3 research outputs found

    Crowdfunding na báze odmeny - Kritéria úspechu

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    Táto diplomová práca obsahuje odporúčania týkajúce sa kritérií vedúcich k úspechu crowdfundingových kampaní na báze odmeny a ich aplikáciu na prípravu a realizáciu kampaní. Pre zjednodušenie porozumenia aspektov crowdfundingu na báze odmeny a na vytvorenie základu pre praktický výskum sa teoretická časť zaoberá najrelevantnejšími témami crowdfundingu, ako aj zisteniami v oblasti riadenia kampaní, psychológie a motivácie darcov. Praktická časť pozostáva z primárneho zberu údajov prostredníctvom čiastočne štruktúrovaných kvalitatívnych rozhovorov so zainteresovanými stranami zo strany zakladateľov a darcov. Aplikácia metódy selektívneho kódovania na primárny výskum odhaľuje niekoľko významných kritérií, ktoré ovplyvňujú úspešnosť crowdfundingovej kampane, ako napríklad investovanie času a úsilia do predprípravy kampane; autenticita; oslovenie správnej komunity, médií a influencerov; pútavá stránka kampane a využívanie sociálnych sietí. Tieto výsledky sú zhrnuté v praktickom krok za krokom návode plánovania kampane, ktorý môžu zakladatelia využiť na zlepšenie svojich šancí na úspešnú crowdfundingovú kampaň na báze odmeny.This thesis provides recommendations on criteria leading to reward-based crowdfunding campaign success and their application to campaign preparation and execution. To navigate through the complexity of reward-based crowdfunding and to establish basis for the practical research the theoretical part reviews the most relevant topics of crowdfunding as well as the findings in the areas of campaign management, donor’s psychology and motivation. The practical part consists of the primary data collection through semi-structured qualitative interviews with stakeholders from founders and donors side. The application of selective coding method on the primary research reveals several significant criteria influencing crowdfunding campaign success, such as, investment of time and effort in pre-campaign; authenticity; addressing the right community, media and influencers; engaging campaign site and leveraging ones’ social network. These results are summarized in a practical step-by-step guide that can be used by founders to improve their chances of a successful reward-based campaign

    The Role of Silver Nanoparticles in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Are There Any Perspectives for the Future?

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    Cancer is a fatal disease with a complex pathophysiology. Lack of specificity and cytotoxicity, as well as the multidrug resistance of traditional cancer chemotherapy, are the most common limitations that often cause treatment failure. Thus, in recent years, significant efforts have concentrated on the development of a modernistic field called nano-oncology, which provides the possibility of using nanoparticles (NPs) with the aim to detect, target, and treat cancer diseases. In comparison with conventional anticancer strategies, NPs provide a targeted approach, preventing undesirable side effects. What is more, nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems have shown good pharmacokinetics and precise targeting, as well as reduced multidrug resistance. It has been documented that, in cancer cells, NPs promote reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, activate ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress, modulate various signaling pathways, etc. Furthermore, their ability to inhibit tumor growth in vivo has also been documented. In this paper, we have reviewed the role of silver NPs (AgNPs) in cancer nanomedicine, discussing numerous mechanisms by which they render anticancer properties under both in vitro and in vivo conditions, as well as their potential in the diagnosis of cancer