5 research outputs found

    Successful Use of Silver Impregnated Hydrofiber Dressing in the Treatment of Kerion Celsi Caused by Microsporum gypseum

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    A method of treatment of tinea capitis is presented in the case of a 10-year-old boy who was referred to the pediatric surgical unit for the treatment of a skin lesion on the scalp which had persisted for more than two months. The initial dermatological examination led to the clinical diagnosis of inflammation of the scalp, while mycological analysis revealed an uncommon dermatophyte agent, Microsporum gypseum, in the culture. The lesion was subsequently treated with local and oral antifungal agents, but the antifungal therapy was discontinued due to developed liver dysfunction and replaced with treatment using a silver impregnated hydrofiber dressing. During one month of follow-up, the patient\u27s scalp lesion cleared completely. The treatment of tinea capitis is discussed.</p

    Infekcija parazitom dirofilaria repens u desetogodiŔnjeg dječaka u Istri: prikaz slučaja

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    Dirofilariasis is a zoonotic infection caused by worms belonging to the genus Dirofilaria. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and the hosts are usually dogs. Infections in humans are rare and they usually manifest as a subcutaneous nodule or a conjunctival form. We present a 10-year-old boy with a subcutaneous nodule on his left forearm, who was admitted to the hospital. On examination, the only significant findings were high levels of eosinophils. The pediatrician suspected dirofilariasis and the boy was referred to pediatric surgery. The whole lesion was surgically removed and histopathologic examination confirmed parasitic infection by Dirofilaria repens. Although human dirofilariasis is a rare disease, the number of reported cases has recently increased worldwide. The disease mainly occurs in southern European countries, but has also been described in eastern Europe, Central Asia and Sri Lanka. Croatia is one of the endemic areas for dirofilariasis, especially in the region of the Istria Peninsula. The case presented highlights the requirement for further monitoring of endemic areas in order to establish effective preventive measures.Dirofilarijaza je zoonoza uzrokovana crvima koji pripadaju rodu Dirofilaria. Bolest prenose komarci, a uobičajeni domaćini su psi. Infekcije ljudi su rijetke i najčeŔće se očituju kao potkožni čvor ili kao konjunktivan oblik. Prikazuje se slučaj 10-godiÅ”njeg dječaka koji je zaprimljen u bolnicu sa subkutanim čvorom na lijevoj podlaktici. Jedini značajniji nalaz su bile poviÅ”ene vrijednosti eozinofila u krvi. Pedijatar je posumnjao na dirofilarijazu i dječak je upućen na dječju kirurgiju. Lezija je kirurÅ”ki u cijelosti odstranjena i patohistoloÅ”ki je potvrđena parazitna infekcija, Dirofilaria repens. Unatoč tome Å”to je ljudska dirofilarijaza rijetka bolest, broj zabilježenih slučajeva je u porastu u cijelom svijetu. Bolest se uglavnom javlja u zemljama južne Europe, ali je opisana i u istočnoj Europi, Centralnoj Aziji i Å ri Lanki. Hrvatska je također jedno od endemskih područja za dirofilarijazu, osobito dijelovi Istarskog poluotoka. Prikazanim slučajem želi se istaknuti važnost praćenja endemskih područja kako bi se eventualno potaknulo uvođenje preventivnih mjera

    An application of statistical methods in market research; The retail sector in the old city center of Å ibenik

