first principles electronic structure calculations in conjunction with the frozen-magnon method we calculate exchange interactions, spin-wave dispersion, and spin-wave stiffness constants in inverse-Heusler-based spin gapless semiconductor (SGS) compounds Mn2_2CoAl, Ti2_2MnAl, Cr2_2ZnSi, Ti2_2CoSi and Ti2_2VAs. We find that their magnetic behavior is similar to the half-metallic ferromagnetic full-Heusler alloys, i.e., the intersublattice exchange interactions play an essential role in the formation of the magnetic ground state and in determining the Curie temperature, TcT_\mathrm{c}. All compounds, except Ti2_2CoSi possess a ferrimagnetic ground state. Due to the finite energy gap in one spin channel, the exchange interactions decay sharply with the distance, and hence magnetism of these SGSs can be described considering only nearest and next-nearest neighbor exchange interactions. The calculated spin-wave dispersion curves are typical for ferrimagnets and ferromagnets. The spin-wave stiffness constants turn out to be larger than those of the elementary 3dd-ferromagnets. Calculated exchange parameters are used as input to determine the temperature dependence of the magnetization and TcT_\mathrm{c} of the SGSs. We find that the TcT_\mathrm{c} of all compounds is much above the room temperature. The calculated magnetization curve for Mn2_2CoAl as well as the Curie temperature are in very good agreement with available experimental data. The present study is expected to pave the way for a deeper understanding of the magnetic properties of the inverse-Heusler-based SGSs and enhance the interest in these materials for application in spintronic and magnetoelectronic devices.Comment: Accepted for publ;ication in Physical Review
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