63 research outputs found

    Supplementary File for Capturing wheat phenotypes at the genome level

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    Supplementary S1: Yield and related traits in bread wheat. Table S1: Examples of genomic regions, candidate and cloned genes for yield and related traits in bread wheat. Supplementary S2: Drought tolerance. Table S2: Examples of genomic regions and candidate genes for drought tolerance. Supplementary S3: Heat tolerance. Table S3. Examples of genomic regions and candidate genes for heat tolerance. Supplementary S4: salinity tolerance in bread wheat. Table S4. Examples of genomic regions and candidate genes for salinity tolerance in bread wheat. Supplementary S5: Frost tolerance. Supplementary S6: Disease resistance. Table S5. Examples of genomic regions, candidate and cloned genes mapped for disease resistance in wheat species. Supplementary S7 insect and mite resistance. Table S6. Examples of genomic regions and candidate genes mapped for insect and mite resistance. Supplementary S8: Quality traits. Table S7. Examples of genomic regions, candidate and cloned genes for quality traits.Recent technological advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have dramatically reduced the cost of DNA sequencing, allowing species with large and complex genomes to be sequenced. Although bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the world’s most important food crops, efficient exploitation of molecular marker-assisted breeding approaches has lagged behind that achieved in other crop species, due to its large polyploid genome. However, an international public–private effort spanning 9 years reported over 65% draft genome of bread wheat in 2014, and finally, after more than a decade culminated in the release of a gold-standard, fully annotated reference wheat-genome assembly in 2018. Shortly thereafter, in 2020, the genome of assemblies of additional 15 global wheat accessions was released. As a result, wheat has now entered into the pan-genomic era, where basic resources can be efficiently exploited. Wheat genotyping with a few hundred markers has been replaced by genotyping arrays, capable of characterizing hundreds of wheat lines, using thousands of markers, providing fast, relatively inexpensive, and reliable data for exploitation in wheat breeding. These advances have opened up new opportunities for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) in wheat. Herein, we review the advances and perspectives in wheat genetics and genomics, with a focus on key traits, including grain yield, yield-related traits, end-use quality, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. We also focus on reported candidate genes cloned and linked to traits of interest. Furthermore, we report on the improvement in the aforementioned quantitative traits, through the use of (i) clustered regularly interspaced short-palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9)-mediated gene-editing and (ii) positional cloning methods, and of genomic selection. Finally, we examine the utilization of genomics for the next-generation wheat breeding, providing a practical example of using in silico bioinformatics tools that are based on the wheat reference-genome sequence.Peer reviewe

    Chemical Communication in Insects: New Advances in Integrated Pest Management Strategies

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    Chemical communication plays a pivotal role in many insect behaviors, including food-seeking, recruitment, the recognition of congeners, reproduction, alarm, territorial marking, and survival [...

    Field and Laboratory Studies on the Ecology, Reproduction, and Adult Diapause of the Asian Comma Butterfly, <i>Polygonia c-aureum</i> L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

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    Adult diapause and reproduction of a nymphalid butterfly, Polygonia c-aureum L., were investigated in field and laboratory examinations. Laboratory studies showed that old virgin male butterflies of non-diapausing generations had heavy accessory glands and simplex, which were suppressed in diapausing generations. The number of eupyrene sperm bundles in the duplex increased with adult age, whereas testis size decreased with age. Field examinations indicated that reproductive development of both sexes of diapausing generations in autumn was suppressed, and developed in spring. We attempted to estimate the physiological age of wild-caught males, as adult male age can be estimated from the testis size. We also attempted to determine whether or not wild male butterflies had mated from the development of the accessory glands and simplex, as well as the number of eupyrene sperm bundles in the duplex, by comparing unmated males with mated males. Field examinations suggest that almost all females in a population of non-diapausing generations mated and showed a tendency toward polyandry, while in the diapausing generation, in spring, monoandry rather than polyandry predominated. This suggests a different mating strategy between non-diapausing and diapausing generations

