3 research outputs found

    An Efficient Artificial Intelligence Energy Management System for Urban Building Integrating Photovoltaic and Storage

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    The emerging leading role of green energy in our society pushes the investigation of new economic and technological solutions. Green energies and smart communities increase efficiency with the use of digital solutions for the benefits of inhabitants and companies. The paper focuses on the development of a methodology for the energy management, combining photovoltaics and storage systems, considering as the main case study a multi-story building characterized by a high density of households, used to generate data which allow feasibility foresights. The physical model of the algorithm is composed by two main elements: the photovoltaics modules and the battery energy storage system. In addition, to gain information about the real-time consumption a machine learning module is included in our approach to generate predictions about the near future demand. The benefits provided by the method are evaluated with an economic analysis, which computes the return of the investment using the real consumptions of a Boarding School, located in Turin (Italy). The case study analyzed in this article showed an increase in purchased energy at the minimum price from 25% to 91% and a 55% reduction in the electricity bill compared to most solutions on the market, with no additional costs and a stabilizing effect on the grid. Finally, the economic analysis shows that the proposed method is a profitable investment, with a breakeven point of thirteen years, due to the very simple implementation and the zero additional cost requested

    The role of neurolytic celiac plexus block in the treatment of pancreatic cancer pain

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    Pancreatic carcinoma, an important leading cause of cancer death, has increased steadily in incidence and still has a poor prognosis. Pain is one of the most frequent symptoms, affecting more than 75% of patients. It is often present in the early stages of disease and may be severe and difficult to treat. Abdominal viscera, including pancreas, liver, gallbladder, adrenal, kidney, and the gastrointestinal tract from the level of the gastroesophageal junction to the splenic flexure of the colon are innervated, at least in part, via the celiac plexus. Thus, painful tumors in these viscera may have pain relieved through the use of a neurolytic celiac plexus block (NCPB). Although some investigators questioned the role and the efficacy of NCPB in the treatment of upper abdominal cancer pain, most of them have suggested that it may represent the optimal treatment, especially for pancreatic cancer pain. In this report we have reviewed the techniques, results, and complications of NCPB for the treatment of pancreatic cancer pai