18 research outputs found

    Pesticide residues identified in grape varieties

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    As the human population continues to grow there is an ever-increasing demand for food production, which means that more and more pesticides will be required to meet these needs. This trend is the same in the winemaking industry with pesticides being used in higher quantities year after year. As pesticides can produce harmful effects on human beings and the environment it is crucial to accurately understand how pesticides travel through the winemaking process. This research sought to monitor the pesticides from two grape varieties. The following six pesticides were analysed: oxathiapiprolin, myclobutanil, iprovalicarb, tebuconazole, chlorantraniliprole, and acetamiprid. Samples were extracted using the QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe) method and analysed for the residues of pesticides by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results indicated that pesticides content in the grape samples ranged between 0.89 ng/g and 18.92 ng/g for Feteasca neagra grape variety. Similar for Cabernet Sauvignon grape values ranged between 0.66 ng/g and 8.24 ng/g. Overall, the recorded levels of pesticides were significantly below the EU maximum residue levels (MRL’s)

    Linkage disequilibrium in the genome of synthetic Brassica napus populations

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    New technologies as high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays are a powerful tool that can give valuable insight into patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the recent domesticated Brassica napus genome. This study used the Brassica 60k SNP Illumina consortium genotyping array to assess the distribution of LD and haplotype structure in a diverse panel of 200 synthetic lines of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Pairwise LD analysis was conducted within the A- and C-subgenomes of oilseed rape. Results revealed that LD decayed, on average, more rapidly in the A-subgenome (0.15 Mb) than in the C-subgenome (2.00 Mb). Our findings suggest the presence of a strong selection of large genomic regions associated with important agronomical traits, especially on the Csubgenome. These results imply that during oilseed rape artificial and natural selection, the C-subgenome was of particular interest for breeders. Increasing the genetic diversity and recombination rate on the whole genome level is of crucial importance for future breeding efforts

    Genetic structure of synthetic Brassica napus L. Populations

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    The crop species Brassica napus L. has significant economic importance around the world. However, the complex evolutionary history and vast geographical distribution of oilseed rape has contributed vastly to genetic population structure investigations. Constant breeding efforts, for use for oilseed rape as food for human consumption, and fodder for livestock, have generated new phenotypic diversity. In this study, we used crosses among very diverse morphotypes as Brassica oleracea (turnip rape), conv. capitata var. medullosa (Cavalier rouge), conv. capitata var. sabauda (Savoy 'Wirsing'), conv. botrytis var. alboglabra (broccoli); Brassica rapa (turnip), var. trilocularis (yellow sarson), var. chinensis (bok choy); Brassica cretica; Brassica montana. Until now, genetic studies had insufficient genotypes to determine the relationship of oilseed morphotypes and their genetic population structure. We used 18,272 single nucleotide polymorphism markers in a synthetic nested association mapping diverse panel of 200 B. napus accessions that included crosses of five very diverse parental lines and a common elite accession. Results on population genetic structure and phylogenetic analyses revealed, as expected, five subpopulations that were largely reflective of phenotypes. The results of this study have provided improved resolution to the genetic and phylogenetic relationships of a synthetic panel within the Brassicas species. Understanding genetic diversity available is key to the future genetic study and constant improvement of this important agronomical crop species

    Phenotypic analysis of a wheat diversity panel from the vegetal genetic resources bank "Mihai Cristea" Suceava

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the among the first three agroeconomic important crop plants, with a high carbohydrate and protein content in grains. In this study, 80 cultivars, from the VGRB germplasm collection, were phenotypes in field experiments. Morphological traits were observed on the harvest spike prior to threshing. Awn roughness will be assessed visually and by sliding one’s finger along the central part of the awn in the direction from top to bottom. Flowering dates will be retrieved from digitized records of VGRB propagation cycles. Accessions were evaluated in 2020/2021 field trials under a randomized block experimental design. Among the measured phenotypic records there are traits as germination rate, flowering time, disease resistance and yield. Results indicate that VRGB germplasm contains a wide variety of genotypes that have a high agronomical value. This germplasm could be used in future breeding programs

    Dissection of quantitative blackleg resistance reveals novel variants of resistance gene Rlm9 in elite Brassica napus

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    Blackleg is one of the major fungal diseases in oilseed rape/canola worldwide. Most commercial cultivars carry R gene-mediated qualitative resistances that confer a high level of race-specific protection against Leptosphaeria maculans, the causal fungus of blackleg disease. However, monogenic resistances of this kind can potentially be rapidly overcome by mutations in the pathogen’s avirulence genes. To counteract pathogen adaptation in this evolutionary arms race, there is a tremendous demand for quantitative background resistance to enhance durability and efficacy of blackleg resistance in oilseed rape. In this study, we characterized genomic regions contributing to quantitative L. maculans resistance by genome-wide association studies in a multiparental mapping population derived from six parental elite varieties exhibiting quantitative resistance, which were all crossed to one common susceptible parental elite variety. Resistance was screened using a fungal isolate with no corresponding avirulence (AvrLm) to major R genes present in the parents of the mapping population. Genome-wide association studies revealed eight significantly associated quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes A07 and A09, with small effects explaining 3–6% of the phenotypic variance. Unexpectedly, the qualitative blackleg resistance gene Rlm9 was found to be located within a resistance-associated haploblock on chromosome A07. Furthermore, long-range sequence data spanning this haploblock revealed high levels of singlenucleotide and structural variants within the Rlm9 coding sequence among the parents of the mapping population. The results suggest that novel variants of Rlm9 could play a previously unknown role in expression of quantitative disease resistance in oilseed rape

    The influence of postemergence herbicide on the main yield components in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) – cv. "Ruxandra"

