22 research outputs found

    Turbidimetric determination of raw fat in crop seeds

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    A variant of a turbidimetric method of raw fat determination from seed, which proved to be simple, fast, and accurate, was described in this paper. The method was based on the extraction of lipids from 20 mg samples into acetone followed by their treatment with 1.5% solution of sulfosalicylic acid and spectral measurement at 440 nm against a blank of the reagents. Suitable volumes of acetone extracts should be taken for oily seed samples such as flax, sunflower, or soybean. A standard curve was made with raw fat extracted from the species being analysed. For analysing a large number of samples, the standardization of the turbidimetric method with a few representative Soxhlet values was recommended. Possible interferences, as well as the real results obtained within large scale analyses ,are also shown

    Effect of Heavy Metals on the Germination of Wheat Seeds: Enzymatic Assay

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    Stress caused by heavy metals is a major problem which affects agricultural productivity and, implicitly, human health. Natural flora presents differences of tolerance to heavy metals. Some plants grow well in a soil enriched with heavy metals, while others cannot develop in such conditions. This study investigates the effect of heavy metals on plant viability at molecular level and draws attention to the danger of the widespread use of toxic compounds

    Multifactorial Distress, the Warburg Effect, and Respiratory and pH Imbalance in Cancer Development

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    Oncogenes are thought to play an important role in aberrant regulation of growth factors, which is believed to be an initiation event of carcinogenesis. However, recent genetic and pharmacological studies have shown that the Warburg effect (WE) is needed for tumour growth. It refers to extensively studied aerobic glycolysis over the past decade, although its impact on cancer remains unclear. Meanwhile, a large body of evidence has indicated that oxidative stress (OS) is connected with the occurrence and progression of various forms of cancer. Psychosocial factors (PSF), such as chronic depression, sadness, stressful life experiences, stress-prone personality, and emotional distress or poor quality of life affect the immune system and contribute to cancer outcomes. Here, we examine the relationship between WE, OS, PSF, metal ions, other carcinogens, and the development of different cancers from the viewpoint of physiological and biochemical mechanisms

    Novel Design of Neuropeptide-Based Drugs with β-Sheet Breaking Potential in Amyloid-Beta Cascade: Molecular and Structural Deciphers

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    Our work discusses the investigation of 75 peptide-based drugs with the potential ability to break the β-sheet structures of amyloid-beta peptides from senile plaques. Hence, this study offers a unique insight into the design of neuropeptide-based drugs with β-sheet breaker potential in the amyloid-beta cascade for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We started with five peptides (15QKLVFF20, 16KLVFF20, 17LVFF20, 16KLVF19 and 15QKLV18), to which 14 different organic acids were attached at the N-terminal. It was necessary to evaluate the physiochemical features of these sequences due to the biological correlation with our proposal. Hence, the preliminary analysis of different pharmacological features provided the necessary data to select the peptides with the best biocompatibility for administration purposes. Our approaches demonstrated that the peptides 17LVFF20, NA-17LVFF20, 16KLVF19 and NA-16KLVF19 (NA-nicotinic acid) have the ability to interfere with fibril formation and hence improve the neuro and cognitive functions. Moreover, the peptide conjugate NA-16KLVF19 possesses attractive pharmacological properties, demonstrated by in silico and in vitro studies. Tandem mass spectrometry showed no fragmentation for the spectra of 16KLVF19. Such important results suggest that under the action of protease, the peptide cleavage does not occur at all. Additionally, circular dichroism confirmed docking simulations and showed that NA-16KLVF19 may improve the β-sheet breaker mechanism, and thus the entanglement process of amyloid-beta peptides can be more effective

    Morphological and Biochemical Answer of the Wheat Seeds at Treatment with 2,4-Dinitrophenol and Potassium Iodate

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    Oxidative stress can be regarded as an imbalance between the amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the ability of a biological system to eliminate the toxic species and repair the resulting damages. Since the germinating seeds and the resulted seedlings are rich in enzymes, whereas the treatment with chemicals affects much the seed germination, producing also ROS, we evaluate here the influence of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) and potassium iodate (KIO3) on wheat germination (Triticum aestivum L.) and seedlings growth. Germination rate, the masses and heights of the 7 day old seedlings, as well as the activity of some enzymes involved in the oxidative stress such as peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase were measured seven days after the chemical treatment. The treatment of the wheat seeds with 10-5 - 10-3 M solutions of DNP resulted in a relative concentration-dependent inhibition of the germination, with a concomitant stimulation of the weight and height of viable seedlings. The Gasparom variety treated with 10-5 M KIO3 showed a slight increase in the germination rate in comparison with the control batch. The two tested substances determined a significantly modified response of the oxidative stress enzymes, especially in the seeds treated with 10-4 and 10-3 M solutions

    Evaluation of Hydrogen Cyanide in the Blood of Fire Victims Based on the Kinetics of the Reaction with Ninhydrin

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    An original kinetic spectrophotometric procedure was developed for the determination of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in the whole blood of fire victims. Cyanide poisoning by smoke inhalation is common in forensic medicine, but the blood HCN of fire victims has not been studied in detail so far. In this research project, we developed a simple, fast, sensitive, and selective quantification method for both free and metabolized HCN based on the kinetics of cyanide reaction with ninhydrin. The method was linear in range, from 0.26 to 2.6 Όg mL−1, with a coefficient of determination of r = 0.994. A high molar absorptivity of 4.95 × 105 L mol−1 cm−1 was calculated under the reaction conditions. The limit of quantification was 0.052 Όg mL−1; the detection limit was 0.012 Όg mL−1 and the standard error was ±2.7%. This micro method proved to be accurate, sensitive, and selective and has been successfully applied to the analysis of blood samples, allowing rapid monitoring of blood cyanide in several fire victims