47 research outputs found

    Sviluppo locale e turismo culturale. La Tabula Peutingeriana: un punto di partenza

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    La crescente richiesta di turismo culturale da parte del pubblico va di pari passo con la crisi del tradizionale turismo balneare. Il progetto europeo ROMIT che coinvolge diverse universit\ue0 dell'Unione europea si propone di progettare itinerari fondati sulla presenza di vestigia romane nelle diverse regioni. Nel caso dell'Emilia Romagna gli itinerari sono numerosi e possono essere inquadrati e in qualche modo unificati all'interno della rete stradale individuabile nella Tabula Peutingeriana, l'unica carta geografica romana giunta fino a noi, sia pure attraverso una copia del XII secolo. Le caratteristiche peculiari di questa rappresentazione e le sue vicende attraverso i secoli, come anche le riproduzioni a stampa che ne sono state realizzate nel passato, sono degne di interesse e di approfondimento anche ai fini della fruizione da parte di un pubblico colto, anche se non specializzato, come quello dei turisti

    Stylistic design engineering (SDE) for an innovative green vehicle following QFD and triz applications

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    With this article, we intend to set the first strategic phase of the product development process, that is to say the one related to the conceptual project. In particular, this work refers to the installation of the project of an innovative, green, sustainable means of transport based on renewable energy, to move to the center of medium and large cities. The discussion presented presents a series of cutting-edge methods, in series of logical use, in order to make both strategic and technical decisions. Among the inputs of the methods, we will have an analysis of customer needs, competitive analysis, a series of technological objectives (or performances) as a result of the work in progress. In particular, we will first use the quality distribution method (QFD), then the method of analyzing competition through Benchmarking to identify the quantitative requirements that will give us the opportunity to create an innovative product, enhanced by a Top-Flop analysis to determine the number of requirements of the best product on the market, which will be the limit to be overcome to embody innovation in a new project. As for the QFD, the input values are the customer's requirements, obtained with the "Six questions" method; then applying an interrelationship of the QFD matrix, the outputs of the method described above were obtained, representing the classification of all the various urban transports, classified according to user preferences. The application of the competition-oriented method of competition analysis through the use of Benchmarking is applied after the QFD. The inputs are the quantitative specifications, that is the performance, of all the hoverboard models of all the brands on the market. The output, however, is a comparison graph that contains all the performance values for each model. Other inputs will be table data, other outputs, values (or ranges of values) for each performance, so as to obtain a technical specification with quantitative objectives to obtain an innovative product

    Linfagite sclerosante del pene e sport

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    La linfagite sclerosante del pene \ue8 una patologia benigna che colpisce gli uomini prvalentemente tar la seconda e la quarta decade di vita, sembra essere associata nella maggiore parte dei casi ad un evento trauamtico a livello penieno