8 research outputs found

    A Multistate Markov Model Based on CD4 Cell Count for HIV/AIDS Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

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    Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) by using a multistate Markov model to estimate transition intensities and transition probabilities among various states (transient as well as absorbing) of the AIDS patients. A total of 580 AIDS patients were included in this study who are undergoing Antiretroviral Therapy treatment in the ART centre in New Delhi during the period of April 2004 to April 2011. The patients are classified in different states on the basis of their available CD4 cell counts. The authors also estimated the mean sojourn time and total length of stay in each state before absorption, and also examined the effects of explanatory variables (i.e Age, Sex, Mode of transmission) on the rates of transition using Cox's proportional hazard model

    Massive Liver Abscess Caused by Multidrug Resistant Citrobacter freundii

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    Pyogenic liver abscess is a disease entity that may follow infections of the biliary tract, blood stream and intra abdominal conditions like appendicitis, diverticulitis etc. Co- morbid conditions like diabetes mellitus, renal disease, malignancy, immune suppression etc. may contribute to the development of an abscess and affect the overall outcome of liver abscess as well. Escherichia coli and Klebsiellapneumoniae have been reported to be the most common isolations from these cases. Citrobacter infections usually occur in patients with some underlying co- morbidities and mostly in hospitalized patients. Recently, an increased emergence of multi- drug resistant strains is presenting a challenge to clinicians and microbiologists.Here, we report a case of massive liver abscess in an immunocompetent patient caused due to Citrobacterfreundii resistant to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole, amikacin, ceftriaxone and piperacillin-tazobactam. It showed in vitro sensitivity to meropenem and aztreonam only

    An unusual case of heart failure due to Plasmodium vivax infection with a favorable outcome

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    Although malaria is one of the oldest types of parasitic infection, we have recently witnessed substantial changes in the outcome of malarial infections. Severe Plasmodium vivax infections have recently become more frequent, and are occasionally associated with fatal outcomes. Cardiac arrhythmia and myocardial failure have also been reported, typically in association with Plasmodium falciparum infections. We report a case of myocarditis and heart failure, due to Plasmodium vivaxinfection, along with the favorable outcome

    Prevalence and Predictors of Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with HIV Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: An Indian Perspective

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    Background. Predictors of thyroid dysfunction in HIV are not well determined. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and predictors of thyroid dysfunction in HIV infected Indians. Methods. Consecutive HIV patients, 18–70 years of age, without any severe comorbid state, having at least 1-year follow-up at the antiretroviral therapy clinic, underwent clinical assessment and hormone assays. Results. From initially screened 527 patients, 359 patients (61.44±39.42 months’ disease duration), having good immune function [CD4 count >200 cell/mm3: 90.25%; highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART): 88.58%], were analyzed. Subclinical hypothyroidism (ScH) was the commonest thyroid dysfunction (14.76%) followed by sick euthyroid syndrome (SES) (5.29%) and isolated low TSH (3.1%). Anti-TPO antibody (TPOAb) was positive in 3.90%. Baseline CD4 count had inverse correlation with TPOAb after adjusting for age and body mass index. Stepwise linear regression revealed baseline CD4 count, TPOAb, and tuberculosis to be best predictors of ScH after adjusting for age, weight, duration of HIV, and history of opportunistic fungal and viral infections. Conclusion. Burden of thyroid dysfunction in chronic HIV infection with stable immune function is lower compared to pre-HAART era. Thyroid dysfunction is primarily of nonautoimmune origin, predominantly ScH. Severe immunodeficiency at disease onset, TPOAb positivity, and tuberculosis were best predictors of ScH

    Presence, patterns & predictors of hypocortisolism in patients with HIV infection in India

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    Background & objectives: Adrenal insufficiency (AI) is rarely diagnosed in patients with HIV infection, in spite of autopsy studies showing very high rates of adrenal involvement. This study was aimed to determine the presence, patterns and predictors of AI in patients with HIV infection. Methods: Consecutive HIV patients, 18-70 yr age, without any severe co-morbid state, having at least one-year follow up at the antiretroviral therapy clinic, underwent clinical assessment and hormone assays. Results: From initially screened 527 patients, 359 patients having good immune function were analyzed. Basal morning cortisol <6 μg/dl (<165 nmol/l; Group 1), 6-11 μg/dl (165-300 nmol/l; Group 2), 11-18 μg/dl (300-500 nmol/l; Group 3) and ≥18 μg/dl (500 nmol/l; Group 4) were observed in 13, 71, 199 and 76 patients, respectively. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test revealed 87 patients (24.23%) to have AI. AI in groups 1-4 was 100, 56.34, 17.09 and 0 per cent, respectively. AI patients were more likely to be females (P< 0.05), having longer disease duration (P< 0.05), immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, hyperkalaemia (P< 0.01), lower fasting glucose (P< 0.01), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) and vitamin D. Regression analysis revealed morning cortisol and DHEAS to be best predictors of AI (P=0.004 and 0.028, respectively). Interpretation & conclusions: AI is a significant problem in HIV-infected individuals, observed in nearly a quarter of patients. Diagnosis warrants high index of suspicion and low threshold for screening, especially in those having low DHEAS and hyperkalaemia. Morning cortisol is a reasonable screening test, with ACTH stimulation warranted to confirm diagnosis, especially in patients with morning cortisol <11 μg/dl (300 nmol/l)

    Occurrence, patterns & predictors of hypogonadism in patients with HIV infection in India

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    Background & objectives: Data on hypogonadism among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected Indians are not available. This study was aimed to evaluate the occurrence, pattern and predictors of hypogonadism in HIV-infected Indians. Methods: Consecutive stable HIV-infected patients, 18-70 yr age, without any severe comorbid state, having at least one year follow up data at the antiretroviral therapy clinic, underwent clinical assessment and hormone assays. Results: From initially screened 527 patients, 359 patients (225 males; 134 females), having disease duration of 61.44±39.42 months, 88.58 per cent on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 40.67 per cent having tuberculosis history and 89.69 per cent with vitamin D insufficiency were analyzed. Testosterone <300 ng/dl was documented in 39.11 per cent males. Primary, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HypoH) and compensated hypogonadism were observed in 7.56, 31.56 and 12.44 per cent males, respectively. Males with hypogonadism were significantly older (P=0.009), and had higher opportunistic infections (P<0.001) with longer disease duration (P=0.05). Menstrual abnormalities were observed in 40.3 per cent females, who were significantly older (P<0.001), had lower CD4 count (P=0.038) and higher tuberculosis history (P=0.005). Nearly 46.3, 16.2 and 13 per cent women with menstrual abnormalities were in peri-/post-menopausal state, premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) and HypoH, respectively. Age, CD4 count at diagnosis and 25(OH)D were best predictors of male hypogonadism. Age and CD4 count increment in first 6-12 months following HAART were the best predictors of POI. Interpretation & conclusions: Hypogonadism was observed to be a significant problem in HIV-infected men and women in India, affecting 39 and 29 per cent patients, respectively. HypoH was the most common form in males whereas ovarian failure being the most common cause in females