164 research outputs found

    Brevi note sulle notifiche via pec alla pubblica amministrazione

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    Nell\u2019articolo si affronta il tema riguardante l\u2019individuazione dell\u2019indirizzo pec delle amministrazioni pubbliche, valido per la notificazione degli atti giudiziari. Innanzitutto si illustra la normativa \u2013 complessa, non coordinata e poco chiara \u2013 che disciplina la materia relativa al domicilio digitale delle P.A. per la ricezione delle notifiche di atti giudiziari. Si esamina, inoltre, la giurisprudenza, ancora oscillante, che si \ue8 formata in argomento e si indicano i casi, nei quali la notifica del ricorso ad un indirizzo pec dell\u2019amministrazione diverso da quello all\u2019uopo previsto debba essere ritenuta pienamente valida ed efficace, e le ragioni giuridiche che stanno alla base di tale orientamento. [Brief comments on notifications received via certified email to public administrations] The article discusses issues concerning the identification of a Public Administration\u2019s certified electronic email (CEM) box, which is valid for the transmission of judicial proceedings. Firstly, we illustrate the legislation \u2013 complex, uncoordinated and unclear \u2013 regulating the delivery of judicial proceedings via the digital domicile of the P.A. Furthermore, we examine the case law \u2013 still fluctuating \u2013 which has been formed on the subject; we also indicate the hypothesis in which the notification of judicial proceedings to a CEM address other than the one provided for this purpose by the Administration is considered to be fully valid and effective, and the legal reasons for this interpretation

    Il conflitto di interessi nell'esercizio del potere amministrativo: caratteri generali ed effetti sul provvedimento

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    L\u2019art. 6-bis della legge n. 241/1990: origine, ratio e questioni interpretative sorte riguardo alla nozione di conflitto di interessi ivi delineata. - Il quadro normativo di riferimento. - Gli orientamenti giurisprudenziali formatisi pi\uf9 di recente in ordine alla nozione in esame; osservazioni al riguardo. - Esame delle conseguenze prodotte dalla violazione dell\u2019art. 6-bis della legge n. 241/1990 sul provvedimento finale; analisi delle diverse tesi prospettate in argomento. - Affermazione della diretta ed immediata rilevanza di tale violazione, nella sua duplice valenza di vizio di incompetenza (esattamente di vizio comportante un difetto di legittimazione in concreto) e di vizio del procedimento. - Esame della questione riguardante l\u2019applicazione al vizio di legittimit\ue0 determinato dalla violazione della disciplina relativa al conflitto di interessi \u201cprocedimentale\u201d della regola rappresentata dalla c.d. illegittimit\ue0 non invalidante, stabilita dall\u2019art. 21-octies, comma 2, della legge n. 241/1990; affermazione della sottoposizione del vizio in questione alla predetta regola generale

    Il soccorso istruttorio nei concorsi pubblici

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    Osservazioni sull'obbligo di provvedere sulle istanze di autotutela

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    Note in merito alla nozione di conflitto di interessi procedimentale

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    A CBCT based analysis of the correlation between volumetric morphology of the frontal sinuses and the facial growth pattern in caucasian subjects. A cross-sectional study

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    open7noBackground: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between frontal sinus shape and facial growth pattern. Methods: The three-dimensional examination was carried out by means of 80 CBCT scans selected from a sample of 1247 records of patients treated, for different reason, at the Department of Biomedical Surgical and Dental Sciences at University of Milan, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milan. The sample (age ranges between 12 and 40 years) was divided according to gender and age in four groups (12-17, 18-20, 21-30, 31-40). Left and right frontal sinus volume (VOL), surface (SUP) and linear maximum width (XMAX), depth (ZMAX) and height (YMAX) were calculated using Mimics Research 17.0 (Materialise N.V., Leuven, Belgium). Cephalometric analysis has been performed for all subjects to categorize the patients depending on their facial growth pattern. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis were performed to investigate any association of frontal sinuses measurements (height, width, depth, volume and surface) and cephalometric variables. P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 160 frontal sinuses were measures in 80 patients: 40 men and 40 women, average age of 23.5 ±14.6. Globally the frontal sinuses had the following average dimensions: volumes of 9055.8 ± 6505 mm3 and surfaces of 3820.3 ± 2125 mm2. The statistical analysis showed that frontal sinus volume was statistically significant (p=0.003) greater for male (11,425 mm3) than female (6597.5 mm3). Similarly, the surface showed to be greater in men than in women (p=0.005). No correlation between age and frontal sinuses characteristics has been found. A statistically significant (p<0.05) increase of frontal sinus depth, surface and volume was correlated with SNB angle. In addition, frontal sinus volume increased in subjects with greater anterior skeletal dimension values and with a superior length of the cranial base. Furthermore, a decrease of ANB has been found related to an increase in frontal sinus volume (p=0.04). Conclusions: The present study showed a correlation between frontal sinuses dimensions and craniofacial aspects, despite the inter-individual variability of their morphology. The results suggested that young adults in whom the frontal sinuses have reached their maximum size, while vertical growth continues, a larger frontal sinus may be associated with future vertical growth.openAbate A.; Gaffuri F.; Lanteri V.; Fama A.; Ugolini A.; Mannina L.; Maspero C.Abate, A.; Gaffuri, F.; Lanteri, V.; Fama, A.; Ugolini, A.; Mannina, L.; Maspero, C

