1,048 research outputs found

    Extremal primes for elliptic curves without complex multiplication

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    Fix an elliptic curve E over Q. An extremal prime for E is a prime p of good reduction such that the number of rational points on E modulo p is maximal or minimal in relation to the Hasse bound. Assuming that all the symmetric power L-functions associated to E are automorphic and satisfy the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, we give the first non-trivial upper bounds for the number of such primes when E is a curve without complex multiplication. In order to obtain this bound, we use explicit equidistribution for the Sato-Tate measure as in the work of Rouse and Thorner (arXiv:1305.5283) and refine certain intermediate estimates taking advantage of the fact that extremal primes have a very small Sato-Tate measure

    Empirical relationships between health literacy and treatment decision making : A scoping review of the literature

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    Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements This research was supported by a Joseph Armand Bombardier Doctoral Scholarship awarded to Leslie J. Malloy-Weir by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The authors would like to thank Maureen Rice for her help with the literature search strategy and Dr. Malcolm Weir for his help with the relevance screening.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Preparations for Independence and Financial Security in Later Life: A Conceptual Framework and Application to Canada

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    In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework to describe an individual's preparations for later life. Situated in the life course perspective, this provides a framework that invites a more comprehensive and systematic study of preparations for later life. It describes a dynamic process that portrays the interplay between social structure and human agency. Through its consideration of collective preparations (the public protection programs offered by the state), individual preparations (financial and non- financial), and the interplay between the two, this framework provides fresh insight into the existing literature on retirement planning, the timing of retirement, savings, and consumption behaviour in later life. Moreover, the model may be used to structure research questions, to guide policy decision making and to point the direction for the design and content of future research studies. While the purpose of this paper is primarily the development of a conceptual model, we draw on empirical examples from the 1991 Survey of Aging and Independence (SAI) to illustrate some aspects of the model to Canada. We conclude by suggesting a number of research and questions that may be generated from the model.retirement planning; savings; SAI

    Time preference, the discounted utility model and health

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    The constant rate discounted utility model is commonly used to represent intertemporal preferences in health care program evaluations. This paper examines the appropriateness of this model, and argues that the model fails both normatively and descriptively as a representation of individual intertemporal preferences for health outcomes. Variable rate discounted utility models are more flexible, but still require restrictive assumptions and may lead to dynamically inconsistent behaviour. The paper concludes by considering two ways of incorporating individual intertemporal preferences in health care program evaluations that allow for complementarity of health outcomes in different time periods

    Evaluating Unpaid Time Contributions by Seniors: A Conceptual Framework

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    In the past, considerable research in gerontology has focused on services provided to seniors. Recently, however, there has a been a growing recognition of the contributions made by seniors to their families, communities and to society. Empirical estimates have been provided by researchers to show how much these contributions are worth in terms of savings in dollar amounts. A critical review of the literature identifies unresolved issues concerning which contributions to count and how to measure and value these contributions. As yet, no clear criteria exist that readily identify the distinction between volunteer activities and unpaid work, what specifically should be counted as an unpaid time contribution, how it should be quantified, and how this unit of contribution should be monetarily valued. The market replacement approach and the opportunity cost approach that are used to assign value to unpaid work often use very different wage rates or levels of income loss. This paper reviews the relevant literature and identifies important issues in evaluating unpaid time contribution of seniors. The authors propose a framework which addresses some of the methodological shortcomings identified in previous research and which provides a guide for future research in this area.seniors; valuing unpaid work

    Detection of a pH-dependent conformational change in azurin by time-resolved phosphorescence

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    Azurin, a blue copper protein from the bacterial species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, contains a single tryptophan residue. Previous fluorescence measurements indicate that this residue is highly constrained and unusually inaccessible to water. In the apoprotein this residue also possesses a long-lived room-temperature phosphorescence (RTP), the nonexponential decay of which can be resolved into two major components associated with lifetimes of 417 and 592 ms, which likely originate from at least two conformations of the protein. The relative weights of these two decay components change with pH in good correlation with a change in protonation of His-35, which has been studied in Cu(II) azurin. Interestingly, the structural changes characterized in earlier work have little effect on the fluorescence decay and appear to occur away from the tryptophan residue. However, in the present work, the two RTP lifetimes suggest conformations with different structural rigidities in the vicinity of the tryptophan residue. The active conformation that predominates below a pH of 5.6 has the shorter lifetime and is less rigid. Phosphorescence decays of several metal derivatives of azurin were also measured and revealed strong similarities to that of apoazurin, indicating that the structural constraints upon the metal-binding site are imposed predominately by the protein

    Refexive Planning for Later Life: A Conceptual Model and Evidence from Canada

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    In this paper, we present a conceptual model to describe an individual's preparations for later life. Situated in the life course perspective, this model invites a comprehensive and systematic study of later life planning. It describes a dynamic process that portrays the interplay between social structure and human agency. Through its consideration of collective preparations (the public protection programs offered by the state), individual preparations (financial and non-financial), and the interplay between them, this model provides fresh insight into the existing literature on retirement planning, the timing of retirement, savings, and consumption patterns in later life. Moreover, the model may be used to structure research questions, to guide policy decision making and to point the direction for the design and content of future research studies. While the purpose of this paper is primarily the development of a conceptual model, we illustrate the model using the results of a self-completion semi-structured questionnaire on this topic that was completed by a convenience sample of 240 seniors in Canada. We conclude by suggesting a number of research questions that may be generated from the model.retirement planning, financial security, savings, independence

    Verifying Safety Properties With the TLA+ Proof System

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    TLAPS, the TLA+ proof system, is a platform for the development and mechanical verification of TLA+ proofs written in a declarative style requiring little background beyond elementary mathematics. The language supports hierarchical and non-linear proof construction and verification, and it is independent of any verification tool or strategy. A Proof Manager uses backend verifiers such as theorem provers, proof assistants, SMT solvers, and decision procedures to check TLA+ proofs. This paper documents the first public release of TLAPS, distributed with a BSD-like license. It handles almost all the non-temporal part of TLA+ as well as the temporal reasoning needed to prove standard safety properties, in particular invariance and step simulation, but not liveness properties

    The Role of Health and Age in Financial Preparations for Later Life

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    This paper concerns the self insurance preparations that people make for later life. Policy changes to the Canadian pension, old age security, and health care systems mean that the financial preparations that people make are becoming increasingly important as vehicles to economic independence in later life. Data from the Statistics Canada's Survey on Ageing and Independence are used to investigate the role of health and age in the financial preparations that households make for later life including contributions to RRSPs, savings, other investments, major purchases and access to company pension plans. Data are analyzed using logistic regression. Findings indicate that compared to respondents in poor health, respondents in better health are more likely to have made financial preparations for retirement. Having an activity limitation is associated with increasing odds of making other investments, paying off debts and making other purchases. Middle aged respondents (age 50-64) are more likely to have made RRSP contributions than both their younger and older counterparts. However, the older respondents were more likely to have built up savings, made other investments and paid off or avoided debts. The implications for policy are discussed.SAI; health; age; financial preparations
