68 research outputs found

    Multiproxy approach to track changes in the ecological condition of wetlands in the Gunbower Forest, a Ramsar site

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    Gunbower Forest is bordered by the Murray River and Gunbower Creek and hosts several floodplain wetlands listed under the Ramsar Convention. Sediment cores were retrieved from three wetlands to trace changes to their ecological state over time. The basal sediments of the wetlands date back to the beginning of river regulation in the 1930s, suggesting that only after then were they inundated sufficiently often to allow for net sediment accumulation. The diatoms preserved in the lower levels of all cores suggest clear, freshwater conditions prevailed during that period. Increased sediment and nutrient loads are inferred by increased epiphytic forms and nutrient indicators. Over recent decades the wetlands have transitioned to plankton dominance, reflecting greater connectivity to the river and distributary, and a reduced light environment. This pattern resembles to that recorded both upstream and downstream, suggesting a regional-scale change in the wetlands of the southern Murray-Darling Basin. © CSIRO 2022

    Multiproxy Holocene fire records from the tropical savannas of northern Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia

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    Palaeoecology has demonstrated potential to inform current and future land management by providing long-term baselines for fire regimes, over thousands of years covering past periods of lower/higher rainfall and temperatures. To extend this potential, more work is required for methodological innovation able to generate nuanced, relevant and clearly interpretable results. This paper presents records from Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia, as a case study where fire management is an important but socially complex modern management issue, and where palaeofire records are limited. Two new multiproxy palaeofire records are presented from Sanamere Lagoon (8150-6600 cal BP) and Big Willum Swamp (3900 cal BP to present). These records combine existing methods to investigate fire occurrence, vegetation types, and relative fire intensity. Results presented here demonstrate a diversity of fire histories at different sites across Cape York Peninsula, highlighting the need for finer scale palaeofire research. Future fire management planning on Cape York Peninsula must take into account the thousands of years of active Indigenous management and this understanding can be further informed by palaeoecological research

    Biology and population studies of two endemic Nematoceras (orchid) species on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island

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    Two endemic orchid species, Nematoceras dienemum and N. sulcatum, are known from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. Several additional orchid populations on the island are reported and deistogamy is documented in N. dienemum for the first time. The known population sizes, habitats and locations for both orchid species are documented here, and new information on their biology and population ecology is provided

    Variance and Rate-of-Change as Early Warning Signals for a Critical Transition in an Aquatic Ecosystem State: A Test Case From Tasmania, Australia

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    Critical transitions in ecosystem states are often sudden and unpredictable. Consequently, there is a concerted effort to identify measurable early warning signals (EWS) for these important events. Aquatic ecosystems provide an opportunity to observe critical transitions due to their high sensitivity and rapid response times. Using palaeoecological techniques, we can measure properties of time series data to determine if critical transitions are preceded by any measurable ecosystem metrics, that is, identify EWS. Using a suite of palaeoenvironmental data spanning the last 2,400 years (diatoms, pollen, geochemistry, and charcoal influx), we assess whether a critical transition in diatom community structure was preceded by measurable EWS. Lake Vera, in the temperate rain forest of western Tasmania, Australia, has a diatom community dominated by Discostella stelligera and undergoes an abrupt compositional shift at ca. 820 cal yr BP that is concomitant with increased fire disturbance of the local vegetation. This shift is manifest as a transition from less oligotrophic acidic diatom flora (Achnanthidium minutissimum, Brachysira styriaca, and Fragilaria capucina) to more oligotrophic acidic taxa (Frustulia elongatissima, Eunotia diodon, and Gomphonema multiforme). We observe a marked increase in compositional variance and rate-of-change prior to this critical transition, revealing these metrics are useful EWS in this system. Interestingly, vegetation remains complacent to fire disturbance until after the shift in the diatom community. Disturbance taxa invade and the vegetation system experiences an increase in both compositional variance and rate-of-change. These trends imply an approaching critical transition in the vegetation and the probable collapse of the local rain forest system

    Reconciling 22,000 years of landscape openness in a renowned wilderness

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    Here, we explore the profound impact of the Tasmanian Aboriginal (Palawa) people on Tasmanian landscapes by examining a 22,000-year record of landscape change from Lake Selina in western Tasmania, Australia. We analysed a sediment core for palaeoecological proxies, namely, pollen (vegetation), charcoal (fire), and geochemical data (landscape weathering). This study reveals that the contemporary landscape is a product of Palawa people’s intentional and strategic fire management practices characterised by fire-dependent buttongrass moorland and the absence of climax rainforest. Specifically, our data show that rainforest failed to re-establish a dominance at Lake Selina following the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, as temperature and moisture increased as a result of Palawa cultural fire for at least 18,000 years. This finding challenges the long-held notion that Tasmania’s wilderness is a product of the absence of human activity. Rather, archaeological sites across western and central Tasmania demonstrate long term presence, with some of the highest artefact and faunal bone densities in the world. The study contributes to the recognition of Tasmania’s west as a cultural landscape shaped by generations of Aboriginal care for Country and fire practices

    Original plant diversity and ecosystems of a small, remote oceanic island (Corvo, Azores): Implications for biodiversity conservation

