9 research outputs found

    HBV, HCV and HIV among patients with Hemophilia in Khartoum- Sudan

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    Background: Hepatitis B, C and HIV infections and their impact forms one of the major health problems worldwide and in Sudan. Studies of hepatitis B, C and HIV virus among hemophiliacs in Sudan are lacking.Objectives: The main objective is to determine the screening, vaccination, seroconversion of hepatitis B, C and HIV among Sudanese hemophilic patients registered in Hemophilia Center Khartoum Teaching Hospital.Methods: During the period from July to November 2008, sixty two hemophilic male patients were randomly selected from hemophilic patients attending Hemophilic Center and were studied using simple direct standardized interview questionnaire and a blood sample from each patient was taken after consent for screening for hepatitis B, C and HIV.Results: Out of the 62 patients, 39 (62.9%) were found to be screened before this study. Out of these 23(58.97%) were fully vaccinated for HB V, 23.08 % were partially vaccinated and seven had no vaccination at all.Only one patient had seroconverted to HBsAg positive. HCV was detected in eight patient one of them was also found to have HIV infection.Conclusion: The low figures of HBs Ag positivity we got in this study is probably an under estimation of the actual prevalence of HBV as we did not use other serological marker and modern technology for detection of exposure to HBV. To determine the real magnitude of the problem wehave to applying other markers like HBc Antibody in the screening procedures which are simple and cost effective. The coverage of our hemophilic patients with HBV vaccine was 52% so a significant number of our patients are at risk of contracting HBV. Unlike HIV, HCV was detectedin an alarming percentage. Health education is a cornerstone in prevention of these serious viral infections

    Esophageal Stricture Post Endoscopic Injection Sclerotherapy

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    Background: Post endoscopic sclerotherapy esophageal stricture is usually not fatal but may requires several sessions of esophageal dilation as an effective palliative treatment yet has its own complications.Aim: The purpose of this study is to find out the predictors of sclerotherapy esophageal stricture.Methods: This is a cross sectional descriptive study of the esophageal stricture post sclerotherapy for the patients who were managed in the period from January 2000 through the June 2007 in endoscopic department at Ibn Sina Hospital. Post endoscopic sclerotherapy symptoms, signs, diagnostic and therapeutic methods were analysed to find out possible predictors of developing benign esophageal stricture.Result: A 33 out of 10133 patients who had sclerotherapyl were found to have esophageal stricture and were included in this study. 91% of them were males, 88% wer

    Fatty liver disease in Sudan is not alcohol related

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    Background: The finding of fatty liver disease (FLD) has generally been assumed to be a consequence of ethanol ingestion. However, non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was identified as a specific entity. Although FLD is generally nonprogressive or only slowly progressive, cirrhosis and HCC can develop. Objectives: The aim of this study is to find out the prevalence, clinical presentation and aetiology of FLD in Sudanese patients. Methods: This is a descriptive cross sectional study which included 100 patients with FLD detected by ultrasonography at the national center for gastro-intestinal and liver diseases. Data was collected using a well designed questionnaire and results were analyzed by using SPSS computer system. Results: Out of 1800 patients with liver disease, 100 were found to have FLD. These have no sex difference. Their mean age was 49.8 ±15.2 years. The main presenting symptoms were upper abdominal pain (60%) and fatigability in (41%). while (7%) were asymptomatic. Hepatomegaly was clinically detected in (44%). Ninety out of these 100 patients had non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In this group (42%) were diabetics and (55%) had hyperlipidemia. A BMI of > 25kg/m2 was detected in 47% of patients. In patients with FLD and a BM

    Condom use among illegal multi-partners females in the Sudan

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    Background: Professional multi-partners females have relatively high numbers of sexual partners. The prevalence of HIV among multi-partners is high. Illegal multi-partners females probably have the same high risk.Objective: To describe baseline indicators of condom use during sexual intercourse among a religiously prohibited, and socially non accepted population which is represented by illegal multipartners females.Methodology: From Oct 2010 to Dec 2010, we collected data on condom use and sexual habits of 102 illegal multi-partners females, in two cities (Khartoum & Kasala). Because it is religiously prohibited, and is a social stigma in an Islamic community, access to multi-partners females forresearch purpose is very difficult in Sudan. Nevertheless, women were recruited as they were seeking care in STIs at dermatology & STIs public clinics in Khartoum and KassalaResults: The median age of female multi-partners was 36 years (range 21 -56). The reported median number of clients was 80 per month (range 4 – 200 clients). Vaginal intercourse was most common (98%) and anal  intercourse was infrequent (10%). Of 102 participants, 97 (95%) reportedno use of condom with their clients, whereas five women (4.9%) reported irregular use of condom. Of 102 participants only four (3.92%) are ported being tested for HIV infection. Of 102 participants 61/102 (60%) did not have condoms during sexual intercourse, whereas 20 (19.61%) reported resistance of the partners, 15% although they knew the benefit if using condoms, but partners pay more if not use and 5% were indifferent if use or not.Conclusion: Our results confirm that illegal multi-partners females may be at increased risk for HIV infection and so their clients will also be at high risk of contracting HIV. Beside being religiously and legally prohibited and socially unacceptable, this unsafe practice can create a serious health problem.Keywords: HIV, Vaginal, sexual

    Aetiology of Proximal Weakness among Adult Sudanese patients

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    Objective: To determine the aetiology of proximal myopathy among adult Sudanese patients seen in Elshaab Teaching Hospital. Methods: This is a descriptive cross sectional hospital based study conducted in Elshaab Teaching Hospital, during the period from January 2004 September 2005. 100 adult Sudanese patients with proximal myopathy were reviewed, detailed history and proper clinical examination was done by the authors. Results: The most frequent cause of proximal myopathy was found to be muscular dystrophy which accounted for 30% of the cases, followed by myasthenia gravis 20%, polymyositis and dermatomyositis 14%, Guillain Barre 8%, diabetes mellitus 5%, connective tissue diseases 5%, thyrotoxicosis 3%, chronic renal failure 3%, malignancy 2%, drugs (steroids and chloroquine) 2%, alcohol 2%. Spinal muscular atrophy, hypokalaemia, and hypocalcaemia each accounted for 1%. Conclusion: The study showed that the incidence of proximal myopathy is more common among females. Proximal muscle weakness involved the lower limbs more than the upper limbs. Keywords: myopathy, Guillain Barre, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, hypokalaemia, atrophy.Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 3 (1) 2008: pp. 17-2