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    White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is an underutilized crop that started to become extremely interesting for bio and conventional farmers due the high protein content of the seeds and, mainly, due the nitrogen fixation capacity. Nowadays, challenging economic environment and changing climate conditions had led to a bust in fertilizers prices worldwide. Identification and utilization in crop rotation systems of crop with nitrogen fixation capacity is an optimal alternative. One of the biggest problem in the white lupin cultivation technology is caused by the special sensitivity of this species at postemergence herbicide. This sensibility makes weed control a very difficult task for farmers. In this paper we present results obtained in 2022 season at the Ezăreni Farm, Iasi, Romania. Principal yield components were studied and compared among postemergence herbicide variants. Comparative studies were done using the cultivar RUXANDRA, obtained and registered by us

    The effect of abiotic stress on white lupin (Lupinus albus l.) cv. "Mihai" plants in different density conditions

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    Lupinus albus (white lupin) is a crop well adapted to marginal lands and has a large potential for enhanced bio economy use. In general, lupins have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, mobilise soil phosphate and are suitable for low nutritional cultivation. Modern varieties should be selected for high yield of green silage or high yield of seeds which contain more than 20% oil, more than 40% protein and the remaining materials are carbohydrates, mainly oligosaccharides characterized as “prebiotics”. In this experiment, three new white lupin sorts were tested in experimental fields. Breeding activities we compensated by optimized cultivation technology for these cultivars. One of the biggest problem in the white lupin cultivation this year was caused by the extreme draught and high temperatures registered during the vegetation period. Results present the observations obtained in 2022 season at the Ezăreni Farm. Comparison of the selected cultivars was performed using two different density condition. Results indicated that white lupins could be an interesting alternative for farmers and can contribute to new optimised crop rotation system

    Evaluation of Aroma Compounds in the Process of Wine Ageing with Oak Chips

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    Many modern alcoholic beverages are subjected to ageing processes during which compounds extracted from wood contribute decisively to the overall beverage character. Wines represent a perfect example of beverage in which ageing is a crucial technological manufacturing step. During winemaking, producers accelerate chemical changes in wine composition by traditional and alternative methods, such as the use of oak wood barrels and/or oak wood chips. Our research aimed to investigate the overall volatile composition and sensory quality of red wines aged for two timeframes, namely, 1.5 and 3 months, and with two technological variants, i.e., American and French oak wood chips. Red grapes from the Feteasca neagra (Vitis vinifera) variety were harvested from a vineyard in the North-East region of Romania. Stir bar sorptive extraction and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (SBSE–GC–MS) was used to extract minor aromas present in wine samples. The results showed clear di erences between wines treated with American and French oak chips. Furthermore, ageing for 3 months increased the concentration of cis-whiskey lactone and guaiacol in American oak-treated wine samples. For wines aged with French oak chips, we observed higher concentrations of furfural, 5-methylfurfural, 4-vinylguaiacol, and trans-whiskey lactone. The increased presence of chemical compounds in wine aged with French oak chips generated prominent smoky, licorice, and toasty aromas, whereas in wines aged with American oak chips, notes of vanilla, toasty, and cacao aromas were noticed. Moreover, red wines aged with American and French oak chips were discriminated by chemometric analysis, which confirmed the evolution of aroma compounds

    Endophytic bacterial communities of oilseed rape associate with genotype-specific resistance against Verticillium longisporum

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    Associations of endophytic bacterial community composition of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) with quantitative resistance against the soil-borne fungal pathogen Verticillium longisporum was assessed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing in roots and hypocotyls of four plant lines with contrasting genetic composition in regard to quantitative resistance reactions. The plant compartment was found to be the dominating driving factor for the specificity of bacterial communities in healthy plants. Furthermore, V. longisporum infection triggered a stabilization of phylogenetic group abundance in replicated samples suggesting a host genotype-specific selection. Genotype-specific associations with bacterial phylogenetic group abundance were identified by comparison of plant genotype groups (resistant versus susceptible) and treatment groups (healthy versus V. longisporum-infected) allowing dissection into constitutive and induced directional association patterns. Relative abundance of Flavobacteria, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium and Cellvibrio was associated with resistance/susceptibility. Relative abundance of Flavobacteria and Cellvibrio was increased in resistant genotypes according to their known ecological functions. In contrast, a higher relative abundance of Pseudomonas and Rhizobium, which are known to harbor many species with antagonistic properties to fungal pathogens, was found to be associated with susceptibility, indicating that these groups do not play a major role in genetically controlled resistance of oilseed rape against V. longisporu

    Alternative Winemaking Techniques to Improve the Content of Phenolic and Aromatic Compounds in Wines

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    In this study, a complete physical–chemical analysis was performed for Fetească neagră wine, aged with oak staves. Red wine samples were taken from grape varieties grown in Northeast Romania and produced during 2013 vintage. At the end of the fermentation process, four oak mini staves (1 cm width × 10 cm length × 1 cm thickness) from heavy toasted French oak were added to 5 L of red wine. Samples were aged using two time periods, respectively at 1.5 and 3 months, in a room at 14–16 °C. Results showed that the initial content of total phenolic decreased during ageing, from 931.1 mg catechin/L at 1.5 months to 775.4 mg catechin/L at 3 months. In contrast, the initial content of total antioxidant activity increased after the same period of ageing to 13.3 mM Trolox as compared to the aged wines for 1.5 months, at 12.8 mM Trolox. The corregram representing the relationship between the total phenols, total antioxidant activity (TAA) and their fractions and CieLab parameters was performed. Thirty-seven minor volatile compounds were quantified by stir bars sorptive extraction and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (SBSE-GC-MS). An increase in odor activity value (OAV) with ageing time was observed, especially for fruity, fatty and woody series. The oak staves used in ageing processes can contribute positively to the aromatic profile of wines and could be considered a good choice for producing short-aged wines