5 research outputs found

    WikiChanges : exposing Wikipedia revision activity

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    Wikis are popular tools commonly used to support distributedcollaborative work. Wikis can be seen as virtual scrapbooksthat anyone can edit without having any specific technicalknow-how. The Wikipedia is a flagship example of areal-word application of wikis. Due to the large scale ofWikipedia its difficult to easily grasp much of the informationthat is stored in this wiki. We address one particularaspect of this issue by looking at the revision history of eacharticle. Plotting the revision activity in a timeline we exposethe complete articles history in a easily understandableformat. We present WikiChanges, a web-based applicationdesigned to plot an articles revision timeline in realtime. WikiChanges also includes a web browser extensionthat incorporates activity sparklines in the real Wikipedia.Finally, we introduce a revisions summarization task thataddresses the need to understand what occurred during agiven set of revisions. We present a first approach to thistask using tag clouds to present the revisions made

    Automatic program reports

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    To profit from the data collected by the SIGARRA academic IS, a systematic setof graphs and statistics has been added to it and are available on-line. Thisanalytic information can be automatically included in a flexible yearly report foreach program as well as in a synthesis report for the whole school. Somedifficulties in the interpretation of some graphs led to the definition of new keyindicators and the development of a data warehouse across the university whereeffective data consolidation is obtained

    Análise e simulação de sistemas dinâmicos contínuos lineares : uma aplicação didáctica

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas e Computadores Digitais, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, sob a orientação do Prof. Doutor Jorge Leite Martins de Carvalh

    Semantics of multiple inheritance with exceptions in hierarchically structured logic theories

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Informática, na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação do Prof. Doutor António Port

    Semantica na heranca multipla com excepcoes, nas teorias logicas estruturadas

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    The thesis studies the composition of theories expressed by extended logic programs arranged in a hierarchy. The scope is restricted to the propositional case without default negation but encompasses multiple inheritance and exceptions. Exceptions are expressed through the combination of contradiction and specificity. The hierarchy is strict but rules, understood as conditional properties, are de feasible. Ambiguities are resolved by neutralization and exceptions give rise to overriding. Most of the problems addressed are common to those raised by the works on inheritance networks. These, in conjunction with the efforts towards the structuring of logic programs, were the main motivation of this work. The methodology followed borrows several techniques used in the semantics of Logic Programming. The language presented deals with both positive and negative information in a symmetric way and it is capable of expressing conjunction. Its meaning is defined by an extensional semantics which relies on the notion of typical individuals. It is parametric on the specification of the inheritance method. The combination of two simple principles, those of a static hierarchy and of conditional properties, results in a dynamic notion of specificity. It is described by the interplay of two mutually defined relations. One represents the skeptical semantics and the other subsumes the credulous alternatives. They are stated in terms of the least fixed-point of a bottom-up operator. The operational semantics is studied in conjunction with a translation to Logic Programming and proved to be sound and complete with respect to the bottom-up semantics, if loop detection is used. It is still shown to be equivalent to a suitable stability operator. An embedding in the argumentation theory highlights the nonmonotonic behavior of the systemAvailable from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Servico de Informacao e Documentacao, Av. D. Carlos I, 126, 1249-074 Lisboa, Portugal / FCT - Fundação para o Ciência e a TecnologiaSIGLEPTPortuga