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    Kulturni turizam na kojem se bazira ponuda u Å ibeniku donosi sve viÅ”e turista u staru gradsku jezgru, ali u isto vrijeme stara gradska jezgra i propada jer u njoj živi znatno manje stanovniÅ”tva. Turistima je prilagođena i ponuda pa je u staroj gradskoj jezgri sve viÅ”e apartmana, suvenirnica i restorana koji preko zime zatvaraju svoja vrata i grad ostaje prazan. Stoga se u gradu Å ibeniku provode različiti projekti s ciljem revitalizacije stare gradske jezgre. U ovome radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja o maloprodaji u staroj jezgri. Provedena je anketa među lokalnim stanovniÅ”tvom o maloprodaji u staroj jezgri u razdoblju svibanj ā€“ lipanj 2017. Istraživanje obuhvaća analizu socio-demografskih karakteristika ispitanika, obilježja obavljanja kupovine, zadovoljstva ponudom trgovina u staroj gradskoj jezgri i razloga izbjegavanja kupnje. Formirane su dvije posebne skupine od interesa: prema primanjima ispitanika: ispitanici s iznadprosječnim i oni s ispodprosječnim primanjima čije su karakteristike uspoređene. Uz potporu statističkih metoda ispitano je postojanje razlika u razlozima izbjegavanja kupnje te, općenito, razlozima odabira prodavaonica u te dvije skupine ispitanika.The cultural tourism, on which the tourism offer of the city of Å ibenik is based, brings more and more tourists in the old city center. This affects urban decay since the city center population is declining. The offer is adopted towards the tourists, so the number of apartments, souvenir shops and restaurants in the old city center is increasing. On the other hand, these facilities are closed during the winter leaving the city empty. Therefore, the city of Å ibenik implements various projects whose aim is to revitalize the old city center. This paper presents the results of a survey on retail sector in the old city center. A survey on the retail sector has been conducted among the local residents in the period May ā€“ June, 2017. The survey encompasses the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, respondentsā€™ buying behavior, ther satisfaction with the city center offer along with the main reasons for avoiding shops in the old city center of Å ibenik. Moreover, two special interest groups according to the respondents' income were formed whose characteristics are compared: a group with above average income and the group with bellow average income. The application of statistical methods enabled the analysis of differences in the reasons for choosing and avoiding shops in the city center in these two groups

    An application of statistical methods in market research; The retail sector in the old city center of Å ibenik

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    Kulturni turizam na kojem se bazira ponuda u Å ibeniku donosi sve viÅ”e turista u staru gradsku jezgru, ali u isto vrijeme stara gradska jezgra i propada jer u njoj živi znatno manje stanovniÅ”tva. Turistima je prilagođena i ponuda pa je u staroj gradskoj jezgri sve viÅ”e apartmana, suvenirnica i restorana koji preko zime zatvaraju svoja vrata i grad ostaje prazan. Stoga se u gradu Å ibeniku provode različiti projekti s ciljem revitalizacije stare gradske jezgre. U ovome radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja o maloprodaji u staroj jezgri. Provedena je anketa među lokalnim stanovniÅ”tvom o maloprodaji u staroj jezgri u razdoblju svibanj ā€“ lipanj 2017. Istraživanje obuhvaća analizu socio-demografskih karakteristika ispitanika, obilježja obavljanja kupovine, zadovoljstva ponudom trgovina u staroj gradskoj jezgri i razloga izbjegavanja kupnje. Formirane su dvije posebne skupine od interesa: prema primanjima ispitanika: ispitanici s iznadprosječnim i oni s ispodprosječnim primanjima čije su karakteristike uspoređene. Uz potporu statističkih metoda ispitano je postojanje razlika u razlozima izbjegavanja kupnje te, općenito, razlozima odabira prodavaonica u te dvije skupine ispitanika.The cultural tourism, on which the tourism offer of the city of Å ibenik is based, brings more and more tourists in the old city center. This affects urban decay since the city center population is declining. The offer is adopted towards the tourists, so the number of apartments, souvenir shops and restaurants in the old city center is increasing. On the other hand, these facilities are closed during the winter leaving the city empty. Therefore, the city of Å ibenik implements various projects whose aim is to revitalize the old city center. This paper presents the results of a survey on retail sector in the old city center. A survey on the retail sector has been conducted among the local residents in the period May ā€“ June, 2017. The survey encompasses the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, respondentsā€™ buying behavior, ther satisfaction with the city center offer along with the main reasons for avoiding shops in the old city center of Å ibenik. Moreover, two special interest groups according to the respondents' income were formed whose characteristics are compared: a group with above average income and the group with bellow average income. The application of statistical methods enabled the analysis of differences in the reasons for choosing and avoiding shops in the city center in these two groups