15 research outputs found

    A Cardy-like formula for rotating black holes with planar horizon

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    We show that the semiclassical entropy of DD-dimensional rotating (an)isotropic black holes with planar horizon can be successfully computed according to a Cardy-like formula. This formula does not refer to any central charges but instead involves the vacuum energy which is identified with a gravitational bulk soliton. The soliton is obtained from the non-rotating black hole solution by means of a double analytic continuation. The robustness of the Cardy-like formula is tested with numerous and varied examples, including AdS, Lifshitz and hyperscaling violation planar black holes.Comment: Published in JHEP04(2017)09

    Complexity of four dimensional Anti-de-Sitter black holes with a rotating string in generalized scalar-tensor theories

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    The present work aims to compute the computational complexity of hairy Anti-de-Sitter black holes in four dimensions according to the Complexity equals Action (CA) conjecture on a generalized scalar-tensor theory. To perform this, the system contains a particle moving on the boundary of AdS4_{4}, corresponding to the insertion of a fundamental string in the bulk. The effect string is given by the Nambu-Goto term, analyzing the time development of this system, which is affected by the parameters of this class of theory.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    AdS/BCFT correspondence and Horndeski gravity in the presence of gauge fields: holographic paramagnetism/ferromagnetism phase transition

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    This paper presents a dual gravity model for a (2+1)-dimensional system with a limit on finite charge density and temperature, which will be used to study the properties of the holographic phase transition to paramagnetism-ferromagnetism in the presence of Horndeski gravity terms. In our model, the non-zero charge density is supported by a magnetic field. As a result, the radius ρ/B\rho/B indicates a localized condensate, as we increase the Horndeski gravity parameter, that is represented by γ\gamma. Furthermore, such condensate shows quantum Hall-type behavior. This radius is also inversely related to the total action coefficients of our model. It was observed that increasing the Horndeski parameter decreases the critical temperature of the holographic model and leads to the harder formation of the magnetic moment at the bottom of the black hole. However, when removing the magnetic field, the ferromagnetic material presents a disorder of its magnetic moments, which is observed through the entropy of the system. We also found that at low temperatures, spontaneous magnetization and ferromagnetic phase transition.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Magnetized AdS/BCFT Correspondence in Horndeski Gravity

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    This work presents an investigation of the thermodynamics and hydrodynamics of a five-dimensional black hole in the presence of an external magnetic field. The solution is the gravity dual to an Anti-de-Sitter/Boundary Conformal Field Theory (AdS/BCFT) correspondence. For this, we will establish the AdS5_{5}/BCFT4_{4} correspondence, and with it, we will study the properties of an anisotropic fluid with an external magnetic field. Using holographic renormalization we compute the free energy and holographic stress tensor residing on boundary Q. From the point of view of the fluid/gravity correspondence, we have a class of boundary extensions existing in boundary Q, for which the stress-energy tensor describes a magnetizing conformal fluid. We discuss the characteristics of this special solution, as well as its thermodynamic properties, for example, the null trace indicates that the bulk viscosity must be zero, which gives us a plasma without viscosity.Comment: 39 pages, 23 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2301.0312

    Thermodynamics of non-linearly charged Anti-de Sitter black holes in four-dimensional Critical Gravity

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    In this work, we provide new examples of Anti-de Sitter black holes with a planar base manifold in four-dimensional Critical Gravity by considering nonlinear electrodynamics as a matter source. We find a general solution characterized by the presence of only one integration constant where, for a suitable election of coupling constants, we can show the existence of one or more horizons. Additionally, we compute its non-null thermodynamical quantities through a variety of techniques, testing the validity of the first law of thermodynamics as well as a Smarr formula. Finally, we analyze the local thermodynamical stability of the solutions. To our knowledge, these charged configurations are the first example with Critical Gravity where their thermodynamical quantities are not zero

    Termodinámica de agujeros negros con comportamiento asintótico no estándar

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    167 p

    Investigación de la ciencia de la criptografía enfocada al ámbito ingenieril

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    108 p.La criptografía es una ciencia encargada del estudio del cifrado de un mensaje en claves, además de esquemas de comunicación bilateral entre participantes, tomando en consideración la presencia de un adversario y de un canal, de manera tal que resulte imposible conocer su contenido a los que no dispongan el uso de claves determinadas. En informática, el uso de la criptografía es muy habitual, utilizándose en comunicaciones y el almacenamiento de datos. En comunicaciones, se altera la información transmitida por medio del uso de una clave secreta, la cual circula codificada hasta llegar al punto de destino, donde un sistema que conoce la clave del cifrado es capaz de descifrar la información y volverla inteligible. En particular, la integridad y confidencialidad de la información están basadas en complejos códigos elaborados gracias a las matemáticas y es por ese motivo que el presente trabajo tiene como fin concatenar esta disciplina junto con la seguridad de la información, en particular al ámbito ingenieril

    Exploring the Entropy Complex Networks with Latent Interaction

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    In the present work, we study the introduction of a latent interaction index, examining its impact on the formation and development of complex networks. This index takes into account both observed and unobserved heterogeneity per node in order to overcome the limitations of traditional compositional similarity indices, particularly when dealing with large networks comprising numerous nodes. In this way, it effectively captures specific information about participating nodes while mitigating estimation problems based on network structures. Furthermore, we develop a Shannon-type entropy function to characterize the density of networks and establish optimal bounds for this estimation by leveraging the network topology. Additionally, we demonstrate some asymptotic properties of pointwise estimation using this function. Through this approach, we analyze the compositional structural dynamics, providing valuable insights into the complex interactions within the network. Our proposed method offers a promising tool for studying and understanding the intricate relationships within complex networks and their implications under parameter specification. We perform simulations and comparisons with the formation of Erdös–Rényi and Barabási–Alber-type networks and Erdös–Rényi and Shannon-type entropy. Finally, we apply our models to the detection of microbial communities