9 research outputs found

    Experiencias sobre la adaptaci贸n al sistema de cr茅ditos europeos: debilidades y fortalezas

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    [SPA]En Espa帽a, como en otros pa铆ses europeos, el establecimiento de los principios de la Declaraci贸n de Bolonia est谩 teniendo un profundo impacto en la estructura de los programas de Grado y, consecuentemente, en los esquemas de ense帽anza y aprendizaje. Este nuevo sistema de cr茅ditos esta transformando radicalmente la filosof铆a de la ense帽anza universitaria. El papel de los profesores y los alumnos a nivel universitario tambi茅n est谩 sufriendo modificaciones. Uno 964 de los elementos clave para el 茅xito de todo el esquema es el grado de implicaci贸n de los estudiantes en su propio proceso de aprendizaje y el trabajo aut贸nomo que deber铆an llevar a cabo. En este trabajo describimos la forma en que se planearon e implementaron dos cursos desarrollados en la Universidad de Murcia, uno en el primer curso del Grado en Derecho y otro en el del Grado de Historia del Arte. Se analiza el proceso de ense帽anza/aprendizaje bajo el prisma de las innovaciones curriculares que son consecuencia de las recomendaciones did谩cticas del Espacio Europea de Educaci贸n Superior y se pone de manifiesto la relaci贸n entre los resultados obtenidos y el grado de implicaci贸n y motivaci贸n de los estudiantes matriculados. [ENG]In Spain, as in other European countries, the Bologna Declaration is having a profound impact on the structure of degree programmes and, consequently, on teaching and learning. This new credit system is radically transforming the philosophy of university teaching as well as changing the role of teachers and students at tertiary level. One of the key elements for the success of the whole schema is the involvement of the students in their own learning process and the autonomous work that they should carry out. In this paper we describe the way in which two different modules offered by the University of Murcia, in the first year of the Degree of Law and that of Art History were implemented. The teaching/learning process following the didactic recommendations of the European Space for Higher Education is analysed and the relationship between the results obtained and the degree of implication and motivation of the students enrolled in the modules is also highlighted.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Polit茅cnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Regi贸n de Murci

    Facial transplantation: a concise update

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    Objectives: Update on clinical results obtained by the first worldwide facial transplantation teams as well as review of the literature concerning the main surgical, immunological, ethical, and follow-up aspects described on facial transplanted patients. Study design: MEDLINE search of articles published on "face transplantation" until March 2012. Results: Eighteen clinical cases were studied. The mean patient age was 37.5 years, with a higher prevalence of men. Main surgical indication was gunshot injuries (6 patients). All patients had previously undergone multiple conventional surgical reconstructive procedures which had failed. Altogether 8 transplant teams belonging to 4 countries participated. Thirteen partial face transplantations and 5 full face transplantations have been performed. Allografts are varied according to face anatomical components and the amount of skin, muscle, bone, and other tissues included, though all were grafted successfully and remained viable without significant postoperative surgical complications. The patient with the longest follow-up was 5 years. Two patients died 2 and 27 months after transplantation. Conclusions: Clinical experience has demonstrated the feasibility of facial transplantation as a valuable reconstructive option, but it still remains considered as an experimental procedure with unresolved issues to settle down. Results show that from a clinical, technical, and immunological standpoint, facial transplantation has achieved functional, aesthetic, and social rehabilitation in severely facial disfigured patients

    Modelo de realidad virtual en 3D para la planificaci贸n de la reconstrucci贸n microquir煤rgica de la mama con el colgajo DIEAP en el sistema sanitario p煤blico de Andaluc铆a: validaci贸n de la herramienta inform谩tica y estudio cl铆nico comparativo de 70 casos

