12 research outputs found

    Iron status and myocardial injury while recovering from acute myocarditis

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    Introduction. The pathophysiology of acute myocarditis (MCD) and subsequent recovery involves complex interplay between the virulence of pathogen, host immunity with possible genetic-based immune dysregulation, comorbidities and environmental factors. Precise identification of patients with increased risk of subsequent post-inflammatory cardiomyopathy is challenging. Abnormal iron status not only is a hallmark of immune activation but also plays a role in the development of cardiomyopathy, hence we investigated whether iron indices relate to myocardial injury in patients with acute MCD. Material and methods. Consecutive patients hospitalized for acute MCD in two cardiology centers were prospectively enrolled. We analyzed clinical characteristics, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) findings and biomarkers of myocardial necrosis, neurohormonal activation, inflammation, and comprehensive systemic iron status from index hospitalization and an ambulatory control visit after 6 months. Healthy volunteers were control group. Results. We enrolled 40 patients hospitalized for acute myocarditis (age: 32 ± 9 years, male gender: 98%). In-hospital serum ferritin correlated with CMR late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) mass (r = 0.537, p &lt; 0.001) and global T2 ratio (r = 0.360, p = 0.03). LGE, regional abnormalities in myocardial T1 relaxation time and elevated extracellular volume persisted after 6 months of recovery in comparison to healthy controls. Persistent LGE mass correlated with lower transferrin saturation and serum iron at the ambulatory visit (r = –0.520, p = 0.03; and r = –0.465, p = 0.04; respectively). Conclusions. Acute-phase reactant ferritin relates to myocardial injury in the acute phase of MCD, whereas in the recovery phase residual fibrosis is greater in subjects with more profound functional iron deficiency, the latter reflecting, to some extent, systemic low-grade inflammation.Introduction. The pathophysiology of acute myocarditis (MCD) and subsequent recovery involves complex interplay between the virulence of pathogen, host immunity with possible genetic-based immune dysregulation, comorbidities and environmental factors. Precise identification of patients with increased risk of subsequent post-inflammatory cardiomyopathy is challenging. Abnormal iron status not only is a hallmark of immune activation but also plays a role in the development of cardiomyopathy, hence we investigated whether iron indices relate to myocardial injury in patients with acute MCD. Material and methods. Consecutive patients hospitalized for acute MCD in two cardiology centers were prospectively enrolled. We analyzed clinical characteristics, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) findings and biomarkers of myocardial necrosis, neurohormonal activation, inflammation, and comprehensive systemic iron status from index hospitalization and an ambulatory control visit after 6 months. Healthy volunteers were control group. Results. We enrolled 40 patients hospitalized for acute myocarditis (age: 32 ± 9 years, male gender: 98%). In-hospital serum ferritin correlated with CMR late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) mass (r = 0.537, p < 0.001) and global T2 ratio (r = 0.360, p = 0.03). LGE, regional abnormalities in myocardial T1 relaxation time and elevated extracellular volume persisted after 6 months of recovery in comparison to healthy controls. Persistent LGE mass correlated with lower transferrin saturation and serum iron at the ambulatory visit (r = –0.520, p = 0.03; and r = –0.465, p = 0.04; respectively). Conclusions. Acute-phase reactant ferritin relates to myocardial injury in the acute phase of MCD, whereas in the recovery phase residual fibrosis is greater in subjects with more profound functional iron deficiency, the latter reflecting, to some extent, systemic low-grade inflammation

