203 research outputs found

    A Simple Method to Synthesize Cadmium Hydroxide Nanobelts

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    Cd(OH)2nanobelts have been synthesized in high yield by a convenient polyol method for the first time. XRD, XPS, FESEM, and TEM were used to characterize the product, which revealed that the product consisted of belt-like crystals about 40 nm in thickness and length up to several hundreds of micrometers. Studies found that the viscosity of the solvent has important influence on the morphology of the final products. The optical absorption spectrum indicates that the Cd(OH)2nanobelts have a direct band gap of 4.45 eV

    Genome-Wide Screening for Genetic Alterations in Esophageal Cancer by aCGH Identifies 11q13 Amplification Oncogenes Associated with Nodal Metastasis

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    Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is highly prevalent in China and other Asian countries, as a major cause of cancer-related mortality. ESCC displays complex chromosomal abnormalities, including multiple structural and numerical aberrations. Chromosomal abnormalities, such as recurrent amplifications and homozygous deletions, directly contribute to tumorigenesis through altering the expression of key oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.To understand the role of genetic alterations in ESCC pathogenesis and identify critical amplification/deletion targets, we performed genome-wide 1-Mb array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) analysis for 10 commonly used ESCC cell lines. Recurrent chromosomal gains were frequently detected on 3q26-27, 5p15-14, 8p12, 8p22-24, 11q13, 13q21-31, 18p11 and 20q11-13, with frequent losses also found on 8p23-22, 11q22, 14q32 and 18q11-23. Gain of 11q13.3-13.4 was the most frequent alteration in ESCC. Within this region, CCND1 oncogene was identified with high level of amplification and overexpression in ESCC, while FGF19 and SHANK2 was also remarkably over-expressed. Moreover, a high concordance (91.5%) of gene amplification and protein overexpression of CCND1 was observed in primary ESCC tumors. CCND1 amplification/overexpression was also significantly correlated with the lymph node metastasis of ESCC.These findings suggest that genomic gain of 11q13 is the major mechanism contributing to the amplification. Novel oncogenes identified within the 11q13 amplicon including FGF19 and SHANK2 may play important roles in ESCC tumorigenesis

    A-6G and A-20C Polymorphisms in the Angiotensinogen Promoter and Hypertension Risk in Chinese: A Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Numerous studies in Chinese populations have evaluated the association between the A-6G and A-20C polymorphisms in the promoter region of angiotensinogen gene and hypertension. However, the results remain conflicting. We carried out a meta-analysis for these associations. METHODS AND RESULTS: Case-control studies in Chinese and English publications were identified by searching the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CNKI, Wanfang, CBM, and VIP databases. The random-effects model was applied for dichotomous outcomes to combine the results of the individual studies. We finally selected 24 studies containing 5932 hypertensive patients and 5231 normotensive controls. Overall, we found significant association between the A-6G polymorphism and the decreased risk of hypertension in the dominant genetic model (AA+AG vs. GG: P=0.001, OR=0.71, 95%CI 0.57-0.87, P(heterogeneity)=0.96). The A-20C polymorphism was significantly associated with the increased risk for hypertension in the allele comparison (C vs. A: P=0.03, OR=1.14, 95%CI 1.02-1.27, P(heterogeneity)=0.92) and recessive genetic model (CC vs. CA+AA: P=0.005, OR=1.71, 95%CI 1.18-2.48, P(heterogeneity)=0.99). In the subgroup analysis by ethnicity, significant association was also found among Han Chinese for both A-6G and A-20C polymorphisms. A borderline significantly decreased risk of hypertension between A-6G and Chinese Mongolian was seen in the allele comparison (A vs. G: P=0.05, OR=0.79, 95%CI 0.62-1.00, P(heterogeneity)=0.84). CONCLUSION: Our meta-analysis indicated significant association between angiotensinogen promoter polymorphisms and hypertension in the Chinese populations, especially in Han Chinese

    Genetic Association Analysis Using Sibship Data: A Multilevel Model Approach

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    Family based association study (FBAS) has the advantages of controlling for population stratification and testing for linkage and association simultaneously. We propose a retrospective multilevel model (rMLM) approach to analyze sibship data by using genotypic information as the dependent variable. Simulated data sets were generated using the simulation of linkage and association (SIMLA) program. We compared rMLM to sib transmission/disequilibrium test (S-TDT), sibling disequilibrium test (SDT), conditional logistic regression (CLR) and generalized estimation equations (GEE) on the measures of power, type I error, estimation bias and standard error. The results indicated that rMLM was a valid test of association in the presence of linkage using sibship data. The advantages of rMLM became more evident when the data contained concordant sibships. Compared to GEE, rMLM had less underestimated odds ratio (OR). Our results support the application of rMLM to detect gene-disease associations using sibship data. However, the risk of increasing type I error rate should be cautioned when there is association without linkage between the disease locus and the genotyped marker

    Structural and Functional Characterization of Mature Forms of Metalloprotease E495 from Arctic Sea-Ice Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM495

