309 research outputs found

    Aspects of finite electrodynamics in D=3 dimensions

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    We study the impact of a minimal length on physical observables for a three-dimensional axionic electrodynamics. Our calculation is done within the framework of the gauge-invariant, but path-dependent, variables formalism which is alternative to the Wilson loop approach. Our result shows that the interaction energy contains a regularised Bessel function and a linear confining potential. This calculation involves no theta expansion at all. Once again, the present analysis displays the key role played by the new quantum of length.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; reference list updated and extended; new aknowlegments; removed line after eq.(1) erroneously inserte

    Remarks on Screening in a Gauge-Invariant Formalism

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    In this paper we display a direct and physically attractive derivation of the screening contribution to the interaction potential in the Chiral Schwinger model and generalized Maxwell-Chern-Simons gauge theory. It is shown that these results emerge naturally when a correct separation between gauge-invariant and gauge degrees of freedom is made. Explicit expressions for gauge-invariant fields are found.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to appear in PR

    The photino sector and a confining potential in a supersymetric Lorentz-symmetry-violating model

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    We study the spectrum of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Carroll-Field-Jackiw model for Electrodynamics with a topological Chern-Simons-like Lorentz-symmetry violating term. We identify a number of independent background fermion condensates, work out the gaugino dispersion relation and propose a photonic effective action to consider aspects of confinement induced by the SUSY background fermion condensates, which also appear to signal Lorentz-symmetry violation in the photino sector of the action. Our calculations of the static potential are carried out within the framework of the gauge-invariant but path-dependent variables formalism which are alternative to the Wilson loop approach. Our results show that the interaction energy contains a linear term leading to the confinement of static probe charges.Comment: 11 pages, photino dispersion relation is extended to included the case the photino acquires mass through spontaneous SUSY breakin

    Aspects of CPT-even Lorentz-symmetry violating physics in a supersymmetric scenario

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    Background fermion condensates in a landscape dominated by global SUSY are reassessed in connection with a scenario where Lorentz symmetry is violated in the bosonic sector (actually, the photon sector) by a CPTCPT-even kFk_F-term. An effective photonic action is discussed that originates from the supersymmetric background fermion condensates. Also, the photino mass emerges in terms of a particular condensate contrary to what happens in the kAFk_{AF}-violation. Finally, the interparticle potential induced by the effective photonic action is investigated and a confining profile is identified.Comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1102.3777 by other author

    Gambini-Pullin Electrodynamics as a scenario for Cherenkov radiation in QED vacuum

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    We examine the electromagnetic radiation produced by a moving charge in the QED vacuum that behaves as a dispersive medium characterized by a geometrical structure (discreteness/granularity) that emerges from loop quantum gravity. It is shown that the radiation is driven by the refractive vacuum the charged particle travels through reproducing the profile of the Cherenkov effect.Comment: 6 page

    Vacuum material properties and Cherenkov radiation in Logarithmic Electrodynamics

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    We study some observational signatures of nonlinearities of the electromagnetic field. First to all we show the vital role played by nonlinearities in triggering a material behavior of the vacuum with (ε>0,μ<0)(\varepsilon > 0, \mu <0), which corresponds to a ferrimagnetic material. Secondly, the permittivity and susceptibility induced by nonlinearities are considered in order to obtain the refractive index via the dispersion relation for logarithmic electrodynamics. Finally, we consider the electromagnetic radiation produced by a moving charged particle interacting with a medium characterized by nonlinearities of the electromagnetic field. To this end we consider logarithmic electrodynamics. The result shows that the radiation is driven by the medium through which the particle travels like the one that happens in the Cherenkov effect.Comment: 8 page

    Lorentz-symmetry violation in scenarios of non-linear electromagnetic models: a preliminary inspection

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    In this contribution, our efforts consist in presenting and discussing the status of a paper in progress we are working on to investigate how non-linear electromagnetic effects couple to the parameters that signal Lorentz-symmetry violation (LSV). Here, we realize LSV by means of a specific model, namely Carroll-Field-Jackiw's. We set the formulation by considering a general non-linear photonic Lagrangian (written in terms of the Lorentz-invariant bilinears in the field-strength) that may be coupled to different operators that carry the message of LSV. In possess of the polynomial equation expressing the dispersion relation and the refractive index, one can find the results that express how the (meta)material constitutive properties of the vacuum are affected by the mixing of the parameters that measure LSV with the parameters of the specific non-linear electrodynamic model under consideration. We expect that our efforts might be of interest in connection with the experiments carried out with the existing super-intense LASERs based on chirped pulse amplification.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, Presented at the Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, May 17-26, 202

    Confinement effects from interacting chromo-magnetic and axion fields

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    We study a non-Abelian gauge theory with a pseudo scalar coupling \phi \epsilon ^{\mu \nu \alpha \beta} F_{\mu \nu}^a F_{\alpha \beta}^a in the case where a constant chromo-electric, or chromo-magnetic, strength expectation value is present. We compute the interaction potential within the framework of gauge-invariant, path-dependent, variables formalism. While in the case of a constant chromo-electric field strength expectation value the static potential remains Coulombic, in the case of a constant chromo-magnetic field strength the potential energy is the sum of a Coulombic and a linear potentials, leading to the confinement of static charges.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, published versio

    New forms of BRST symmetry in rigid rotor

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    We derive the different forms of BRST symmetry by using the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky formalism in a rigid rotor. The so called "dual-BRST" symmetry is obtained from usual BRST symmetry by making a canonical transformation in the ghost sector. On the other hand, a canonical transformation in the sector involving Lagrange multiplier and its corresponding momentum leads to a new form of BRST as well as dual-BRST symmetry.Comment: 10 Pages, revtex, No Fig
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