7 research outputs found

    Влияние на генотипа и срока на съхранение върху параметрите на текстурата в картофени клубени

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    Potato lines bred by intraspecific hybridization of Solanum tuberosum L. were evaluated on their textural properties in two consecutive years. The plants were grown under mountain conditions at 1610 m altitude and were harvested at the end of September. The cutting test was performed using a Warner-Bratzler blade of texture analyzer (TA) for obtaining the maximum force to shear the tubers. Textural parameters were analysed right after harvesting, 3- and 6-month storage under ambient conditions (2-8 ºC and 70-90% Rh) in unheated storehouse. It was found out that the values of all investigated physical parameters decreased during the storage. Higher influence of the storage duration than the genotype was recorded on the dynamic of yield force, modulus of deformation, deformation work and rupture force. Based on the studied physical qualities line E 1096 was selected as the most appropriate for long-term storage because of the slightest softening of the tubers and the most homogenous parameters of the texture at the end of the storage. The observed correlations indicated that the yield force may give the best information about the quality of raw potato texture.В две последователни години са оценени параметрите на текстурата на линии картофи (Solanum tuberosum L.), създадени чрез вътревидова хибридизация. Растенията са отгледани при планински условия на 1610 метра надморска височина и са реколтирани в края на месец септември. Тестът за разрязване е проведен с текстурен анализатор (TA) с помощта на нож Warner-Bratzler за получаване на максимална сила за срязване на клубените. Анализът е извършен непосредствено след реколтиране, след три и шестмесечно съхранение в условията на неотопляемо складово помещение при температурен диапазон 2-8 ºC и 70-90% относителна влажност на въздуха. Установено е, че продължителността на съхранение оказва по-голямо влияние върху динамичната сила на поддаване, модула на деформация, работата за деформация и силата на разрушаване в сравнение с генотипа. Стойностите на всички изследвани физични параметри намаляват по време на съхранението. Линия Е 1096 е най-подходяща за дългосрочно съхранение поради най-слабото омекване на клубените и най-хомогенни стойности на параметрите на текстурата в края на съхранението. Въз основа на наблюдаваните корелации може да се заключи, че силата на поддаване би могла да даде най-добра информация за качеството на текстурата на непреработените картофи

    Investigation of edible coatings on the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of processed melons during storage

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    The possible use of chitosan coating on fresh-cut melons (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis) was investigated in this research topic. Manually sliced melons were treated with solutions of 10 g/kg chitosan and 10 g/kg chitosan with calcium lactate and then stored at 4°C for 8 days. Physical, physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of the samples were monitored during the storage period. It was found that chitosan coatings inhibited the growth of microorganisms and affected significantly and positively the storage time of the products. Changes in the sensory qualities of taste were evaluated. A chitosan coating retarded water loss and the drop in sensory quality, increasing the soluble solid content and titratable acidity. The data revealed that applying a chitosan coating preserved effectively the quality and extended the shelf life of fresh-cut melons

    Enhancing postharvest quality of fresh-cut plums with chitosan-grape seed oil edible coatings

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    Edible coatings are traditionally used to improve food appearance and conservation due to their environmentally friendly nature. In this study fresh cut (halved and pitted) plum (var. Stanley) fruits were coated by chitosan grape-seed-oil (GsO) nanoemulsion. Physical, physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial properties were examined 3 times during 9 d refrigeration storage. The control probes wasted their safety and quality after the 4th d. The coated probes preserved their quality and safety to the end of the storage period. The fruits with chitosan coating showed smaller microbiological contamination but the chitosan GsO coated fruits showed higher values in the sensorial parameters. The coated samples preserved their sensorial parameters up to 80% on the 9th d

    Investigation of edible coatings on the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of processed melons during storage

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    The possible use of chitosan coating on fresh-cut melons (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis) was investigated in this research topic. Manually sliced melons were treated with solutions of 10 g/kg chitosan and 10 g/kg chitosan with calcium lactate and then stored at 4°C for 8 days. Physical, physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of the samples were monitored during the storage period. It was found that chitosan coatings inhibited the growth of microorganisms and affected significantly and positively the storage time of the products. Changes in the sensory qualities of taste were evaluated. A chitosan coating retarded water loss and the drop in sensory quality, increasing the soluble solid content and titratable acidity. The data revealed that applying a chitosan coating preserved effectively the quality and extended the shelf life of fresh-cut melons

    Effect of

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    Spirulina platensis is a cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) that grows in alkaline waters. In food industry, Spirulina’s phycocyanin is used as a natural colorant and stabilizer. The influence of three different concentrations of Spirulina platensis (0.5%, 1% and 1.5%) on physicochemical, textural, antioxidant and sensory parameters of ice cream was studied. It was found that with increasing spirulina concentration, the overrun increases from 30.6% (IC–0) to 48.3% (IC–3). The analysis of texture profile (hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess) of samples showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between reported values for control sample (IC–0) and the samples with spirulina. Ice cream samples supplemented with spirulina differed with significant increase (p<0.05) in antioxidant activity from 2.8±2.2 mM TE/100 g DW (control sample) to 112.9±4.1 mM TE/100 g DW (IC–3). The addition of Spirulina platensis in ice cream mixture improves its quality and antioxidant properties

    Enhancing postharvest quality of fresh-cut plums with chitosan-grape seed oil edible coatings

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    Edible coatings are traditionally used to improve food appearance and conservation due to their environmentally friendly nature. In this study fresh cut (halved and pitted) plum (var. Stanley) fruits were coated by chitosan grape-seed-oil (GsO) nanoemulsion. Physical, physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial properties were examined 3 times during 9 d refrigeration storage. The control probes wasted their safety and quality after the 4th d. The coated probes preserved their quality and safety to the end of the storage period. The fruits with chitosan coating showed smaller microbiological contamination but the chitosan GsO coated fruits showed higher values in the sensorial parameters. The coated samples preserved their sensorial parameters up to 80% on the 9th d