1,214 research outputs found

    Annihilation Anxiety and Crime

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    This article explores the psychoanalytic construct of annihilation anxiety in order to develop a more thoroughgoing engagement between criminological theory and contemporary psychoanalysis. Though a few criminologists have commented on crime, scapegoating and retribution using classic psychoanalytic ideas, we bring Hurvich’s current empirical work on annihilation anxiety to the discourse. Beginning with his definition of annihilation anxiety as ‘fears of being overwhelmed, merged, penetrated, fragmented, and destroyed’, we apply Hurvich’s measures to reactions to crime and insecurity and interpersonal, collective and international crime. We discuss doing criminology interpretively, applied to the dynamic connections between crime and reactions to it, including political and policy responses. We conclude that criminologists could and should help distinguish between potential and imminent threats, to advance a post-positivist approach to crime and other security threats. We argue that such an approach moves criminology toward a social science more humane and pragmatic for its conscious engagement with unconscious fears harboured amidst the purportedly rational calculi of justice.</jats:p

    Architecture and engineering of a supramolecular functional material by manipulating the nano-structure of fiber network

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    Three-dimensional fiber networks were created from an organogel system consisting mainly of elongated fibrils by using a nonionic surfactant as an additive. The presence of the surfactant molecules manipulates the network structure by enhancing the mismatch nucleation on the growing fiber tips. Both the fiber network structure and the rheological properties of the material can be finely tuned by changing the surfactant concentration, which provides a robust approach to the engineering of supramolecular soft functional materials.<br /

    The economic geology of the Okiep copper deposits, Namaqualand, South Africa

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    The Okiep Copper District situated in the north-western Cape Province, covers some 3 000 km and is the oldest mining area in the Republic of South Africa. The O'okiep Copper Company Limited commenced production in 1940 with a proven ore reserve of 9 million tons at 2,45 % cu. Production since 1940 and present ore reserves total some 93 million tonnes at 1,08 % Cu. The rocks comprising the Okiep Copper District are of Proterozoic age and have been subdivided into a meta-volcanosedimentary succession, intruded by various sub-horizontally emplaced granitoid intrusions. The various intrusions occurred at different stages relative to the main structural and metamorphic events. The copper deposits are confined to basic rocks which are the youngest major group of intrusives in the District. They occur as swarms of generally easterly-trending, steep northdipping, irregular dyke-like bodies consisting of diorite, anorthosite and norite. The dominant silicate constituents are andesite ranging to labradorite, hypersthene, biotite and phlogopite. Copper sulphides are preferentially associated with the more basic varieties. The copper sulphides are mainly chalcopyrite, bornite and subsidiary chalcocite. The copper content of the basic rocks is erratic ranging over small distances from a mere trace to several percent. Emplacement of the cupriferous basic rocks is predisposed to a large extent by enigmatic structural features locally referred to as steep structures. The most common manifestation of steep structure deformation is typically a narrow antiformal linear feature along which continuity of the country rocks has been interrupted by piercement folding and shearing. In places, pipelike bodies of megabreccia occur along steep structures, and also act as hosts to the basic rock. Areas of steep structure are thus prime exploration targets, due to their close spatial association with the cupriferous basic rocks. Exploration techiques employed in the Okiep Copper District in~ elude regional and detailed geological mapping, geophysical surveys utilizing magnetic, gravimetric and electrical methods, as well as limited application of soil and stream-sediment geochemistry. Final evaluation is by surface and underground diamond drilling. Exploration has to date discovered 18 new mines with individual ore reserves ranging from 200 000 to 37 000 000 tonnes. All are underground operations, and the sub-level open stoping method of mining is standard

    Novel detection of provenance in the illegal wildlife trade using elemental data

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Despite being the fourth largest criminal market in the world, no forensic tools have been sufficiently developed to accurately determine the legal status of seized animals and their parts. Although legal trading is permissible for farmed or captive-bred animals, many animals are illegally removed from the wild and laundered by masquerading them as captive bred. Here we present high-resolution x-ray fluorescence (XRF) as a non-invasive and cost-effective tool for forensic classification. We tested the efficacy of this technique by using machine learning on a training set of zoo specimens and wild-caught individuals of short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), a small insectivorous monotreme in Australia. XRF outperformed stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N), reducing overall classification error below 4%. XRF has the added advantage of providing samples every 200 μm on a single quill, enabling 100% classification accuracy by taking the consensus of votes per quill. This accurate and cost-effective forensic technique could provide a much needed in situ solution for combating the illegal laundering of wildlife, and conversely, assist with certification of legally bred animals

    The roles of endolithic fungi in bioerosion and disease in marine ecosystems. I. General concepts

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    Endolithic true fungi and fungus-like microorganisms penetrate calcareous substrates formed by living organisms, cause significant bioerosion and are involved in diseases of many host animals in marine ecosystems. A theoretical interactive model for the ecology of reef-building corals is proposed in this review. This model includes five principle partners that exist in a dynamic equilibrium: polyps of a colonial coelenterate, endosymbiotic zooxanthellae, endolithic algae (that penetrate coral skeletons), endolithic fungi (that attack the endolithic algae, the zooxanthellae and the polyps) and prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms (which live in the coral mucus). Endolithic fungi and fungus-like boring microorganisms are important components of the marine calcium carbonate cycle because they actively contribute to the biodegradation of shells of animals composed of calcium carbonate and calcareous geological substrates