133 research outputs found

    The Effect of Metformin on the Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in the Rat Model of Diabetes Mellitus Type II

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    In recent years, evidence has been accumulated that metformin, an antidiabetic drug in the biguanide class, in addition to its well-recognized glucose-lowering effect, can also reduce cardiovascular mortality in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Besides, there are a few experimental studies on the possibility of the direct anti-ischemic effect of the drug in both type 1 diabetes mellitus and T2DM. In our study, myocardial tolerance to ischemia in rats with neonatal streptozotocin T2DM was investigated using the model of global ischemia-reperfusion of the isolated perfused heart. Metformin was administered i.p. at a dose of 200 mg/kg/day for 3 days prior to isolated heart perfusion. The results showed that both the infarct size and postischemic recovery of left ventricular function were not different between controls and metformin-treated animals. At the same time, the infarct size in the T2DM animals was significantly lower than that in the controls (24.4 ± 7.6% versus 45.0 ± 10.4%, resp., P < .01), indicative of the metabolic preconditioning in T2DM. It follows that the protocol of metformin administration used in this study had not elicited cardioprotective effect in animals with T2DM so that the different mechanism(s) may underlie the beneficial effect of metformin on cardiovascular complications in patients with T2DM which, however, would need further investigation

    Discovery of the Phenomenon of Intracellular Development of Cardiac Stem Cell: A New Step in Understanding of Biology and Behavior of Tissue-Specific Stem Cells

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    In our experiments with an in vitro culture of rat cardiac cells, we identified and described for the first time the phenomenon of intracellular development of CSCs in mature CMs with formation of the “cell-in-cell structures” (CICSs). Recently, we have confirmed the reproducibility of our results and existence of this phenomenon in rats of different age groups, 1-year-old bull, adult mice and humans. Moreover, we demonstrated the 5–10 times increase in the amount of CICSs after exposure of in vitro cultures to hypoxia and acidosis, that is, these conditions stimulate intracellular development of CSCs. Our data strongly suggest that transitory amplifying cells (TACs), which release from CICSs, are present as a very rare cell population in adult and old rats. Therefore, we assume that TACs are important for renewal of myocardium during ontogenesis. TACs should be considered as the major source of cells that can reduce myocardial damage in adult mammals with various pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In conclusion, precise and exhaustive analysis of the phenomenon of intracellular development of CSCs, CICSs and TACs will pave the way for cell technologies of new generation in regenerative medicine

    Ринок праці в Україні в умовах глобалізації

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    Галагудза О. І. Ринок праці в Україні в умовах глобалізації / О. І. Галагудза // Економіко-правовий розвиток сучасної України : матер. ІIІ Всеукр. наук. конф. студ., аспір. та молодих вчених (22-23 листопада 2013 р., м. Одеса) / за ред. д.е.н., проф. О. М. Кібік, д.ю.н., проф. О. П. Подцерковного ; Національн. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія» – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 96-98

    Двухмерные и трехмерные модели культур клеток опухолей in vitro: преимущества и недостатки

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    Discovery and development of new chemical compounds with putative anti-cancer properties requires reliable predictive preclinical models for in vitro screening of efficacy. Such models mainly include cultures of human cancer cells: two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems. In this review, we discuss the molecular aspects of cells cultured in 2D and 3D, and their relevance to cancer study, focusing on key examples from the recent literature. Advantages, disadvantages and perspectives of described models are also analyzed.Синтез и внедрение новых химических соединений, обладающих потенциальной противоопухолевой активностью, требуют надежных предиктивных доклинических моделей для скрининга эффективности in vitro. Такие модели включают культуры клеток опухолей человека – двухмерные системы культур клеток 2D (two-dimensional cell culture systems) и трехмерные системы культур клеток 3D (three-dimensional cell culture systems). В этом обзоре обсуждаются особенности молекулярного фенотипа клеток, культивируемых в 2Dand 3D-системах, и их применение в исследованиях эффективности противоопухолевых препаратов с упором на ключевые примеры из научной литературы. В обзоре также проанализированы преимущества, недостатки и перспективы применения описываемых моделей культур опухолевых клеток