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    Remote islands harbour many endemic species and unique ecosystems. They are also some of the world's most human-impacted systems. It is essential to understand how island species and ecosystems behaved prior to major anthropogenic disruption as a basis for their conservation. This research aims to reconstruct the original, pre-colonial biodiversity of a remote oceanic island to understand the scale of past extinctions, vegetation changes and biodiversity knowledge gaps. We studied fossil remains from the North Atlantic island of Corvo (Azores), including pollen, charcoal, plant macrofossils, diatoms and geochemistry of wetland sediments from the central crater of the island, Caldeirão. A comprehensive list of current vascular plant species was compiled, along with a translation table comparing fossilized pollen to plant species and a framework for identifying extinctions and misclassifications. Pollen and macrofossils provide evidence for eight local extinctions from the island's flora and show that four species listed as ‘introduced’ are native. Up to 23% of the pollen taxa represent extinct/misclassified species. Corvo's past environment was dynamic, shifting from glacial-era open vegetation to various Holocene forest communities, then almost completely deforested by fires, erosion and grazing following Portuguese colonisation. Historical human impacts explain high ecological turnover, several unrecorded extinctions and the present-day abundance of vegetation types like Sphagnum blanket mire. We use Corvo as a case study on how fossil inventories can address the Wallacean and Hookerian biodiversity knowledge gaps on remote islands. Accurate baselines allow stakeholders to make informed conservation decisions using limited financial and human resources, particularly on islands where profound anthropogenic disruption occurred before comprehensive ecological research

    The application of X-ray fluorescence core scanning in multi-element analyses of a stratified archaeological cave deposit at Wee Jasper, Australia

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    Archaeological sediments retain elements from natural and anthropogenic inputs for many years, often forming stratified geochemical records of site formation and human use. This study evaluates the validity and potential of an X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF-CS) to contribute to the histories of stratified archaeological sites. Geochemical data sets from an archaeological deposit at Wee Jasper in southeast Australia are obtained using two sediment preparation techniques; the results are compared to trends identified through cultural artefacts and several more traditional methods of sediment analysis. Potential anthropogenic and organic element signatures are identified, and the sediment preparation techniques are evaluated. Minimally processed bulk samples provide consistent XRF results that strongly correlate with the trends observed in other proxies; results from unprocessed sediment columns, however, reveal methodological complications with the XRF-CS technique due to topographical and structural inconsistencies in the columns

    Using X-ray fluorescence core scanning to assess acid sulfate soils

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    During the formation of acid sulfate soils (ASS), several chemical elements in the sediment are mobilised. These elements are removed from the sediment or become enriched as precipitates in distinct horizons. The stratigraphic depth in which these precipitates accumulate is element-specific and is located either within the oxidised or in a transitional zone between the oxidised and the reduced zone. Aim of this study is to demonstrate how X-ray fluorescence core scanning, together with detailed sediment descriptions, can be used to perform an initial assessment of these different zones in ASS in a fast and cost-effective manner. We measured the chemical element signatures of K, Fe, Pb, Sr, Zn, Ni, Y, Mn and Ca in two sediment cores from Western Australia where ASS are suspected to occur. The oxidised zone in both cores is characterised by the occurrence of jarosite, which is indicated by pale straw yellow mottling and synchronous peaks in Fe/Ti, K/Ti, Pb/Ti and Sr/Ti, and of other secondary Fe-oxides, which are indicated by reddish mottling and synchronous peaks in Fe/Ti and Pb/Ti. The transition zone into reduced material is marked by synchronous peaks in Zn/Ti, Ni/Ti, Y/Ti and Mn/Ti. Based on these characteristic signatures, we broadly estimated the depth of the oxidised and the transitional zone at both sites

    Impacts of land reclamation on tidal marsh \u27blue carbon\u27 stocks

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    Tidal marsh ecosystems are among earth\u27s most efficient natural organic carbon (C) sinks and provide myriad ecosystem services. However, approximately half have been \u27reclaimed\u27 - i.e. converted to other land uses - potentially turning them into sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, we applied C stock measurements and paleoanalytical techniques to sediments from reclaimed and intact tidal marshes in southeast Australia. We aimed to assess the impacts of reclamation on: 1) the magnitude of existing sediment C stocks; 2) ongoing C sequestration and storage; and 3) C quality. Differences in sediment horizon depths (indicated by Itrax-XRF scanning) and ages (indicated by lead-210 and radiocarbon dating) suggest a physical loss of sediments following reclamation, as well as slowing of sediment accumulation rates. Sediments at one meter depth were between ~2000 and ~5300 years older in reclaimed cores compared to intact marsh cores. We estimate a 70% loss of sediment C in reclaimed sites (equal to 73 Mg C ha −1 ), relative to stocks in intact tidal marshes during a comparable time period. Following reclamation, sediment C was characterized by coarse particulate organic matter with lower alkyl-o-alkyl ratios and higher amounts of aromatic C, suggesting a lower extent of decomposition and therefore lower likelihood of being incorporated into long-term C stocks compared to that of intact tidal marshes. We conclude that reclamation of tidal marshes can diminish C stocks that have accumulated over millennial time scales, and these losses may go undetected if additional analyses are not employed in conjunction with C stock estimates
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