32 research outputs found

    A Single Mechanism of Biogenesis, Initiated and Directed by PIWI Proteins, Explains piRNA Production in Most Animals [preprint]

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    In animals, piRNAs guide PIWI-proteins to silence transposons and regulate gene expression. The mechanisms for making piRNAs have been proposed to differ among cell types, tissues, and animals. Our data instead suggest a single model that explains piRNA production in most animals. piRNAs initiate piRNA production by guiding PIWI proteins to slice precursor transcripts. Next, PIWI proteins direct the stepwise fragmentation of the sliced precursor transcripts, yielding tail-to-head strings of phased pre-piRNAs. Our analyses detect evidence for this piRNA biogenesis strategy across an evolutionarily broad range of animals including humans. Thus, PIWI proteins initiate and sustain piRNA biogenesis by the same mechanism in species whose last common ancestor predates the branching of most animal lineages. The unified model places PIWI-clade Argonautes at the center of piRNA biology and suggests that the ancestral animal--the Urmetazoan--used PIWI proteins both to generate piRNA guides and to execute piRNA function

    A DNA-guided Argonaute Protein Functions in DNA Replication in Thermus thermophilus [preprint]

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    Argonaute proteins use nucleic acid guides to protect organisms against transposons and viruses. In the eubacterium Thermus thermophilus, the DNA-guided Argonaute TtAgo defends against transformation by DNA plasmids. Here, we report that TtAgo also participates in DNA replication. TtAgo binds small DNA guides derived from the chromosomal region where replication terminates and associates with proteins known to act in DNA replication. T. thermophilus deploys a single type II topoisomerase, gyrase. When gyrase is inhibited, T. thermophilus relies on TtAgo to complete replication of its circular genome; loss of both gyrase and TtAgo activity produces long filaments that fail to separate into individual bacteria. We propose that the primary role of TtAgo is to help T. thermophilus disentangle the catenated circular chromosomes made by DNA replication

    Maelstrom Represses Canonical Polymerase II Transcription within Bi-directional piRNA Clusters in Drosophila melanogaster

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    In Drosophila, 23-30 nt long PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) direct the protein Piwi to silence germline transposon transcription. Most germline piRNAs derive from dual-strand piRNA clusters, heterochromatic transposon graveyards that are transcribed from both genomic strands. These piRNA sources are marked by the heterochromatin protein 1 homolog Rhino (Rhi), which facilitates their promoter-independent transcription, suppresses splicing, and inhibits transcriptional termination. Here, we report that the protein Maelstrom (Mael) represses canonical, promoter-dependent transcription in dual-strand clusters, allowing Rhi to initiate piRNA precursor transcription. Mael also represses promoter-dependent transcription at sites outside clusters. At some loci, Mael repression requires the piRNA pathway, while at others, piRNAs play no role. We propose that by repressing canonical transcription of individual transposon mRNAs, Mael helps Rhi drive non-canonical transcription of piRNA precursors without generating mRNAs encoding transposon proteins

    Maelstrom Represses Canonical Polymerase II Transcription within Bi-directional piRNA Clusters in Drosophila melanogaster

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    In Drosophila, 23-30 nt long PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) direct the protein Piwi to silence germline transposon transcription. Most germline piRNAs derive from dual-strand piRNA clusters, heterochromatic transposon graveyards that are transcribed from both genomic strands. These piRNA sources are marked by the heterochromatin protein 1 homolog Rhino (Rhi), which facilitates their promoter-independent transcription, suppresses splicing, and inhibits transcriptional termination. Here, we report that the protein Maelstrom (Mael) represses canonical, promoter-dependent transcription in dual-strand clusters, allowing Rhi to initiate piRNA precursor transcription. Mael also represses promoter-dependent transcription at sites outside clusters. At some loci, Mael repression requires the piRNA pathway, while at others, piRNAs play no role. We propose that by repressing canonical transcription of individual transposon mRNAs, Mael helps Rhi drive non-canonical transcription of piRNA precursors without generating mRNAs encoding transposon proteins

    The RNA-Binding ATPase, Armitage, Couples piRNA Amplification in Nuage to Phased piRNA Production on Mitochondria

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    PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) silence transposons in Drosophila ovaries, ensuring female fertility. Two coupled pathways generate germline piRNAs: the ping-pong cycle, in which the PIWI proteins Aubergine and Ago3 increase the abundance of pre-existing piRNAs, and the phased piRNA pathway, which generates strings of tail-to-head piRNAs, one after another. Proteins acting in the ping-pong cycle localize to nuage, whereas phased piRNA production requires Zucchini, an endonuclease on the mitochondrial surface. Here, we report that Armitage (Armi), an RNA-binding ATPase localized to both nuage and mitochondria, links the ping-pong cycle to the phased piRNA pathway. Mutations that block phased piRNA production deplete Armi from nuage. Armi ATPase mutants cannot support phased piRNA production and inappropriately bind mRNA instead of piRNA precursors. We propose that Armi shuttles between nuage and mitochondria, feeding precursor piRNAs generated by Ago3 cleavage into the Zucchini-dependent production of Aubergine- and Piwi-bound piRNAs on the mitochondrial surface

    Assessment of piRNA biogenesis and function in testicular germ cell tumors and their precursor germ cell neoplasia in situ

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    Abstract Background Aberrant overexpression of PIWI/piRNA pathway proteins is shown for many types of tumors. Interestingly, these proteins are downregulated in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) compared to normal testis tissues. Here, we used germline and TGCT markers to assess the piRNA biogenesis and function in TGCTs and their precursor germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS). Methods We used small RNA deep sequencing, qRT-PCR, and mining public RNAseq/small RNA-seq datasets to examine PIWI/piRNA gene expression and piRNA biogenesis at four stages of TGCT development: (i) germ cells in healthy testis tissues, (ii) germ cells in testis tissues adjacent to TGCTs, (iii) GCNIS cells and (iv) TGCT cells. To this end, we studied three types of samples: (a) healthy testis, (b) testis tissues adjacent to two types of TGCTs (seminomas and nonseminomas) and containing both germ cells and GCNIS cells, as well as (c) matching TGCT samples. Results Based on our analyses of small RNA-seq data as well as the presence/absence of expression correlation between PIWI/piRNA pathway genes and germline or TGCT markers, we can suggest that piRNA biogenesis is intact in germ cells present in healthy adult testes, and adjacent to TGCTs. Conversely, GCNIS and TGCT cells were found to lack PIWI/piRNA pathway gene expression and germline-like piRNA biogenesis. However, using an in vitro cell line model, we revealed a possible role for a short PIWIL2/HILI isoform expressed in TGCTs in posttranscriptional regulation of the youngest members of LINE and SINE classes of transposable elements. Importantly, this regulation is also implemented without involvement of germline-like biogenesis of piRNAs. Conclusions Though further studies are warranted, these findings suggest that the conventional germline-like PIWI/piRNA pathway is lost in transition from germ cells to GCNIS cells

    Intragenic Locus in Human PIWIL2 Gene Shares Promoter and Enhancer Functions.

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    Recently, more evidence supporting common nature of promoters and enhancers has been accumulated. In this work, we present data on chromatin modifications and non-polyadenylated transcription characteristic for enhancers as well as results of in vitro luciferase reporter assays suggesting that PIWIL2 alternative promoter in exon 7 also functions as an enhancer for gene PHYHIP located 60Kb upstream. This finding of an intragenic enhancer serving as a promoter for a shorter protein isoform implies broader impact on understanding enhancer-promoter networks in regulation of gene expression