19 research outputs found

    Integration of Car-2-Car Communication as a Virtual Sensor in Automotive Sensor Fusion for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) require a comprehensive and accurate situation model. Often in-vehicle sensors do not provide sufficient quality and quantity of information to fulfill the demanding requirements. Car-2-Car communication can be seen as an adaptive sensor that provides additional information regularly but also on demand. Due to the fact that Car-2-Car communication strongly depends on the penetration rate, we argue for a seamless integration of Car-2-Car communication as an additional sensor in automotive sensor fusion. With increasing penetration rate the sensor fusion will significantly benefit and eventually unfold its full potential. Due to the fundamentally different measuring principles of in-vehicle sensors and information provided by Car-2-Car communication, redundancy and complementarity can be leveraged to a great extent, thus, increasing accuracy, reliability and robustness of the situation assessment. In addition to a detailed description of the fusion algorithm this paper outlines DLR’s system architecture for ADAS and an enhanced ACC as an application example to show the potential of our approach

    Mission Sicherheit: Rechnergestütze Assistenz- und Automationssysteme für unfallfreies Fahren

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    Assistenz- und Automationssysteme helfen Autofahrern dabei, sich unbeschadet und effizient fortzubewegen. Doch wie werden solche Systeme entwickelt? Wie kann bereits während der Systementwicklung gewährleistet werden, dass eine neue Unterstützungsfunktion sicher und zuverlässig wirkt? Im Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik des DLR befassen sich Systemingenieure, Software-Entwickler und Psychologen für den Faktor Mensch mit Fragestellungen auf dem Gebiet der Entwurfsprozesse und -Methoden für sicherheitsrelevante Assistenz- und Automationssysteme

    Serviceorientierung als Zugang zur Strukturierung von in-car Softwaresystemen

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    Assistenz- und Automationssysteme (ASe) sind heute durchaus softwarereiche Systeme, welche vermehrt die unterschiedlichen Handlungsebenen der Fahrzeugführung (z.B. Zieldefinition, Planen, Manövrieren, Stabilisieren) in integrierter Form handhaben müssen. Weitere Schlüsselcharakteristika von ASen sind den Bereichen Sicherheit (Safety/Security) und Offenheit/Flexibilität zuzuordnen. Der hier skizzierte Zugang zur Entwicklung von ASen greift die Idee Serviceorientierter Architekturen (SOA) sowie im Business-Bereich etablierte Methoden/Technologien der Informatik zum Aufbau serviceorientierter Applikationen auf. Die hieraus abgeleitete in-Vehicle-Umsetzung serviceorientierter ASe wird anhand der DLR-Entwicklung DOMINION illustriert, welche aktuell die Basis zur ASe-Implementierung in den Forschungs- und Entwicklungsanlagen des Instituts für Verkehrssystemtechnik des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR/TS) darstellt

    Sensing the environment for future driver assistance combining autonomous and cooperative appliances

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    Current driver assistance systems such as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and in particular future assistance systems (e.g. Collision Warning) make high demands on reliability of detection and ranging methods for vehicles within their vicinity. Autonomous systems such as Radar which are already integrated into a multitude of vehicles meet these requirements to only a limited extent. As an alternative, cooperative systems for detection and ranging will be enabled by future Vehicle-2-Vehicle communication. But even if the technology is deployed in every vehicle, cooperative detection and ranging also has drawbacks regarding reliability due to positioning and transmission errors if it is applied in a standalone way. Thus, the solution presented in this paper is a hybrid approach combining autonomous and cooperative methods for detection and ranging within a common architecture. A particle filter is used for state estimation. The results are a higher detection effectiveness and a lower position error compared to using standalone autonomous or cooperative detection and ranging methods

    Service-Oriented Architecture For Future Driver Assistance Systems

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    DOMINION is proposed as a foundation for the implementation of advanced driver assistance systems and is inspired by the idea of service oriented architecture (SOA). A simple travel assistant system (TAS) is used as an example to illustrate its capabilities within a human-centered ADAS development process. In this example essential services and their interactions to support traveling assistance independently from the mode of transportation are identified. From a more technical perspective special requirements are described which are important for the TAS instantiation. The consequences of these requirements are shortly described in the context of code deployment onto different devices involved within the TAS scenario

    The DeSCAS Methodology and Lessons Learned on Applying Formal Reasoning to Safety Domain Knowledge

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    Functional safety has become an important aspect for engineering activities in the automotive domain due to the upcoming introduction of the safety standard ISO 26262. This paper proposes a methodology to guide the safety related requirements engineering process by means of OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontologies. These ontologies formalize necessary domain knowledge and serve as reference models to support semi-automated requirements discovery and to ease the certification process. Using OWL’s logical base, knowledge inference is applied to reason about safety measures for ensuring compliance with the reference process (guidance). The proposed methodology has been implemented in a prototype toolchain and applied to a simple lane departure warning system as an example assistance and automation system. Lessons learned refer to conceptual (expressiveness) and technical (tooling efficiency) issues

    Vehicle Automation in Cooperation with V2I and Nomadic Devices Communication

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    Introduction of wireless vehicular communication allows for cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure, thus enabling a variety of new ITS use cases. Furthermore, modern vehicles feature an increasing number of driving automation functions. In this paper a complex test scenario including automated driving, environment perception, communication with the infrastructure (Vehicle to Infrastructure, V2I) and with nomadic devices is described. Based on this, the requirements for a cooperative and automated ITS are identified. In order to demonstrate the test scenario, an integrated ITS design is proposed assembling Vehicle Technology and Communication Technologies with the Traffic Infrastructure and Nomadic Devices. This has been implemented in a prototype for evaluation in February 2011