    The spread of eye diseases in habitual smokers

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    INTRODUCTION Habitual smoking according to WOBASZ project was identified in 42% of men and 25% women. The most common eye problems include disorders of refraction, accomodation and and of ocular muscles. AIM The aim of the study was to determine the spread of eye disorders in habitual smokers and the attempt to check whether smoking may have an influence on eye disorders. Material and methods. The study was carried out in the city of Wroclaw in a group of 83 students with the use of original questionnaire based on 74 questions on: subjective symptoms connected with vision, basic optometric information, eye diseases, and environmental factors influencing on the optic system. The study group was divided into 2 subgroups: 66 non-smoking students and 17 students declaring the habitual smoking. Statistical analysis was performed with STATICTICA 6.0 package. P less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. RESULTS In a subgroup of smokers subjective symptoms connected with vision such as headaches, vertigos were statistically significant more common in smokers (non-smokers 31% vs. smokers 40%) as well as the feeling of eye dryness and burning (non-smokers 13% vs. smokers 50%). Smokers more often wore glasses (non-smokers 31% vs. 50%) and contact lenses (non-smokers 14% vs. smokers 33%) in comparison with non-smokers. The mean value of the refraction disorder – myopia – for students wearing glasses was statistically significant higher in smokers (non-smokers –1.75 dioptres for the right and left eye and smokers –4.0 for both eyes). For students wearing contact lenses the mean value of the refraction disorder was also higher for smokers (non-smokers –2.0 dioptres for both eyes, smokers –5.0 for the right eye and –5.25 dioptres for the left eye). Stye was more commonly present in smokers in comparison with non-smokers (non-smokers 0%, smokers 27 %). CONCLUSIONS The spread of eye disorders in the population of students was similar as in the whole population. Generally, disorders of the optic system were more common in habitual smokers.WSTĘP Nałóg palenia tytoniu w Polsce dotyczy według programu WOBASZ 42% mężczyzn i 25% kobiet. Celem badania była ocena rozpowszechnienia problemów okulistycznych wśród palaczy oraz odpowiedź na pytanie: Czy palenie tytoniu ma wpływ na występowanie zaburzeń układu optycznego oka. MATERIAŁ I METODY Badanie przeprowadzono we Wrocławiu na grupie 83 studentów w oparciu o autorską ankietę składającą się z 74 pytań obejmujących: subiektywne objawy związane z widzeniem, podstawowe informacje optometryczne, choroby oczu oraz czynniki środowiskowe wpływające na stan układu optycznego. Badaną grupę studentów podzielono na dwie podgrupy: 66 studentów niepalących papierosy i 17 studentów deklarujących nałogowe palenie papierosów. WYNIKI Wśród subiektywnych objawów związanych z widzeniem, palący papierosy istotnie statystycznie częściej w porównaniu z niepalącymi zgłaszali bóle i zawroty głowy (niepalący:31%; palący:40%) oraz uczucie suchości i pieczenia oczu (niepalący:13%; palący:33%). Palacze znamiennie częściej nosili, zarówno okulary (niepalący:31%; palący:50%), jak i soczewki kontaktowe (niepalący:14%; palący:33%). Średnia wartość wady wzroku dla osób noszących okulary była istotnie statystycznie wyższa w grupie palących papierosy (niepalący:–1,75 dioptrie w przypadku oka prawego i –1,75 dioptrie w przypadku oka lewego; palący: odpowiednio –4,0 dioptrie i –4,0 dioptrie). Dla osób noszących soczewki kontaktowe średnia wartość wady wzroku była również istotnie wyższa w grupie palących tytoń (niepalący:–2,0 dioptrie w przypadku oka prawego i –2,0 dioptrie w przypadku oka lewego; palący: odpowiednio –5,0 dioptrie i –5,25 dioptrie). Wśród chorób narządu wzroku, u palących papierosy istotnie statystycznie częściej w porównaniu z niepalącymi występował jęczmień (niepalący: 0%; palący:27%). WNIOSKI Problemy okulistyczne w badanej populacji występowały z częstością porównywalną do częstości występowania w populacji ogólnej. Zaburzenia układu optycznego oka zasadniczo częściej zgłaszali nałogowi palacze papierosów

    Left Ventricular Rupture as a Complication of Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction on Computed Tomography Angiography and Ventriculography

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    Rupture of the free wall of the left ventricle, rupture of the interventricular septum and acute mitral regurgitation are mechanical complications of myocardial infarction. They are rare; left ventricular rupture occurs in about 2–4% of patients with myocardial infarction. We present the case of an 85-year-old woman with an anterior wall infarction complicated by left ventricular rupture. We present diagnostic images of pathology visualized by computed tomography angiography, performed in order to exclude aortic dissection as the cause of the presence of fluid in the pericardial sac. Images from ventriculography are also presented. Summing up, during the diagnostic and therapeutic process of acute coronary syndrome, it is important to bear in mind the risk of possible complications, such as left ventricular rupture

    Occupational Brachial Artery Injury by a Foreign Body with Subsequent Soft Tissue Hematoma Superinfection

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    Vascular injuries constitute a significant problem worldwide. Nearly 90% of arterial injuries concern the vessels in the limbs, of which the arteries of the lower limbs are most often damaged in military operations, while in other cases (mainly road accidents), the vessels of the upper limbs are damaged more often. In this report, the authors present a case of occupational brachial artery injury by a foreign body with subsequent soft tissue hematoma superinfection. The presented case emphasizes the importance of computed tomography angiography as a precise diagnostic tool facilitating the planning of a surgical procedure in patients with an occupational upper limb injury

