612 research outputs found

    BPS black holes, quantum attractor flows and automorphic forms

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    We propose a program for counting microstates of four-dimensional BPS black holes in N >= 2 supergravities with symmetric-space valued scalars by exploiting the symmetries of timelike reduction to three dimensions. Inspired by the equivalence between the four dimensional attractor flow and geodesic flow on the three-dimensional scalar manifold, we radially quantize stationary, spherically symmetric BPS geometries. Connections between the topological string amplitude, attractor wave function, the Ooguri-Strominger-Vafa conjecture and the theory of automorphic forms suggest that black hole degeneracies are counted by Fourier coefficients of modular forms for the three-dimensional U-duality group, associated to special "unipotent" representations which appear in the supersymmetric Hilbert space of the quantum attractor flow.Comment: 9 pages, revtex; v2: references added and typos correcte

    Partition Functions, the Bekenstein Bound and Temperature Inversion in Anti-de Sitter Space and its Conformal Boundary

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    We reformulate the Bekenstein bound as the requirement of positivity of the Helmholtz free energy at the minimum value of the function L=E- S/(2\pi R), where R is some measure of the size of the system. The minimum of L occurs at the temperature T=1/(2\pi R). In the case of n-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime, the rather poorly defined size R acquires a precise definition in terms of the AdS radius l, with R=l/(n-2). We previously found that the Bekenstein bound holds for all known black holes in AdS. However, in this paper we show that the Bekenstein bound is not generally valid for free quantum fields in AdS, even if one includes the Casimir energy. Some other aspects of thermodynamics in anti-de Sitter spacetime are briefly touched upon.Comment: Latex, 32 page

    Minimal Unitary Realizations of Exceptional U-duality Groups and Their Subgroups as Quasiconformal Groups

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    We study the minimal unitary representations of noncompact exceptional groups that arise as U-duality groups in extended supergravity theories. First we give the unitary realizations of the exceptional group E_{8(-24)} in SU*(8) as well as SU(6,2) covariant bases. E_{8(-24)} has E_7 X SU(2) as its maximal compact subgroup and is the U-duality group of the exceptional supergravity theory in d=3. For the corresponding U-duality group E_{8(8)} of the maximal supergravity theory the minimal realization was given in hep-th/0109005. The minimal unitary realizations of all the lower rank noncompact exceptional groups can be obtained by truncation of those of E_{8(-24)} and E_{8(8)}. By further truncation one can obtain the minimal unitary realizations of all the groups of the "Magic Triangle". We give explicitly the minimal unitary realizations of the exceptional subgroups of E_{8(-24)} as well as other physically interesting subgroups. These minimal unitary realizations correspond, in general, to the quantization of their geometric actions as quasi-conformal groups as defined in hep-th/0008063.Comment: 28 pages. Latex commands removed from the abstract for the arXiv. No changes in the manuscrip

    Supersymmetric branes with (almost) arbitrary tensions

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    We present a supersymmetric version of the two-brane Randall-Sundrum scenario, with arbitrary brane tensions T_1 and T_2, subject to the bound |T_{1,2}| \leq \sqrt{-6\Lambda_5}, where \Lambda_5 < 0 is the bulk cosmological constant. Dimensional reduction gives N=1, D=4 supergravity, with cosmological constant \Lambda_4 in the range \half\Lambda_5 \leq \Lambda_4 \leq 0. The case with \Lambda_4 = 0 requires T_1 = -T_2 = \sqrt{-6\Lambda_5}. This work unifies and generalizes previous approaches to the supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum scenario. It also shows that the Randall-Sundrum fine-tuning is not a consequence of supersymmetry.Comment: 19pp; Published versio

    Stable de Sitter Vacua in 4 Dimensional Supergravity Originating from 5 Dimensions

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    The five dimensional stable de Sitter ground states in N=2 supergravity obtained by gauging SO(1,1) symmetry of the real symmetric scalar manifold (in particular a generic Jordan family manifold of the vector multiplets) simultaneously with a subgroup R_s of the R-symmetry group descend to four dimensional de Sitter ground states under certain conditions. First, the holomorphic section in four dimensions has to be chosen carefully by using the symplectic freedom in four dimensions; and second, a group contraction is necessary to bring the potential into a desired form. Under these conditions, stable de Sitter vacua can be obtained in dimensionally reduced theories (from 5D to 4D) if the semi-direct product of SO(1,1) with R^(1,1) together with a simultaneous R_s is gauged. We review the stable de Sitter vacua in four dimensions found in earlier literature for N=2 Yang-Mills Einstein supergravity with SO(2,1) x R_s gauge group in a symplectic basis that comes naturally after dimensional reduction. Although this particular gauge group does not descend directly from five dimensions, we show that, its contraction does. Hence, two different theories overlap in certain limits. Examples of stable de Sitter vacua are given for the cases: (i) R_s=U(1)_R, (ii) R_s=SU(2)_R, (iii) N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein Supergravity theory coupled to a universal hypermultiplet. We conclude with a discussion regarding the extension of our results to supergravity theories with more general homogeneous scalar manifolds.Comment: 54 page

    Generalized Attractors in Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    In this paper we study generalized attractors in N=2 gauged supergravity theory in five dimensions coupled to arbitrary number of hyper, vector and tensor multiplets. We look for attractor solutions with constant anholonomy coefficients. By analyzing the equations of motion we derive the attractor potential. We further show that the generalized attractor potential can be obtained from the fermionic shifts. We study some simple examples and show that constant anholonomy gives rise to homogeneous black branes in five dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, no figures,V3 minor revisions, to appear in JHE

    Fake Supergravity and Domain Wall Stability

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    We review the generalized Witten-Nester spinor stability argument for flat domain wall solutions of gravitational theories. Neither the field theory nor the solution need be supersymmetric. Nor is the space-time dimension restricted. We develop the non-trivial extension required for AdS-sliced domain walls and apply this to show that the recently proposed "Janus" solution of Type IIB supergravity is stable non-perturbatively for a broad class of deformations. Generalizations of this solution to arbitrary dimension and a simple curious linear dilaton solution of Type IIB supergravity are byproducts of this work.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, v2: minor corrections, references and acknowledgments adde

    The Octonionic Membrane

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    We generalize the supermembrane solution of D=11 supergravity by permitting the 4-form GG to be either self-dual or anti-self-dual in the eight dimensions transverse to the membrane. After analyzing the supergravity field equations directly, and also discussing necessary conditions for unbroken supersymmetry, we focus on two specific, related solutions. The self-dual solution is not asymptotically flat. The anti-self-dual solution is asymptotically flat, has finite mass per unit area and saturates the same mass=charge Bogomolnyi bound as the usual supermembrane. Nevertheless, neither solution preserves any supersymmetry. Both solutions involve the octonionic structure constants but, perhaps surprisingly, they are unrelated to the octonionic instanton 2-form FF, for which TrF∧FTrF \wedge F is neither self-dual nor anti-self-dual.Comment: 17 pages, Latex; enhanced discussion on supersymmetry, some references adde