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    E495 is the most abundant protease secreted by the Arctic sea-ice bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM495. As a thermolysin family metalloprotease, E495 was found to have multiple active forms in the culture of strain SM495. E495-M (containing only the catalytic domain) and E495-M-C1 (containing the catalytic domain and one PPC domain) were two stable mature forms, and E495-M-C1-C2 (containing the catalytic domain and two PPC domains) might be an intermediate. Compared to E495-M, E495-M-C1 had similar affinity and catalytic efficiency to oligopeptides, but higher affinity and catalytic efficiency to proteins. The PPC domains from E495 were expressed as GST-fused proteins. Both of the recombinant PPC domains were shown to have binding ability to proteins C-phycocyanin and casein, and domain PPC1 had higher affinity to C-phycocyanin than domain PPC2. These results indicated that the domain PPC1 in E495-M-C1 could be helpful in binding protein substrate, and therefore, improving the catalytic efficiency. Site-directed mutagenesis on the PPC domains showed that the conserved polar and aromatic residues, D26, D28, Y30, Y/W65, in the PPC domains played key roles in protein binding. Our study may shed light on the mechanism of organic nitrogen degradation in the Arctic sea ice

    The c4h, tat, hppr and hppd Genes Prompted Engineering of Rosmarinic Acid Biosynthetic Pathway in Salvia miltiorrhiza Hairy Root Cultures

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    Rational engineering to produce biologically active plant compounds has been greatly impeded by our poor understanding of the regulatory and metabolic pathways underlying the biosynthesis of these compounds. Here we capitalized on our previously described gene-to-metabolite network in order to engineer rosmarinic acid (RA) biosynthesis pathway for the production of beneficial RA and lithospermic acid B (LAB) in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root cultures. Results showed their production was greatly elevated by (1) overexpression of single gene, including cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase (c4h), tyrosine aminotransferase (tat), and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase (hppr), (2) overexpression of both tat and hppr, and (3) suppression of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (hppd). Co-expression of tat/hppr produced the most abundant RA (906 mg/liter) and LAB (992 mg/liter), which were 4.3 and 3.2-fold more than in their wild-type (wt) counterparts respectively. And the value of RA concentration was also higher than that reported before, that produced by means of nutrient medium optimization or elicitor treatment. It is the first report of boosting RA and LAB biosynthesis through genetic manipulation, providing an effective approach for their large-scale commercial production by using hairy root culture systems as bioreactors

    Anti-Ξ±-Internexin Autoantibody from Neuropsychiatric Lupus Induce Cognitive Damage via Inhibiting Axonal Elongation and Promote Neuron Apoptosis

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    Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) is a major complication for lupus patients, which often leads to cognitive disturbances and memory loss and contributes to a significant patient morbidity and mortality. The presence of anti-neuronal autoantibodies (aAbs) has been identified; as examples, anti-NMDA receptors and anti-Ribsomal P aAbs have been linked to certain pathophysiological features of NPSLE.In the current study, we used a proteomic approach to identify an intermediate neurofilament alpha-internexin (INA) as a pathogenetically relevant autoantigen in NPSLE. The significance of this finding was then validated in an expanded of a cohort of NPSLE patients (nβ€Š=β€Š67) and controls (nβ€Š=β€Š270) by demonstrating that high titers of anti-INA aAb was found in both the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of ∼50% NPSLE. Subsequently, a murine model was developed by INA immunization that resulted in pronounced cognitive dysfunction that mimicked features of NPSLE. Histopathology in affected animals displayed cortical and hippocampal neuron apoptosis. In vitro studies further demonstrated that anti-INA Ab mediated neuronal damage via inhibiting axonal elongation and eventually driving the cells to apoptosis.Taken together, this study identified a novel anti-neurofilament aAb in NPSLE, and established a hitherto undescribed mechanism of aAb-mediated neuron damage that could have relevance to the pathophysiology of NPSLE

    Association between Ngb polymorphisms and ischemic stroke in the Southern Chinese Han population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Neuroglobin </it>(<it>Ngb</it>), one of novel members of the globin superfamily, is expressed predominantly in brain neurons, and appears to modulate hypoxic-ischemic insults. The mechanisms underlying <it>Ngb</it>-mediated neuronal protection are still unclear. For it is one of the candidate protective factors for ischemic stroke, we conducted a case-control study to clarify the association of <it>Ngb </it>polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in the Southern Chinese Han population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>355 cases and 158 controls were recruited. With brain imaging, cases were subdivided into large-artery atherosclerosis (LVD) and small-vessel occlusion (SVD) stroke. PCR amplified all the four exons of <it>Ngb </it>and flanking intron sequence for each exon. Genotyping for <it>Ngb </it>was achieved by direct sequencing and mismatched PCR-RFLP. Polymorphisms were studied both individually and as haplotypes in each group and subgroup which subdivided according to gender or age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two intronic polymorphisms 89+104 c>t and 322-110 (6a)>5a were identified. The allele frequency of 89+104 t was decreased in stroke cases. The protective effect seems to be more pronounced in subgroups of female patients and age > 60 years. Also, we have confirmed decreased LDL-C level and reduced hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in 89+104 t allele carriers. In contrast, the 322-110 (6a)>5a genotype distribution was similar between cases and controls. However, the haplotype 89+104 c>t/322-110 (6a)>5a was related with LVD and SVD stroke. The haplotype c-5a was more frequent in both LVD and SVD groups while t-6a was more frequent in controls.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ngb polymorphism 89+104 t had protective effects on LVD and SVD in the Southern Chinese Han population. A "hitchhiking" effect was observed for the 89+104 t/322-110 (6a) genotype combination especially for LVD.</p
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