6 research outputs found

    The zero building: an exemplary nearly zero energy office building (NZEB) and its potential to become a positive energy building (PEB)

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    European energy policies introduced nearly zero energy building (NZEB) design to stimulate the energy transition in buildings, and EU programs promote the evolution towards positive energy buildings (PEB). Most studies into NZEBs are based on simulations, and not on real monitoring data. This paper presents the real performance data of the Zero building, an NZEB office building with Leed Gold and Breeam Excellent environmental design certifications located in a neighbourhood that shares a zero-emission district heating-cooling facility relying only on 100% renewable energy sources. The current performance of the building and its neighbourhood is assessed to identify the existing gap to reach the goals of next generation buildings, namely positive energy buildings (PEB), which will not consume fossil fuels and will achieve energy self-sufficiency at the neighbourhood scale. A study the occupied zero building in operation for one year showed that it achieved a degree of self-sufficiency of 74.3% for the operational electric energy thanks to its PV roof-façade. The results show that its carbon footprint is only 3.35 kgCO2/m2y, 92% lower than in a typical office building in locations with the same climate

    Use of sunspaces to obtain energy savings by preheating the intake air of the ventilation system: Analysis of its main characteristics in the different Spanish climate zones

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    Novel solutions need to be further developed to continue to improve the energy efficiency of buildings achieved over the last few decades. One of these innovative systems is the use of sunspaces to preheat the ventilation intake air and reduce heating consumption. The main goal of this research is to determine the optimal configuration of these sunspaces. For that purpose, a prototype was built to calibrate a simulation model. Once validated, the model was used to calculate the energy savings obtained with 96 sunspace configurations in the different Spanish climate zones. Different key factors were analyzed and the optimal configurations were established in each zone. The results show that, although these systems are based on solar gains, a low thermal transmittance of the glazing has a higher impact on the energy savings than a high solar heat gain coefficient. In addition, introducing inertia tanks is not convenient when the ventilation includes a heat recovery system. While combining sunspaces with heat recovery ventilation is not interesting in warmer climates; in cold climates, heat recovery becomes a determining factor to reduce energy consumption. The use of sunspaces is more efficient as the winter severity increases: while in the warmest Spanish climate zone, only 2.51 kWh.m(-2).year(-1) savings are achieved; in the coldest zone, 39.54 kWh.m(-2).year(-1) savings are obtained, which represents important energy savings of 60%. This research contributes to evaluating and quantifying the impact of key variables on the design, configuration, and operation of sunspaces to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.We would like to thank the Thermal Area of The Laboratory for the Quality Control in Buildings of the Basque Government for their assistance. We would also like to thank AEMET, the State Meteorological Agency, for providing the weather information. This research is included in the activities related to the CAVESIA project

    Energia aurrezteko, aireztapen sistemaren sarrera-airea aurreberotzeko berotegien erabilera.

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    283 p.Klima-aldaketaren ondorioak arintzeko berotegi-efektuko gasen isurketak murrizteko helburuarekin, funtsezkoa da eraikinetan jardutea. Horrela, eraikitzen diren eraikin berri guztiek energia-kontsumo ia nulukoak izan beharko dute. Testuinguru horretan, eraikuntzak gero eta isolatuagoak eta hermetikoagoak egiten dira, eta horrek, aireztapen sistema mekaniko bat instalatu beharra dakar, barneko airearen kalitatea egokia izateko. Berotegien erabilerak aireztapen-sistemaren sarrera-airea aurreberotzeko balio dezake, eta, horrela, eraikinen berokuntzan energia-kontsumoa aurreztea lortuko da. Doktorego Tesi honek berotegi mota hauek izan behar dituzten ezaugarrietan eta hauen errendimenduan eragina duten baldintzatzaileetan sakontzen du.Berotegi modular bat diseinatu da errendimenduari eragiten dioten eraikuntza ezaugarri nagusiak kontuan hartuta. Ondoren, egoera meteorologiko errealetan aztertzeko modulu baten prototipoa eraiki da. Prototipoa simulazio informatikoaren eredua baliozkotzeko ere erabili da. Datu esperimentalak simulazio bidez lortutakoekin alderatu dira, eta bien artean adostasun handia dagoela frogatu da. Ezaugarri nagusien analisirako, azterketa-kasu bat hautatu da, eta berotegiko konfigurazio desberdinekin lortzen diren energia-aurrezkiak kuantifikatu dira. Hainbat beira-aldaeraren erabilerak, berotegiko inguratzaile opakoaren isolamendu-mailak eta inertzia termiko handiagoa lortzeko ur-deposituak erabiltzeak duen eragina aztertu da. Halaber, berotegiekin batera bero-berreskurapena duen aireztapen sistema erabiltzea komeni den analizatu da. Aldi berean, moduluak seriean edo paraleloan instalatzeak nola eragiten duen aztertu da.Berotegi mota hauen errendimenduan klima funtsezkoa da. Bere garrantzia aztertzeko, Eraikuntzaren Kode Teknikoaren (EKT) klima-zona desberdinetako emaitzak alderatu dira. Azkenik, beste klima batzuetan duten portaera aztertzeko, Europako hiri nagusietan osatu da analisia. Emaitzen arabera, neguko klima-gogortasuna handitu ahala, berotegiei esker aurrezten dena areagotzen da. Doktorego tesi honek frogatzen duenez, klima hotzenetan, aurrezpen benetan handiak lortzen dira, are gehiago eguzki-erradiazio handia badute