    Interactions of insect pheromones and plant semiochemicals

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    9 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables.-- PMID: 15130551 [PubMed].-- Printed version published May 2004.Plant semiochemicals are known to produce a wide range of behavioral responses in insects. Some insects sequester or acquire host plant compounds and use them as sex pheromones or sex pheromone precursors. Other insects produce or release sex pheromones in response to specific host plant cues, and chemicals from host plants often synergistically enhance the response of an insect to sex pheromones. Plant volatiles can also have inhibitory or repellent effects that interrupt insect responses to pheromones and attract predators and parasitoids to the attacking species after herbivory injury. Here, we review different interactions between plant semiochemicals and insect pheromones, paying attention to those that can result in the development of more efficient and reliable programs for pest control.We gratefully acknowledge CICYT for financial support (AGL2000–1695-C02–01).Peer reviewe

    Recent advances and challenges in implementing IPM programmes in the entomological context of Indian agriculture

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    Integrated pest management (IPM) programmes are based on using multiple methods to maintain nuisance insects below tolerant levels in crop fields. Recent advances in IPM in developed countries have incorporated biological pesticides, microbial products, semiochemicals, and beneficial insects, but few of such programmes have been successfully implemented in developing countries, such as India. Semiochemicals play critical roles as signals in various interspecific and intraspecific interactions between insects and plants, and among interacting insects, plants, and microbes. In India IPM programmes have included mechanical, chemical, cultural, and biological management strategies. However, among these methods, biological management has its own limitations. Indian IPM scientists mostly work on individual crops, assessing damage severity by specific nuisance arthropods and the efficacy of particular management measure. However, very few government institutions or commercial companies are engaged in developing and commercializing either biological pesticides or semiochemicals. Government institutions mostly focus on research on pheromones of the pestiferous Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. Developing IPM programmes requires a clear understanding of crop-plant development, biology and population dynamics of the nuisance organisms, and the chemical and molecular interactions between the two. It also necessarily requires local knowledge of available, prevalent management tactics. Moreover, the IPM programmes have not been widely adopted in developing countries due to lack of proper knowledge and training farmers in efficient IPM practices, the need for more of human labour, and the complexity of IPM practices, all of which impede on the effective implementation of IPM programmes. In this article, we recapture the historical development of IPM efforts in India and ask whether this concept remains suitable to the present-day challenges in crop production. In this review, more specifically, those factors identified as obstacles to the more widespread adoption of IPM and ways of overcoming such barriers are discussed

    Effect of Two Strains of <i>Beauveria bassiana</i> on the Fecundity of <i>Nezara viridula</i> L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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    The southern green stink bug (SGSB) Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), has become a significant pest of soybean and cotton in southern Central America and in the lower mid-southern U.S. A laboratory colony of SGSB was used to evaluate the effect of two isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) including the commercial strain GHA and the Mississippi Delta native NI8 strain on the fecundity of this pest. Water control, Tween-80, and four concentrations of each strain (n × 104, 105, 106, and 107) were evaluated. Both native and commercial isolates with the highest concentrations were susceptible to the SGSB. Females, however, were much more pathogenic to both strains than males. Lethal concentration of the native strain (236 spores/mm2) was 1.4-fold lower (326 spores/mm2) than the GHA strain for females evaluated 20 d post-exposure. Greater concentrations (1.1 × 107 spores/mm2, 5.2 × 106 spores/mm2) were required to kill males with both strains native and commercial, respectively. For controls and lower concentrations, cumulative fecundity ranged from 1178 to 2082 eggs/10 couples/life reproduction, compared with 597 and 673 eggs/10 couples sprayed (n × 106 and 107) with the native NI8, respectively, and 386 eggs/10 couples sprayed (n × 107) with the commercial GHA

    Entomopathogenic Nematodes Combined with Adjuvants Presents a New Potential Biological Control Method for Managing the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae).