    Correlation between dental vestibular-palatal inclination and alveolar bone remodeling after orthodontic treatment: A CBCT analysis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between dental vestibular-palatal inclination changes and the cortical bone remodeling after fixed orthodontic treatment using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Twenty-two patients with Angle Class I malocclusion, permanent dentition, and mild to moderate dental crowding were included in the present three-dimensional (3D) analysis. Bone dimensions were evaluated by CBCT scans obtained before and after orthodontic treatment, whereas the torque values were calculated by means of digital models using the 3D VistaDent software. A paired t-test was used to compare the changes between the pretreatment and post-treatment measurements. The correlations between variables were analyzed with linear regression analysis. A significant correlation between torque variations and bone thickness changes was observed for the apical buccal level of the anterior side (P < 0.05). Limited and not significant alveolar bone resorption for the apical thickness of anterior teeth occurred at \ub15 degrees of torque variation, while for tooth inclination exceeding +5 or-5 degrees, the bone remodeling was more evident. The present study demonstrated that anterior region was the most affected area by bone remodeling and that torque variation was highly related to apical bone thickness adaptation for maxillary and mandibular incisors and maxillary canines

    Three-dimensional evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion anchored to primary molars: Direct effects on maxillary arch and spontaneous mandibular response

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    Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on maxillary and mandibular arch in the mixed dentition. Methods Forty-four consecutive patients with transverse maxillary deficiency were recruited. Test group: 21 patients (10 male, 11 female; 7.4 \ub1 1.2 years) who underwent RME (Haas type) therapy banded on the primary second molars. Control group: 17 patients (10 male, 7 female; 7.3 \ub1 1.1 years old) who did not receive any orthodontic treatment. Dental casts obtained pre-treatment and after appliance removal (11 months) were processed by means of a three-dimensional scanner (3Shape D250 laser, DK). Digital landmarks were traced using the VAM software (Canfield Scientific Inc., Fairfield-NJ, USA). Arch Length, interdental width and torque differences were measured before and after the removal of the appliance. The t-test (P < 0.05) for paired data was applied to evaluate the measurements values before and after treatment. The linear regression model was employed to assess the correlations between treatment effects. Results The efficacy of the RME was confirmed both on maxillary and mandibular arch. Mandibular intermolar width (+2.02 mm) together with primary intermolar (+1.39 mm), intercanine width (+0.95mm) and torque variations significantly increased. The untreated control group showed no significant statistical differences between T0 and T1. The linear regression between maxillary and mandibular data showed correlations between the torque of the teeth 16/46 and 65/85 (P < 0.05). Conclusions RME anchored on primary molars is an effective treatment option to correct tranverse maxillary deficiencies. All the measurements increased significantly confirming the indirect effect of RME on the mandibular arch

    Wearable robotic exoskeleton for overground gait training in sub-acute and chronic hemiparetic stroke patients: preliminary results

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    BACKGROUND: Recovery of therapeutic or functional ambulatory capacity in post-stroke patients is a primary goal of rehabilitation. Wearable powered exoskeletons allow patients with gait dysfunctions to perform over-ground gait training, even immediately after the acute event.AIM: To investigate the feasibility and the clinical effects of an over-ground walking training with a wearable powered exoskeleton in sub-acute and chronic stroke patients.DESIGN: Prospective, pilot pre-post, open label, non-randomized experimental study.SETTING: A single neurological rehabilitation center for inpatients and outpatients.POPULATION: Twenty-three post-stroke patients were enrolled: 12 sub-acute (mean age: 43.8\ub113.3 years, 5 male and 7 female, 7 right hemiparesis and 5 left hemiparesis) and 11 chronic (mean age: 55.5\ub115.9 years, 7 male and 4 female, 4 right hemiparesis and 7 left hemiparesis) patients.METHODS: Patients underwent 12 sessions (60 min/session, 3 times/week) of walking rehabilitation training using Ekso\u2122, a wearable bionic suit that enables individuals with lower extremity disabilities and minimal forearm strength to stand up, sit down and walk over a flat hard surface with a full weight-bearing reciprocal gait. Clinical evaluations were performed at the beginning of the training period (t0), after 6 sessions (t1) and after 12 sessions (t2) and were based on the Ashworth scale, Motricity Index, Trunk Control Test, Functional Ambulation Scale, 10-Meter Walking Test, 6-Minute Walking Test, and Walking Handicap Scale. Wilcoxon's test (P<0.05) was used to detect significant changes.RESULTS: Statistically significant improvements were observed at the three assessment periods for both groups in Motricity Index, Functional Ambulation Scale, 10-meter walking test, and 6-minute walking test. Sub-acute patients achieved statistically significant improvement in Trunk Control Test and Walking Handicap Scale at t0-t2. Sub-acute and chronic patient did not achieve significant improvement in Ashworth scale at t0-t2.CONCLUSIONS: Twelve sessions of over-ground gait training using a powered wearable robotic exoskeleton improved ambulatory functions in sub-acute and chronic post-stroke patients. Large, randomized multicenter studies are needed to confirm these preliminary data.CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: To plan a completely new individual tailored robotic rehabilitation strategy after stroke, including task-oriented over-ground gait training
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