40 research outputs found

    Irregular wave validation of a coupling methodology for numerical modelling of near and far field effects of wave energy converter arrays

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    Between the Wave Energy Converters (WECs) of a farm, hydrodynamic interactions occur and have an impact on the surrounding wave field, both close to the WECs (" near field" effects) and at large distances from their location (" far field" effects). To simulate this " far field" impact in a fast and accurate way, a generic coupling methodology between hydrodynamic models has been developed by the Coastal Engineering Research Group of Ghent University in Belgium. This coupling methodology has been widely used for regular waves. However, it has not been developed yet for realistic irregular sea states. The objective of this paper is to present a validation of the novel coupling methodology for the test case of irregular waves, which is demonstrated here for coupling between the mild slope wave propagation model, MILDwave, and the ` Boundary Element Method'-based wave-structure interaction solver, NEMOH. MILDwave is used to model WEC farm " far field" effects, while NEMOH is used to model " near field" effects. The results of the MILDwave-NEMOH coupled model are validated against numerical results from NEMOH, and against the WECwakes experimental data for a single WEC, and for WEC arrays of five and nine WECs. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between disturbance coefficient (Kd) values in the entire numerical domain (RMSEKd, D) are used for evaluating the performed validation. The RMSEKd, D between results from the MILDwave-NEMOH coupled model and NEMOH is lower than 2.0% for the performed test cases, and between the MILDwave-NEMOH coupled model and the WECwakes experimental data RMSEKd, D remains below 10%. Consequently, the efficiency is demonstrated of the coupling methodology validated here which is used to simulate WEC farm impact on the wave field under the action of irregular waves

    Balancing power production and coastal protection: A bi-objective analysis of Wave Energy Converters

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    Wave Energy Converters (WECs) have the potential to serve dual purposes, generating power and protecting coastlines. Although traditionally the focus has been on maximizing power generation for cost-effectiveness, growing impacts of climate change have made coastal protection increasingly imperative. However, power production and coastal protection have been addressed separately, missing potential synergies. This paper addresses this gap by conducting a bi-objective analysis to investigate the interactions between power extraction and wave attenuation for a single Oscillating Surge Wave Converter (OSWC) and WEC farms of three and five units. A linear Power Take-Off (PTO) system, with passive and reactive control strategies, is examined. By varying the PTO parameters, we assess their influence on both power production and wave field attenuation. Results demonstrate a significant impact of the PTO choice on wave attenuation, with a similar trend observed for power production. This finding highlights the potential for a trade-off, where maximizing wave attenuation may come at the cost of moderate energy output. Furthermore, the interactions observed within the WEC farms enhance this trend. The study emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to WEC technology development, promoting sustainable and resilient harnessing of wave energy resources, considering both power generation and coastal protection

    Coupling methodology for studying the far field effects of wave energy converter arrays over a varying bathymetry

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    For renewable wave energy to operate at grid scale, large arrays of Wave Energy Converters (WECs) need to be deployed in the ocean. Due to the hydrodynamic interactions between the individual WECs of an array, the overall power absorption and surrounding wave field will be affected, both close to the WECs (near field effects) and at large distances from their location (far field effects). Therefore, it is essential to model both the near field and far field effects of WEC arrays. It is difficult, however, to model both effects using a single numerical model that offers the desired accuracy at a reasonable computational time. The objective of this paper is to present a generic coupling methodology that will allow to model both effects accurately. The presented coupling methodology is exemplified using the mild slope wave propagation model MILDwave and the Boundary Elements Methods (BEM) solver NEMOH. NEMOH is used to model the near field effects while MILDwave is used to model the WEC array far field effects. The information between the two models is transferred using a one-way coupling. The results of the NEMOH-MILDwave coupled model are compared to the results from using only NEMOH for various test cases in uniform water depth. Additionally, the NEMOH-MILDwave coupled model is validated against available experimental wave data for a 9-WEC array. The coupling methodology proves to be a reliable numerical tool as the results demonstrate a difference between the numerical simulations results smaller than 5% and between the numerical simulations results and the experimental data ranging from 3% to 11%. The simulations are subsequently extended for a varying bathymetry, which will affect the far field effects. As a result, our coupled model proves to be a suitable numerical tool for simulating far field effects of WEC arrays for regular and irregular waves over a varying bathymetry

    Influence of power take-off modelling on the far-field effects of wave energy converter farms

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    The study of the potential impact of wave energy converter (WEC) farms on the surrounding wave field at long distances from the WEC farm location (also know as “far field” effects) has been a topic of great interest in the past decade. Typically, “far-field” effects have been studied using phase average or phase resolving numerical models using a parametrization of the WEC power absorption using wave transmission coefficients. Most recent studies have focused on using coupled models between a wave-structure interaction solver and a wave-propagation model, which offer a more complex and accurate representation of the WEC hydrodynamics and PTO behaviour. The difference in the results between the two aforementioned approaches has not been studied yet, nor how different ways of modelling the PTO system can affect wave propagation in the lee of the WEC farm. The Coastal Engineering Research Group of Ghent University has developed both a parameterized model using the sponge layer technique in the mild slope wave propagation model MILDwave and a coupled model MILDwave-NEMOH (NEMOH is a boundary element method-based wave-structure interaction solver), for studying the “far-field” effects of WEC farms. The objective of the present study is to perform a comparison between both numerical approaches in terms of performance for obtaining the “far-field” effects of two WEC farms. Results are given for a series of regular wave conditions, demonstrating a better accuracy of the MILDwave-NEMOH coupled model in obtaining the wave disturbance coefficient (Kd) values around the considered WEC farms. Subsequently, the analysis is extended to study the influence of the PTO system modelling technique on the “far-field” effects by considering: (i) a linear optimal, (ii) a linear sub-optimal and (iii) a non-linear hydraulic PTO system. It is shown that modelling a linear optimal PTO system can lead to an unrealistic overestimation of the WEC motions than can heavily affect the wave height at a large distance in the lee of the WEC farm. On the contrary, modelling of a sub-optimal PTO system and of a hydraulic PTO system leads to a similar, yet reduced impact on the “far-field” effects on wave height. The comparison of the PTO systems’ modelling technique shows that when using coupled models, it is necessary to carefully model the WEC hydrodynamics and PTO behaviour as they can introduce substantial inaccuracies into the WECs’ motions and the WEC farm “far-field” effects