1 research outputs found
The impact of a modal shift in transport on emissions to the atmosphere: Methodology development for the best use of the available information and expertise in the Danube Region.
A modal shift in transport can represent a promising option where the economic added value is demonstrated. However, the impact of this action on the environment is important as well. In the framework of the JRC scientific support to the Danube Strategy, the EDGAR modal shift initiative focuses on the emissions evaluation for ex-post modal shift scenarios, as a contribution to the Danube Air Nexus. Given the complexity of this topic, a methodology for the best use of the available information and expertise in the Danube Region has been developed and is presented in this report.
This work is the outcome of the joint efforts of the JRC/EDGAR team, country emission experts and relevant institutions in the Danube Region. It shows that, in addition to the EDGAR data and gridding tool, the participation by and contributions of experts from the Danube Region is essential in compiling emissions from the transport sector and enriching knowledge of variations in national circumstances, on inland domestic and international shipping and by bringing details of ship and truck freight transport.
Considering the transboundary characteristics of the transport sector, the EDGAR team developed a Web-based emissions gridding tool (EDGAR.ms) to be used by experts, institutions and authorities in the region to distribute emissions from road transport sector in a consistent manner. Emission experts from four countries (Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Croatia) tested the EDGAR.ms tool with their national data and this user friendly application is now available to all country emission experts in the Danube Region (upon request). Regarding navigation, the contribution of Viadonau and Danube Commission is essential to evaluate ship emissions. It is appreciated that, this scientific network, which includes both EU and Non-EU countries, has the capability to explore and evaluate emissions changes from a modal shift in transport and to identify the advantages and drawbacks related to emission patterns changes but to be fully comprehensive, this undertaking requires participation/contribution from specialized institutions in the region and country emission experts from the entire Danube Region.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat