1,071 research outputs found

    UV Completions of Partial Compositeness: The Case for a SU(4) Gauge Group

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    We present a model of partial compositeness arising as the IR limit of a SU(4) gauge theory with only fermionic matter. This group is one of the most promising ones among a handful of possible choices allowing a symmetry breaking pattern incorporating custodial symmetry and a top partner candidate, while retaining asymptotic freedom. It is favored for not giving rise to lepto-quarks or Landau poles in the SM gauge couplings. The minimal UV theory consists of five hyperfermions in the anti-symmetric representation and three in the fundamental and anti-fundamental. The IR theory is centered around the coset SU(5)/SO(5), with top partners in the fundamental of SO(5), giving rise to one composite fermion of electric charge 5/3, three of charge 2/3 and one of charge -1/3. Electro-Weak symmetry breaking occurs via top-quark-driven vacuum misalignment. The top quark mass is generated via the mechanism of partial compositeness, while the remaining fermions acquire a mass via a standard quadratic coupling to the Higgs. We compute the top and bottom quark mass matrix and the Electro-Weak currents of the composite fermions. The model does not give rise to unacceptably large deviations from the SM Z\to b \bar b decay width.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    LUNES: Agent-based Simulation of P2P Systems (Extended Version)

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    We present LUNES, an agent-based Large Unstructured NEtwork Simulator, which allows to simulate complex networks composed of a high number of nodes. LUNES is modular, since it splits the three phases of network topology creation, protocol simulation and performance evaluation. This permits to easily integrate external software tools into the main software architecture. The simulation of the interaction protocols among network nodes is performed via a simulation middleware that supports both the sequential and the parallel/distributed simulation approaches. In the latter case, a specific mechanism for the communication overhead-reduction is used; this guarantees high levels of performance and scalability. To demonstrate the efficiency of LUNES, we test the simulator with gossip protocols executed on top of networks (representing peer-to-peer overlays), generated with different topologies. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Systems (MOSPAS 2011). As part of the 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2011

    Fermionic UV completions of Composite Higgs models

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    We classify the four-dimensional purely fermionic gauge theories that give a UV completion of composite Higgs models. Our analysis is at the group theoretical level, addressing the necessary (but not sufficient) conditions for the viability of these models, such as the existence of top partners and custodial symmetry. The minimal cosets arising are those of type SU(5)/SO(5) and SU(4)/Sp(4). We list all the possible "hyper-color" groups allowed and point out the simplest and most promising ones.Comment: 15 pages, 4 tables; V2 Comments and references added. To appear in JHEP. V3 Coset of type SU(4)×SU(4)′/SU(4)DSU(4)\times SU(4)'/SU(4)_D added to the classificatio

    Highly intensive data dissemination in complex networks

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    This paper presents a study on data dissemination in unstructured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network overlays. The absence of a structure in unstructured overlays eases the network management, at the cost of non-optimal mechanisms to spread messages in the network. Thus, dissemination schemes must be employed that allow covering a large portion of the network with a high probability (e.g.~gossip based approaches). We identify principal metrics, provide a theoretical model and perform the assessment evaluation using a high performance simulator that is based on a parallel and distributed architecture. A main point of this study is that our simulation model considers implementation technical details, such as the use of caching and Time To Live (TTL) in message dissemination, that are usually neglected in simulations, due to the additional overhead they cause. Outcomes confirm that these technical details have an important influence on the performance of dissemination schemes and that the studied schemes are quite effective to spread information in P2P overlay networks, whatever their topology. Moreover, the practical usage of such dissemination mechanisms requires a fine tuning of many parameters, the choice between different network topologies and the assessment of behaviors such as free riding. All this can be done only using efficient simulation tools to support both the network design phase and, in some cases, at runtime

    Mobile Online Gaming via Resource Sharing

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    Mobile gaming presents a number of main issues which remain open. These are concerned mainly with connectivity, computational capacities, memory and battery constraints. In this paper, we discuss the design of a fully distributed approach for the support of mobile Multiplayer Online Games (MOGs). In mobile environments, several features might be exploited to enable resource sharing among multiple devices / game consoles owned by different mobile users. We show the advantages of trading computing / networking facilities among mobile players. This operation mode opens a wide number of interesting sharing scenarios, thus promoting the deployment of novel mobile online games. In particular, once mobile nodes make their resource available for the community, it becomes possible to distribute the software modules that compose the game engine. This allows to distribute the workload for the game advancement management. We claim that resource sharing is in unison with the idea of ludic activity that is behind MOGs. Hence, such schemes can be profitably employed in these contexts.Comment: Proceedings of 3nd ICST/CREATE-NET Workshop on DIstributed SImulation and Online gaming (DISIO 2012). In conjunction with SIMUTools 2012. Desenzano, Italy, March 2012. ISBN: 978-1-936968-47-

    Anomalous dimensions of potential top-partners

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    We discuss anomalous dimensions of top-partner candidates in theories of Partial Compositeness. First, we revisit, confirm and extend the computation by DeGrand and Shamir of anomalous dimensions of fermionic trilinears. We present general results applicable to all matter representations and to composite operators of any allowed spin. We then ask the question of whether it is reasonable to expect some models to have composite operators of sufficiently large anomalous dimension to serve as top-partners. While this question can be answered conclusively only by lattice gauge theory, within perturbation theory we find that such values could well occur for some specific models. In the Appendix we collect a number of practical group theory results for fourth-order invariants of general interest in gauge theories with many irreducible representations of fermions.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables V2: Added Table 3,4,5, equation (9) and various comments in reply to questions and suggestions raised by the two Referees of SciPost. Two references also added. V3: Typo in footnote 6 corrected. Final version in SciPos

    Massless fermionic bound states and the gauge/gravity correspondence

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    We study the equations of motion of fermions in type IIB supergravity in the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence. The main motivation is the search for normalizable fermionic zero modes in such backgrounds, to be interpreted as composite massless fermions in the dual theory. We specialize to backgrounds characterized by a constant dilaton and a self-dual three-form. In the specific case of the Klebanov--Strassler solution we construct explicitly the fermionic superpartner of the Goldstone mode associated with the broken baryonic symmetry. The fermionic equations could also be used to search for goldstinos in theories that break supersymmetry dynamically.Comment: 25 pages. V2: ref. added; V3: ref. adde

    Instantons and Toric Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We show how to construct the general action coupling (multi)instantons to gauge theories arising from branes probing arbitrary toric singularities. We give a general set of rules for how to construct such an action given the knowledge of the superpotential for the gauge theory. The main idea is to obtain the action by higgsing a theory whose instanton dynamics is known, namely an orbifold of N=4 super Yang-Mills. We find that the couplings of the fermionic zero-modes with the holomorphic fields are dictated by the structure of the superpotential describing the toric singularity. We present explicit examples such as the Suspended Pinch Point, the Conifold and the first three del Pezzo's. We perform various checks on these results by further higgsing to smaller orbifolds and present some applications, including both gauge theory and stringy instantons.Comment: 42 pages, footnote 2 added, references upgrade
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