65 research outputs found

    Spin wave theory for 2D disordered hard-core bosons

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    A spin-wave (SW) approach for hard-core bosons is presented to treat the problem of two dimensional boson localization in a random potential. After a short review of the method to compute 1/S-corrected observables, the case of random on-site energy is discussed. Whereas the mean-field solution does not display a Bose glass (BG) phase, 1/S corrections do capture BG physics. In particular, the localization of SW excitations is discussed through the inverse participation ratio.Comment: TIDS15 conferenc

    Classical diffusive dynamics for the quasiperiodic kicked rotor

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    We study the classical dynamics of a quasiperiodic kicked rotor, whose quantum counterpart is known to be an equivalent of the 3D Anderson model. Using this correspondence allowed for a recent experimental observation of the Anderson transition with atomic matter waves. In such a context, it is particularly important to assert the chaotic character of the classical dynamics of this system. We show here that it is a 3D anisotropic diffusion. Our simple analytical predictions for the associated diffusion tensor are found in good agreement with the results of numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Jour. Mod. Opt

    Scanning Gate Microscopy of Quantum Contacts Under Parallel Magnetic Field: Beating Patterns Between Spin-Split Transmission Peaks or Channel Openings

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    We study the conductance gg of an electron interferometer created in a two dimensional electron gas between a nanostructured contact and the depletion region induced by the charged tip of a scanning gate microscope. Using non-interacting models, we study the beating pattern of interference fringes exhibited by the images giving gg as a function of the tip position when a parallel magnetic field is applied. The analytical solution of a simplified model allows us to distinguish between two cases: (i) If the field is applied everywhere, the beating of Fabry-P\'erot oscillations of opposite spins gives rise to interference rings which can be observed at low temperatures when the contact is open between spin-split transmission resonances. (ii) If the field acts only upon the contact, the interference rings cannot be observed at low temperatures, but only at temperatures of the order of the Zeeman energy. For a contact made of two sites in series, a model often used for describing an inversion-symmetric double-dot setup, a pseudo-spin degeneracy is broken by the inter-dot coupling and a similar beating effect can be observed without magnetic field at temperatures of the order of the interdot coupling. Eventually, numerical studies of a quantum point contact with quantized conductance plateaus confirm that a parallel magnetic field applied everywhere or only upon the contact gives rises to similar beating effects between spin-split channel openings.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Coherent back and forward scattering peaks in the quantum kicked rotor

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    We propose and analyze an experimental scheme using the quantum kicked rotor to observe the newly-predicted coherent forward scattering peak together with its long-known twin brother, the coherent backscattering peak. Contrary to coherent backscattering, which arises already under weak-localization conditions, coherent forward scattering is only triggered by Anderson or strong localization. So far, coherent forward scattering has not been observed in conservative systems with elastic scattering by spatial disorder. We propose to turn to the quantum kicked rotor, which has a long and succesful history as an accurate experimental platform to observe dynamical localization, i.e., Anderson localization in momentum space. We analyze the coherent forward scattering effect for the quantum kicked rotor by extensive numerical simulations, both in the orthogonal and unitary class of disordered quantum systems, and show that an experimental realization involving phase-space rotation techniques is within reach of state-of-the-art cold-atom experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Thermal Enhancement of Interference Effects in Quantum Point Contacts

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    We study an electron interferometer formed with a quantum point contact and a scanning probe tip in a two-dimensional electron gas. The images giving the conductance as a function of the tip position exhibit fringes spaced by half the Fermi wavelength. For a contact opened at the edges of a quantized conductance plateau, the fringes are enhanced as the temperature T increases and can persist beyond the thermal length l_T. This unusual effect is explained assuming a simplified model: The fringes are mainly given by a contribution which vanishes when T -> 0 and has a decay characterized by a T-independent scale