7 research outputs found

    Rehabilitation of patients after hysterectomy without adnexa operated for leiomyoma

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    The objective of the study: to optimize leiomyoma surgical treatment efficacy by means of application of a complex therapeutic and rehabilitation treatment system in the postoperative period. The material of the study: 124 women have been examined: 86 of them after hysterectomy without adnexa and 38 with their uterus intact (of the average age of 49,4±2,9 and 48,7±1,9 respectively). The research methods: clinical study, common and biochemical blood analyses, follicle-stimulating hormone, inhibin В level tests, psychological questioning (A.T. Back depression questionnaire, Tailor personal anxiety score, subjective score of asthenia), pelvic ultrasound. The results: The examination has shown ovaries functional activity reduction among the operated patients, which is characterized by a lower inhibin В level, a higher follicle- timulating hormone level, and fewer antrum-containing follicles. Considerable abnormalities in psycho- emotional state (anxiety and depressive syndrome) have been detected in 67% of operated women. It is characteristic that serious metabolic disorders (dislipidemia, disproteinemia) develop in patients after hysterectomy. Conclusion: there have been considerable health disorders revealed in women after hysterectomy, which makes it necessary to carry out rehabilitation treatment of women after gynecological surgery. The starting date of substitutive hormonotherapy application is defined depending on the premorbid background, the time of climacteric syndromes onset and the degree of psychological and somatic state adaptation of a certain woman.Цель исследования: оптимизация эффективности оперативного лечения миомы матки путем применения комплексной системы лечебно-реабилитационных мероприятий в послеоперационном периоде. Материал исследования: обследовано 124 женщины: 86 женщин после гистерэктомии без придатков и 38 пациенток с интактной маткой (средний возраст 49,4±2,9 и 48,7±1,9 лет соответственно). Методы исследования: общеклинические, общий и биохимический анализ крови, определение уровня фолликулостимулирующего гормона, ингибина В, психологическое анкетирование (опросник депрессии А. Т. Бека, личностная шкала тревоги Тейлора, субъективная шкала астении), УЗИ органов малого таза. Результаты: В результате обследования выявлено снижение функциональной активности яичников среди оперированных пациенток, что характеризуется понижением уровня ингибина В, повышением фолликулостимулирующего гормона, снижением количества антральных фолликулов. У 67% оперированных женщин обнаружены значительные нарушения в психоэмоциональном статусе (тревожно-депрессивный синдром). Пациентки, перенесшие гистерэктомию, отличаются развитием в послеоперационном периоде глубоких метаболических нарушений (дислипидемии, диспротеинемии). Заключение: выявлены значительные нарушения в состоянии здоровья женщин, перенесших гистерэктомию, что диктует необходимость проведения реабилитации женщин после гинекологической операции. Сроки начала применения заместительной гормонотерапии определяются в зависимости от преморбидного фона, сроков появления климактерических симптомов и степенью адаптации психологического и соматического состояния женщины

    Influence of interaction between higher education institutions and audit organizations on graduates training in management, economics and Finance Institute Kfu

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to the relevance of the interaction between higher education institutions and target employers within new Russian education standards. The paper considers the effectiveness of existing work model of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University with audit firms and proposes further improvement of colloboration effiency

    Influence of interaction between higher education institutions and audit organizations on graduates training in management, economics and Finance Institute Kfu

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to the relevance of the interaction between higher education institutions and target employers within new Russian education standards. The paper considers the effectiveness of existing work model of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University with audit firms and proposes further improvement of colloboration effiency

    utomated real-time classification of functional states: the significance of individual tuning stage

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    Automated classification of a human functional state is an important problem, with applications including stress resistance evaluation, supervision over operators of critical infrastructure, teaching and phobia therapy. Such classification is particularly efficient in systems for teaching and phobia therapy that include a virtual reality module, and provide the capability for dynamic adjustment of task complexity. In this paper, a method for automated real-time binary classification of human functional states (calm wakefulness vs. stress) based on discrete wavelet transform of EEG data is considered. It is shown that an individual tuning stage of the classification algorithm — a stage that allows the involvement of certain information on individual peculiarities in the classification, using very short individual learning samples, significantly increases classification reliability. The experimental study that proved this assertion was based on a specialized scenario in which individuals solved the task of detecting objects with given properties in a dynamic set of flying objects