37 research outputs found

    English Proficiency of Students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan Based on TOEIC

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    English language proficiency is generally measured by English competency scores such as TOEFL and TOEIC. To be able to apply the right learning patterns for students of Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan (Poltekba) for the purpose of mastering the TOEIC, an analysis of their English proficiency is needed by measuring their TOEIC scores. This analysis can be used as a reference for English lecturers in providing relevant learning materials according to the needs of the students and the industrial world. The research method used is qualitative-quantitative because it focuses on analyzing the TOEIC scores of the students. The researchers conducted analysis on the TOEIC scores as the data and explained them descriptively. The data used in this analysis are TOEIC scores from 291 students. The scores were mapped into 6 levels of English proficiency. The results of this study describe the level of English proficiency and the comparison between mastering Listening and Reading Comprehensions by the students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

    Aspek Fisiologis Dan Biokimiawi Infeksi Jamur Patogen Tumbuhan

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    Physiological and biochemical aspects of plant fungal pathogen infections. Interaction between plants and pathogens is a major subject of interest in the field of contemporary plant pathology. Specificity of this kind of interaction is a very comprehensive phenomenon involving complicated mechanisms at different levels. Elucidation of this phenomenon including physiological and biochemical aspects is therefore an important task. From this point of view, enzymes play one of the most important roles in the infection process and pathogenesis. Our current understanding in this area is quite limited. A relatively limited number of enzymes have so far been studied in relation to the infection process and pathogenesis in plants. In this review, ivolvement of the enzymes, i. e. cutinases, esterases, hydrolases, lyases, cellulases, depolymerases and proteases, during the pathogenesis and their role in different stages of disease development is analyzed

    Penerapan Konsep dan Prlnsip Pembelajaran Kontekstual (Contextual Teaching And Learning) dan Desain Pesan dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran dan Bahan Ajar

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    In designing, developing, and delivering instructional materials, both for face to face apd written or mediated instruction there are some important principles that should be considered. Among the principles are the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and the instructional message design principles. The contextual teaching and learning principles consists of relating, experiencing, aplying, cooperating, and transferring. The instructional message design principles consists ofreadiness and motivation, attention directing devices, repetition, student's active participation, and feedback. To get effective instruction, those principles should be imple­ mented and integrated to the instructional strategy components whichconsists ofpre instructional activities, presenting information, eliciting performance, providing feedback, testing, and follow up activities (transferring, remedial, and enrichment)

    Pengaruh Fraksi Al2o3-Y2o3/Sio2dan Feed Rate Serbuk Terhadap Kekuatan Lekat Danketahanan Termal Lapisan Pada Substrat Hastelloy Dengan Metode Flame Spray Untuk Aplikasi Nosel Roket

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    Nosel roket merupakan bagian roket yang mengatur laju, masa, arah dan tekanan fluida yang keluar dari ruang bakar. Nosel harus dapat menahan energi kinetik dan panas dari fluida yang berasal dari ruang bakar.Material yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah serbuk Al2O3-Y2O3/SiO2 yang memiliki nilai konduktifitas panas rendah. Material tersebut dilapiskan kepada substrat hastelloy® x menggunakan metode flame spray dengan memvariasikan feed rate 6, 12 dan 18 gram/menit. Dengan memvariasikan jumlah komposisi ittria 3, 5 dan 7 % pada Al2O3-Y2O3/SiO2. Lalu dilakukan torch termal pada temperatur 1400 oC dengan waktu maksimal 30 detik agar dapat dilihat ketahanan termal. Dilakukan pengujian termo gravimetrik (TGA) untuk mengalisa kestabilan material pelapis setelah pemanasan dan dilakukan termal ekspos untuk mengetahui Perubahan struktur mikro pada lapisan setelah diberi pembebanan termal secara kontinyu. Untuk menunjang penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa pengujian yang meliputi pengujian SEM, pengujian XRD, dan pengujian Pull off.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada semua spesimen yang paling stabil pada temperatur tinggi terjadi pada komposisi 80%Al2O3, 13%SiO2, 7%Y2O3 dan feed rate 18 gram/menit. Nilai kekuatan lekat yang paling optimal adalah 8 MPa didapatkan pada komposisi 80%Al2O3, 13%SiO2, 7%Y2O3 dan feed rate 6 gram/menit. Fasa yang stabil pada saat sebelum dan setelah pemanasan adalah kyanite dan γ-Al2O3

    Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Pembelajaran Teknik Draping Berbantuan Video di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas model pembelajaran teknik Draping Berbantuan Video (MPTDBV) di perguruan tinggi dan perangkatnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan, dengan tahapan pengembangan versi Borg & Gall, yang dimodifikasi menjadi enam langkah. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa S1 Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Busana Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, dan dosen pengajar mata kuliah Teknik Draping. Data diperoleh melalui uji kelompok kecil dan besar dengan melibatkan dua pengamat, serta dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model-PTDBV yang diterapkan pada pembelajaran mata kuliah Teknik Draping terbukti efektif dan efisien dengan perangkat yang meliputi buku panduan model, perangkat pembelajaran yang terdiri atas RPP, job sheet dalam bentuk buku, video dalam bentuk compact disk (CD), dan lembar penilaian unjuk kerja dengan rubrik

    Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis Padi melalui Pembangunan Rice Estate di Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    Budi Syahrizal "Rice Agribusiness Development Strategy Development Through Rice Estate in Kubu Raya District", under the guidance of Ir . A. Hamid A. Yusra, MS and Dr. Ir. H. Sutarman Gafur, M.Sc. The research aims to : 1. Knowing the real rice management by Kubu Raya District Government in increasing rice production. 2. Identifying factors external environment into opportunities and threats management of real rice and internal environmental factors are the strength and weaknesses of the management of real rice. 3. Formulate alternative strategies that can be implemented according to the manager of the rice area real environmental conditions. 4. Analyzing priority management strategies that can be implemented in accordance with the environmental conditions of real rice area . Benefits of this research are : 1. As an input for the management of real rice in Kubu Raya District to be considered in carrying on their business in the face of environmental changes occur real rice. 2. This study is also expected to be material information for the various parties involved in the management of real rice to prepare measures that can improve the production and productivity of rice in order to self-sufficiency and food security in Indonesia , particularly the Kubu Raya District immediately reached. 3. As for the academics, hopefully this study can be material information, comparisons and references for further studies. The research was conducted in the village of Kuala Foreman A B District Overseer Kuala Kubu Raya district of West Kalimantan Province and held for about 2 months. Method used was a survey method and included in the descriptive study. The population in this study are all stakeholders involved in the system of rice agribusiness. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, which determine directly or selecting respondents deliberately . The results of this study are : SWOT analysis matrix shows the internal - external strategic factors obtained is : SO the value of 3,2748 , with a value of 3,0448 ST, WO and WT with a value of 2.5888 with a value of 2.3588. Thus rice agribusiness development strategy through a in Kubu Raya District can use the SO strategy. Keywords : Strategy, Sustainability, Rice, Rice Estate, SWOT