    Radiation Doses in Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

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    We discussed the contemporary views on the effects of ionising radiation on living organisms and the process of estimating radiation doses in CT examinations and the definitions of the CTDI, CTDIvol, DLP, SSDE, ED. We reviewed the reports from large analyses on the radiation doses in CT examinations of the coronary arteries prior to TAVI procedures, including the CRESCENT, PROTECTION, German Cardiac CT Registry studies. These studies were carried out over the last 10 years and can help confront the daily practice of performing cardiovascular CT examinations in most centres. The reference dose levels for these examinations were also collected. The methods to optimise the radiation dose included tube voltage reduction, ECG-monitored tube current modulation, iterative and deep learning reconstruction techniques, a reduction in the scan range, prospective study protocols, automatic exposure control, heart rate control, rational use of the calcium score, multi-slices and dual-source and wide-field tomography. We also present the studies that indicated the need to raise the organ conversion factor for cardiovascular studies from the 0.014–0.017 mSv/mGy*cm used for chest studies to date to a value of 0.0264–0.03 mSv/mGy*cm

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Sleep Structure Assessed in Polysomnography and Right Ventricular Strain Parameters

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    Our study aimed to assess functional, structural changes of the right ventricular using strain parameters and sleep structure using polysomnography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Our study group consisted of 43 patients, 29 men, 14 women. The mean age was 56.36 ± 14.77. All patients underwent full night polysomnography and transthoracic echocardiography. The right ventricular global longitudinal strain was measured by 2D speckle-tracking echocardiography. The prevalence of OSA (AHI ≥ 5) was 76.7% in the studied group. We observed a significant positive correlation between OAH and average free wall strain (r = 0.37), snore and mid-free wall strain (r = 0.34), average HR, and basal free wall strain (r = 0.34). Moreover, CSB was positively correlated with basal septal strain and mid septal strain (r = 0.36 and 0.42). In summary, among patients with sleep disorders, functional disorders of the right ventricle, assessed using the strain method, are partly observed

    The impact of phytosanitary treatments in the soil with signs of fatigue on the growth of apple seedlings and populations of bacteria and fungi

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    The object of research was the soil from an orchard after 27 years of apple cultivation, showing signs of fatigue re-sulting in weaker growth of apple seedlings planted into it, and the soil sampled on the same farm, but not used for growing fruit trees. The physicochemical properties of both soils did not differ significantly. In sick soil, no pathogens of fungal or fungi-like origin were found, and the number of nematodes was below the threshold of economic threat. There is a suspicion that abiotic fac-tors could be responsible for soil fatigue. It has been demonstra-ted that the cultivation of spring and winter wheat, triticale and white mustard before planting apple ‘Antonovka’ seedlings, had a positive impact on their growth. The best effect was obtained after the cultivation of white mustard or after the introduction of mustard seed meal into the soil, which was also confirmed by measurements of the intensity of apple seedlings photosynthesis. The cultivation of these phytosanitary plants or the addition of mustard seed meal positively influenced the biological potential of the soil expressed by a significant increase in the population of bacteria from the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus. There was also a very large increase in the number of Trichoderma spp. fun-gi after the addition of mustard seed meal into the soil and winter wheat cultivation

    Cadmium Body Burden and Inflammatory Arthritis: A Pilot Study in Patients from Lower Silesia, Poland

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between cadmium exposure and the likelihood of developing or exacerbating symptoms of inflammatory arthritis (IA). The study included 51 IA patients and 46 control subjects. Demographic and lifestyle data were collected. Haematological and biochemical parameters and blood cadmium levels (Cd-B) were determined. Cd-B correlated positively with age, smoking, living in a high-traffic area, and serum levels of inflammatory markers and negatively with mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The binary logistic regression model implied that high Cd-B (&ge;0.65 &mu;g/L) is linked with an increased risk of IA in the studied population (odds ratio: 4.4). High levels of DNA oxidative damage marker (8-hydroxy-2&rsquo;-deoxyguanosine) (&ge;7.66 ng/mL) and cyclooxygenase-2 (&ge;22.9 ng/mL) and frequent consumption of offal was also associated with increased risk of IA. High Cd-B was related to increased risk of disease symptoms onset in the group of IA patients, decreased the level of interleukin 10, and positively correlated with the disease activity. Increased Cd-B is associated with intensified inflammatory processes and decreased haemoglobin levels; in IA patients with decreased anti-inflammatory interleukin 10. These changes partly explain why cadmium exposure and a high cadmium body burden may raise the risk of IA and of disease symptoms exacerbation