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    The wheat stem sawfly, (Cephus cinctus Norton) Hymenoptera: Cephidae, has been a major pest of winter wheat and barley in the northern Great Plains for more than 100 years. The insect's cryptic nature and lack of safe chemical control options make the wheat stem sawfly (WSS) difficult to manage; thus, biological control offers the best hope for sustainable management of WSS. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have been used successfully against other above-ground insect pests, and adding adjuvants to sprays containing EPNs has been shown to improve their effectiveness. We tested the hypothesis that adding chemical adjuvants to sprays containing EPNs will increase the ability of EPNs to enter wheat stems and kill diapausing WSS larvae. This is the first study to test the ability of EPNs to infect the WSS, C. cinctus, and test EPNs combined with adjuvants against C. cinctus in both the laboratory and the field. Infection assays showed that three different species of EPNs caused 60-100% mortality to WSS larvae. Adding Penterra, Silwet L-77, Sunspray 11N, or Syl-Tac to solutions containing EPNs resulted in higher WSS mortality than solutions made with water alone. Field tests showed that sprays containing S. feltiae added to 0.1% Penterra increased WSS mortality up to 29.1%. These results indicate a novel control method for WSS, and represent a significant advancement in the biological control of this persistent insect pest

    Mild drought facilitates the increase in wheat aphid abundance by changing host metabolism

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    Water shortages and water pollution are current issues in ecosystems around the world, and the stress induced by drought can further increase negative impacts on agriculture in these areas. In the present experiment, we examined the effect of mild drought on wheat plants grown in association with the wheat aphid\ua0Sitobion avenae\ua0Fabricius (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in 2019 and 2020. Using plot experiments, we tested the hypothesis that mild drought tends to enhance the performance of this wheat aphid by changing the nutritional quality of the wheat plants. We found that mild drought treatment significantly increased aphid abundance and population growth rates. Also, mild drought significantly increased total amino acid concentration of the wheat ear as well as concentrations of key amino acids, including Arg, Ile, Leu, Lys, Phe, Try, Gly, Ala, Tyr, and Cys in 2019, and Arg, Ile, Leu, Lys, Gly, and Cys in 2020. Mild drought led to a shift in the composition of amino acids in the plants, causing cascading effects at higher trophic levels. Such changes suggest that the carrying capacity of the environment with respect to aphids will increase if mild drought events continues to increase in frequency with climate change

    Optimization of nitrogen fertilizer application enhances biocontrol function and net income

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    The intensive use of nitrogen fertilizer has been a common approach for pursuing higher crop yields. However, the ecological effects of such use on the tritrophic interactions (crop-insect pest-natural enemy) and on the ecological and economic benefits of such use are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effects of low, medium, and high levels of nitrogen fertilizer inputs (70, 140, and 280 kg/ha/yr) on cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae Fabricius [Hemiptera: Aphididae], Schizaphis graminum Rondani [Hemiptera: Aphididae], and Rhopalosiphum padi L. [Hemiptera: Aphididae]) abundance, primary parasitism rates, crop yield, and net income in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum [Poales: Poaceae] cv. Zhou 22) for 2 yr. A higher input of nitrogen fertilizer significantly enhanced the abundance of cereal aphids, while their primary parasitism rates (26.9 ± 3.5% in 2018 and 24.9 ± 4.5% in 2019) were highest at the medium nitrogen level. The performance of participants in the wheat-aphids-parasitoids system was likewise mediated by the nitrogen fertilizers. Meanwhile, wheat yield significantly increased with moderate increases in the nitrogen level, although overuse of nitrogen fertilizer did not significantly further enhance wheat yield. Finally, we found either low or overuse of nitrogen fertilizers resulted in lower net income than did medium nitrogen fertilization. These results demonstrate the need to reevaluate and adjust fertilizer use to optimize the eco-economic and sustainable management of agroecosystems