618 research outputs found

    Distributed quantum information processing with minimal local resources

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    We present a protocol for growing graph states, the resource for one-way quantum computing, when the available entanglement mechanism is highly imperfect. The distillation protocol is frugal in its use of ancilla qubits, requiring only a single ancilla qubit when the noise is dominated by one Pauli error, and two for a general noise model. The protocol works with such scarce local resources by never post-selecting on the measurement outcomes of purification rounds. We find that such a strategy causes fidelity to follow a biased random walk, and that a target fidelity is likely to be reached more rapidly than for a comparable post-selecting protocol. An analysis is presented of how imperfect local operations limit the attainable fidelity. For example, a single Pauli error rate of 20% can be distilled down to ∼10\sim 10 times the imperfection in local operations.Comment: 4 pages of main paper with an additional 1 page appendix, 5 figures. Please contact me with any comment

    Switched Control of Electron Nuclear Spin Systems

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    In this article, we study control of electron-nuclear spin dynamics at magnetic field strengths where the Larmor frequency of the nucleus is comparable to the hyperfine coupling strength. The quantization axis for the nuclear spin differs from the static B_0 field direction and depends on the state of the electron spin. The quantization axis can be switched by flipping the state of electron spin, allowing for universal control on nuclear spin states. We show that by performing a sequence of flips (each followed by a suitable delay), we can perform any desired rotation on the nuclear spins, which can also be conditioned on the state of the electron spin. These operations, combined with electron spin rotations can be used to synthesize any unitary transformation on the coupled electron-nuclear spin system. We discuss how these methods can be used for design of experiments for transfer of polarization from the electron to the nuclear spins

    Energy levels and decoherence properties of single electron and nuclear spins in a defect center in diamond

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    The coherent behavior of the single electron and single nuclear spins of a defect center in diamond and a 13C nucleus in its vicinity, respectively, are investigated. The energy levels associated with the hyperfine coupling of the electron spin of the defect center to the 13C nuclear spin are analyzed. Methods of magnetic resonance together with optical readout of single defect centers have been applied in order to observe the coherent dynamics of the electron and nuclear spins. Long coherence times, in the order of microseconds for electron spins and tens of microseconds for nuclear spins, recommend the studied system as a good experimental approach for implementing a 2-qubit gate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-flip and spin-conserving optical transitions of the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond

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    We map out the first excited state sublevel structure of single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) colour centres in diamond. The excited state is an orbital doublet where one branch supports an efficient cycling transition, while the other can simultaneously support fully allowed optical Raman spin-flip transitions. This is crucial for the success of many recently proposed quantum information applications of the NV defects. We further find that an external electric field can be used to completely control the optical properties of a single centre. Finally, a group theoretical model is developed that explains the observations and provides good physical understanding of the excited state structure
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