31 research outputs found

    Is it harder to know or to reason? Analyzing two-tier science assessment items using the Rasch measurement model

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    Two-tier multiple-choice (TTMC) items are used to assess students’ knowledge of a scientific concept for tier 1 and their reasoning about this concept for tier 2. But are the knowledge and reasoning involved in these tiers really distinguishable? Are the tiers equally challenging for students? The answers to these questions influence how we use and interpret TTMC instruments. We apply the Rasch measurement model on TTMC items to see if the items are distinguishable according to different traits (represented by the tier), or according to different content sub-topics within the instrument, or to both content and tier. Two TTMC data sets are analyzed: data from Singapore and Korea on the Light Propagation Diagnostic Instrument (LPDI), data from the United States on the Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning (CTSR). Findings for LPDI show that tier-2 reasoning items are more difficult than tier-1 knowledge items, across content sub-topics. Findings for CTSR do not show a consistent pattern by tier or by content sub-topic. We conclude that TTMC items cannot be assumed to have a consistent pattern of difficulty by tier—and that assessment developers and users need to consider how the tiers operate when administering TTMC items and interpreting results. Researchers must check the tiers’ difficulties empirically during validation and use. Though findings from data in Asian contexts were more consistent, further study is needed to rule out differences between the LPDI and CTSR instruments

    CD(8+ )T lymphocytes in lung tissue from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have implicated a role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of lung damage in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Parenchymal lung damage leads to defects in mechanics and gas exchange and clinically manifests with exertional dyspnea. Investigations of inflammatory cells in IPF have shown that eosinophils, neutrophils and CD(8+ )TLs may be associated with worse prognosis. We wished to investigate by quantitative immunohistochemistry infiltrating macrophages, neutrophils and T lymphocytes (TLs) subpopulations (CD(3+), CD(4+ )and CD(8+)) in lung tissue of patients with IPF and their correlation with lung function indices and grade of dyspnoea. METHODS: Surgical biopsies of 12 patients with IPF were immunohistochemically stained with mouse monoclonal antibodies (anti-CD(68 )for macrophages, anti-elastase for neutrophils, and anti-CD(3), anti-CD(4), anti-CD(8 )for CD(3+)TLs, CD(4+)TLs, and CD(8+)TLs respectively). The number of positively stained cells was determined by observer-interactive computerized image analysis (SAMBA microscopic image processor). Cell numbers were expressed in percentage of immunopositive nuclear surface in relation to the total nuclear surface of infiltrative cells within the tissue (labeling Index). Correlations were performed between cell numbers and physiological indices [FEV(1), FVC, TLC, DLCO, PaO(2), PaCO(2 )and P(A-a)O(2))] as well as dyspnoea scores assessed by the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. RESULTS: Elastase positive cells accounted for the 7.04% ± 1.1 of total cells, CD(68+ )cells for the 16.6% ± 2, CD(3+ )TLs for the 28.8% ± 7, CD(4+ )TLs for the 14.5 ± 4 and CD(8+ )TLs for the 13.8 ± 4. CD(8+)TLs correlated inversely with FVC % predicted (r(s )= -0.67, p = 0.01), TLC % predicted (r(s )= -0.68, p = 0.01), DLCO % predicted (r(s )= -0.61, p = 0.04), and PaO(2 )(r(s )= -0.60, p = 0.04). Positive correlations were found between CD(8+)TLs and P(A-a)O(2 )(r(s )= 0.65, p = 0.02) and CD(8+)TLs and MRC score (r(s )= 0.63, p = 0.02). Additionally, CD(68+ )cells presented negative correlations with both FVC % predicted (r(s )= -0.80, p = 0.002) and FEV(1 )% predicted (r(s )= -0.68, p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: In UIP/IPF tissue infiltrating mononuclear cells and especially CD(8+ )TLs are associated with the grade of dyspnoea and functional parameters of disease severity implicating that they might play a role in its pathogenesis

    Zinc and silica are active components to efficiently treat in vitro simulated eroded dentin.

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    Objectives: Biomaterials for treating dentin hypersensitivity and dentin wear were evaluated, to efficiently occlude the dentinal tubules and to increase dentin resistance to abrasion. Materials and Methods: 24 dentin surfaces were treated with EDTA to expose dentinal tubules, and were: 1) non-brushed, 2) brushed with distilled water, or with pastes containing 3) Monetite, 4) Brushite, 5) Zn-Monetite, 6) Zn-Brushite, 7) Silica-Brushite and 8) NovaMin®. Topography, nanomechanical and chemical analysis were assessed on dentin surfaces (n=3) after artificial saliva immersion for 24 h, and after citric acid challenge. 21 further dentin specimens were created to evaluate dentin permeability after brushing, saliva storage and acid application (n=3). ANOVA, Student-Newman-Keuls (p<0.05) and Student t-test (p<0.001) were used. Results: Particles containing major proportion of silica attained intratubular occlusion by carbonate crystals (Raman carbonate peak heights: 15.17 and 19.24 au; complex modulus: 110 and 140 GPa, at intratubular dentin). When brushing with pastes containing higher proportion of silica or zinc, phosphate calcium compounds were encountered into tubules and over dentin surfaces (Raman intratubular phosphate peak heights: 49 to 70 au, and at the intertubular dentin: 78 to 92). The formed carbonated apatite and calcium phosphate layer were resistant to citric acid application. Zinc compounds drastically increased tubule occlusion, decreased dentin permeability (up to 30%) and augmented mechanical properties at the intertubular dentin (90-130 GPa), it was maintained after acid challenging. Conclusions: Zinc-containing pastes occluded dentinal tubules and improved dentin mechanical properties. Clinical Relevance: Using zinc as an active component to treat eroded dentin is encouraged.Projects RTC-2014-1731-1 and MAT2014-52036-P supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund

    Freshman Engineering’ Reasoning Strategies When Answering FCI Questions: A Case Study

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    Force Concept Inventory (FCI) is a questionnaire commonly used to assess students’ conceptual understanding of Newtonian Mechanics. We show that Cluster Analysis methods can be used to study student answers to FCI by finding their reasoning strategies on Newtonian Mechanics. Our analysis is performed to data obtained by a sample of freshman engineering students just at the beginning of their first General Physics course. The analysis takes into account the decomposition of the force concept into the conceptual dimensions suggested by test authors and successive researches. We identified groups of students with similar answering strategies, characterised by correct answers, as well as by non-correct answers showing student misconceptions/nonnormative conceptions. Such answering strategies give insights into the relationships between the student force concepts and their ability to describe and/or explain motions