    34. BLOQUE VI. Arquitectura y paisaje: un entorno para el aprendizaje transversal, creativo y estratégico | Itxaro Latasa; Joseba Gainza. ETSA Pais Vasco.

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    Ponència a càrrec d'Itxaro Latasa i Joseba Gainza, del Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del País Vasco

    Architecture and landscape: a cross-cutting, strategic, and creative learning environment

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    La comunicación presenta los resultados de una experiencia docente que surgió de la colaboración interdisciplinar de un grupo de especialistas en paisaje. La aplicación de metodologías activas de enseñanza-aprendizaje (aprendizaje-servicio y aprendizaje basado en problemas) y la participación en el curso de agentes institucionales y sociales y de la población del área estudiada (urbanismo participativo) generaron un entorno docente próximo a la práctica real del oficio y produjeron resultados satisfactorios para todas las partes implicadas. Se combinaron herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas ya clásicas (la sostenibilidad o el aprendizaje por proyectos) con otras de más reciente aplicación en las aulas ( colaboración con otros agentes, participación ciudadana, aprendizaje-servicio). Esta combinación permitió conformar un universo didáctico transversal, creativo y estratégico. Los resultados, evaluados en base a los trabajos del alumnado y a encuestas de satisfacción, permiten hablar de una experiencia exitosa, a la vez que sugieren aspectos susceptibles de reflexión y mejora.The paper sets out the results of a teaching experience that arose from the interdisciplinary collaboration of a group of landscape experts. The implementation of active teaching-learning methodologies (service-learning and problem-based learning) and the participation in the course of institutional and social agents adn the citizens of the studied area (participatory urbanism) generated a teaching environment close to the actual practice of the profession and produced satisfactory results for all parties involved. Conceptual and methodological tools already classic (sustainability or project learning) were combined with more recent tools in the classroom (collaboration with other agents, public participation, service-learning). This combination made it possible to form a transversal, creative and strategic didactic universe. The results, evaluated based on student work and satisfaction surveys, allow us to talk about a successful experience, while suggesting aspects that can be further thought and improved.Peer Reviewe

    Energy savings using sunspaces to preheat ventilation intake air: Experimental and simulation study

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    This paper investigates the potential benefits of sunspaces to preheat the ventilation intake air to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. When sunspaces are combined with a mechanical ventilation system, it is possible to easily introduce the preheated air into every space of the building, which is of great relevance for energy savings. A modular sunspace prototype was designed and built to analyze its real thermal behavior. After validating the simulation model with experimental results, different sunspace configurations were tested in a residential building for different climates. Our findings indicate that sunspaces can significantly improve the energy behavior of the building, but the savings depend on different factors. First and foremost, the effectiveness of these systems clearly depends on the climate. While in zones with little need for heating the sunspace use is not advisable, in colder zones the energy savings are substantial, even more if they are combined with heat recovery ventilation. In the coldest climatic zone in Spain, annual primary energy savings of 38.48 kWh·m−2 were achieved with the best sunspace configuration, which represents a heating saving of 58%. Results also reveal that inertia is not convenient when using heat recovery ventilation. Lastly, when choosing the size of the sunspace, as its efficiency depends on its size, not only total savings should be considered, but also the investment to be made and its return.We would like to thank to the help of the Thermal Area of The Laboratory for the Quality Control in Buildings of the Basque Government. We also want to thank AEMET, State Meteorological Agency, for providing the weather information. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the support of the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government and the support of the Department of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country. The research is included in the activities related to the CAVESIA proje