9 research outputs found

    A traffic simulation standard based on data marts

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    Traffic Simulation models tend to have their own data input and output formats. In an effort to standardise the input for traffic simulations, we introduce in this paper a set of data marts that aim to serve as a common interface between the necessaary data, stored in dedicated databases, and the swoftware packages, that require the input in a certain format. The data marts are developed based on real world objects (e.g. roads, traffic lights, controllers) rather than abstract models and hence contain all necessary information that can be transformed by the importing software package to their needs. The paper contains a full description of the data marts for network coding, simulation results, and scenario management, which have been discussed with industry partners to ensure sustainability

    A cyber-physical system simulator for risk-free transport studies

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    The article introduces a novel platform for conducting controlled and risk-free driving and traveling behavior studies, called Cyber-Physical System Simulator (CPSS). The key features of CPSS are: (1) simulation of multiuser immersive driving in a threedimensional (3D) virtual environment; (2) integration of traffic and communication simulators with human driving based on dedicated middleware; and (3) accessibility of multiuser driving simulator on popular software and hardware platforms. This combination of features allows us to easily collect large-scale data on interesting phenomena regarding the interaction between multiple user drivers, which is not possible with current single-user driving simulators. The core original contribution of this article is threefold: (1) we introduce a multiuser driving simulator based on DiVE, our original massively multiuser networked 3D virtual environment; (2) we introduce OpenV2X, a middleware for simulating vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication; and (3) we present two experiments based on our CPSS platform. The first experiment investigates the “rubbernecking” phenomenon, where a platoon of four user drivers experiences an accident in the oncoming direction of traffic. Second, we report on a pilot study about the effectiveness of a Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems advisory system

    An experimental space for conducting controlled driving behavior studies based on a multiuser networked 3D virtual environment and the scenario markup language

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    We present a new framework for conducting controlled driving behavior studies based on multiuser networked 3-D virtual environments. The framework supports: 1) the simulation of multiuser immersive driving; 2) the visualization of surrounding traffic; 3) the specification and creation of reproducible traffic scenarios; and 4) the collection of meaningful driving behavior data. We use our framework to investigate the “rubbernecking” phenomenon, which refers to the slowing down of a driver due to an accident on the opposite side of the road, and its effect on the following drivers. The main contribution of the paper is the Scenario Markup Language (SML) framework, which is composed of: 1) the SML as a practical tool to specify dynamic traffic situations(e.g., an accident) and 2) the Scenario Control System to ensure the reproducibility of particular traffic situations, so that traffic engineers can obtain comparable data and draw valid conclusions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we specified the traffic accident scenario in SML and conducted a study about the rubbernecking phenomenon. We report on the results of our study from two viewpoints: 1) the reproducibility of the traffic accident situation (i.e., state variables of interest are recreated successfully in 78% of the cases); and 2) the interactive car-following behavior of human subjects embedded in the traffic situation of the virtual environment

    A cooperative ITS study on green light optimisation using an integrated traffic, driving, and communication simulator

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    Cooperative ITS is enabling vehicles to communicate with the infrastructure and each other, to provide improvements in traffic safety, traffic control, and traffic management. Researchers from fields of information technology, communication, and traffic engineering are involved in the development of applications to achieve these goals. One challenge is the testing of such systems and their impact in a large scale. Real-world implementation is mostly limited to test vehicles or test stations, simulation studies lack the human factor, and driving simulation experiments are limited to a single. In this paper, we present a system, integrating a traffic and communication simulators with a multi-user driving simulator that can overcome these drawbacks and provides a low-cost testing environment for new developments V2V and V2I applications in a controlled, but realistic way.</p