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    En la actualidad, la primera opci贸n en reconstrucci贸n mamaria con tejido aut贸logo es el colgajo de perforantes abdominales, debido al gran parecido que presenta este tejido con respecto a la mama. La anatom铆a vascular de la pared abdominal tiene una gran variabilidad, especialmente en el caso de las ramas perforantes de la arteria epig谩strica inferior profunda (DIEA). Por esta raz贸n, un mapa vascular establecido antes de la intervenci贸n quir煤rgica puede facilitar en gran manera la planificaci贸n prequir煤rgica de cada paciente. El software VirSSPA tridimensional (3D) para la navegaci贸n y realidad virtual en cirug铆a del colgajo DIEAP ha sido desarrollado en nuestro hospital por un equipo multidisciplinar compuesto por especialistas en simulaci贸n y aplicaciones de realidad virtual y m茅dicos. El objetivo principal de la nueva t茅cnica introducida es conseguir un mejor mapeo y localizaci贸n de las perforantes abdominales con el fin de reducir el tiempo de disecci贸n del colgajo as铆 como el n煤mero de complicaciones perioperatorias. La presente tesis doctoral eval煤a el papel de esta nueva aplicaci贸n en la evaluaci贸n preoperatoria del aporte vascular de la pared abdominal comparando los hallazgos con lo observado durante la intervenci贸n quir煤rgica, considerando esto 煤ltimo como el est谩ndar para el prop贸sito de nuestro an谩lisis. Tambi茅n se investiga el potencial de las reconstrucciones 3D con VirSSPA para mejorar los resultados perioperatorios en reconstrucci贸n mamaria con tejido aut贸logo. Se comparan los datos prospectivos de pacientes sometidas a reconstrucci贸n mamaria con colgajo DIEAP en las que la planificaci贸n preoperatoria se ha realizado con VirSSPA frente a pacientes con id茅ntico tratamiento quir煤rgico, con los mismos cirujanos, pero sin el uso del aplicativo VirSSPA. En el estudio de los datos entre ambos grupos se han evaluado los resultados atribuibles a las reconstrucciones con VirSSPA, incluyendo los beneficios en la supervivencia del colgajo, la morbilidad de la zona donante abdominal, la duraci贸n de la intervenci贸n quir煤rgica y la estancia total hospitalaria. Se discuten adem谩s los beneficios de esta nueva herramienta, incluyendo la curva de aprendizaje, y el efecto que su introducci贸n ha tenido sobre la planificaci贸n preoperatoria y sobre el procedimiento quir煤rgico. El estudio se dise帽贸 sobre un per铆odo de cinco a帽os, desde Mayo del 2004 hasta Mayo del 2009, e incluy贸 a 70 pacientes en las que se realiz贸 reconstrucci贸n mamaria con colgajo DIEAP. Las primeras 35 pacientes (desde Mayo del 2004 hasta Noviembre del 2007) fueron evaluadas de forma retrospectiva y se constituyeron en grupo control. Las otras 35 pacientes (desde Diciembre del 2007 hasta Mayo del 2009) formaron parte del brazo prospectivo del estudio utilizando el AngioTAC abdominal con la reconstrucci贸n 3D VirSSPA para el mapeo preoperatorio de las perforantes. El grupo control retrospectivo fue evaluado de forma preoperatoria con ultrasonidos Doppler. Nuestros resultados muestran que la tasa media de error con el programa VirSSPA para el mapeo de perforantes fue de 0,23 cm (95% CI, 0,17 a 0,30), comparado con las distancias reales medidas de forma intraoperatoria. Se concluy贸 que el grupo de pacientes VirSSPA mostraba unos tiempos de disecci贸n del colgajo DIEAP menores, con un acortamiento de los tiempos de isquemia y unas estancias hospitalarias ligeramente reducidas. De ah铆 que los tiempos operatorios se redujeran una media de 2 h y 8 min cuando los colgajos DIEAP se realizaron tras planificaci贸n y mapeo de perforantes con VirSSPA. Estos valores suponen una reducci贸n de casi un 25% en los tiempos quir煤rgicos como resultado del mapeo de perforantes preoperatorio

    Structured Light Scanning to Evaluate Three-Dimensional Anthropometry in HIV Facial Lipoatrophy

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    The psychological and social impact of the lipodystrophy syndrome on HIV-infected individuals may be quite considerable and adversely affect their quality of life. Currently no validated assessment tool for facial lipoatrophy is available. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the reliability of interactive anthropometric landmark localization based on digitized 3D facial images. By comparing both computed tomography (CT) and structured light scanning we try to demonstrate that surface scanning shows a higher sensitivity in measuring facial reference points. Besides, we evaluate the reproducibility of facial 3D white-light scans. Three HIVpositive men attending our plastic surgery outpatient clinic for treatment of facial lipodystrophy were enrolled in the study. Localization of anthropometric landmarks measurements was performed on the patients. All patients underwent a facial CT and a facial white-light scanning on the same day. The inter-landmark distances measured on facial models developed from CT aided with VirSSPA 3D software and structured light scanning were compared to the real human models. We found that facial distances measured in the CT 3D reconstruction showed a mean error margin of 0.357 cm from the real distances measured on patients. On the contrary, mean error margin with the white-light scanning was of 0.096 cm. In both cases, measurements were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05). When compared to CT reconstructions, white-light surface scanning offers a more accurate landmark localization as well as reliable reconstructions of up to less than the tenth of a millimetre as average when compared to real measurements on facial human models

    Utility of Telehealth Platforms Applied to Burns Management: A Systematic Review

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    The financial burden of burn injuries has a considerable impact on patients and healthcare systems. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have demonstrated their utility in the improvement of clinical practice and healthcare systems. Because referral centres for burn injuries cover large geographic areas, many specialists must find new strategies, including telehealth tools for patient evaluation, teleconsultation, and remote monitoring. This systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, Cochrane, Medline, IBECS, and LILACS were the search engines used. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and observational studies were included in the study search. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO with the number CRD42022361137. In total, 37 of 185 studies queried for this study were eligible for the systematic review. Thirty studies were comparative observational studies, six were systematic reviews, and one was a randomised clinical trial. Studies suggest that telehealth allows better perception of triage, more accurate estimation of the TBSA, and resuscitation measures in the management of acute burns. In addition, some studies assess that TH tools are equivalent to face-to-face outpatient visits and cost-efficient because of transport savings and unnecessary referrals. However, more studies are required to provide significant evidence. However, the implementation of telehealth should be specifically adapted to each territory