73 research outputs found

    Caracterização da carcaça e da carne de tachã (Chauna torquata)

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    Feijão geneticamente modificado: percepção dos consumidores brasileiros.

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    Diante da necessidade da cadeia produtiva em conhecer a percepção dos consumidores brasileiros a respeito do consumo de feijão geneticamente modificado (FGM), foi realizada uma pesquisa de opinião por meio de questionário eletrônico do Google®, no qual se abordou, dentre questões relacionadas a preferências de preparo/consumo e valor nutricional, a aceitação do feijão transgênico. As perguntas sobre o mesmo tema foram formuladas de diferentes maneiras para identificar o nível de conhecimento do assunto pelos respondentesEvento online

    Preparations preferences, perception of nutritional value, and acceptance of elaborated products and transgenic beans by brazilian consumers.

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    This study evaluated the perception of Brazilian consumers regarding the nutritional value, preparation/consumption preferences, and acceptance of genetically modified (GM) beans. An opinion survey was carried out using an electronic questionnaire from Google®. From the total of 873 participants, more than 44% said they eat beans more than 5 times a week and describe beans as a yummy, traditional, and nutritious food. For them, beans are a food rich in iron (93%) and a source of protein (83%), that is not related to fattening (73%) and do not cause abdominal discomfort (82%). Regarding the possibility of consumption diversification, the Brazilian consumer would not buy beans ready for consumption (51%), such as canned beans (58%). On the other hand, most of the consumers would eat products made with bean flour (78%), e.g., pasta and snacks (65%) and pâté for appetizers (57%). As for the consumer's perception of GM products, the majority (87%) claimed to know that industrialized products have GM ingredients, such as soy or corn. There was an evident low acceptance (46%) of the term “transgenic” (and 36% of consumers were fearful). The results demonstrated that when consumers access more information about the quality and nutritional value of the product, the greater the trust and acceptance of GM beans

    Physicochemical characterization, carotenoid content and protein digestibility of pumpkin access flours for food application.

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    Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) research has been growing because of its characteristics, such as the attractive color, low-cost production, nutritional potential, and functional properties for food application. In this context, pumpkin processing for flour production provides a full possibility for the consumption of this vegetable, being thus an alternative for the agribusiness. Research institutes are developing new genotypes for multiple applications of this vegetable. The objective of this study was to characterize pumpkin flours from four access and evaluate its physicochemical characteristics, carotenoid content, and protein digestibility. The dried pumpkins were ground in a knife mill and stored in a glass bottle at room temperature and protected from light. The pumpkin flours presented different proximal composition. All flours presented low water activity, which is microbiologically safe for storage. As for the absorption index and water solubility, both presented high values compared to the values of other flours found in the literature. The flours presented colorimetric profile from yellow to orange, and are rich sources of carotenoids and fibers. The four samples presented high values of protein digestibility, desired for food application. The results indicate that the four pumpkin access flours are indicated for application in foods.Online First. Ahead of Print

    Laranja de polpa vermelha: um estudo físico-químico e sensorial.

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    Objetivou-se nesse estudo identificar a percepção dos consumidores brasileiros frente ao consumo de laranjas do grupo umbigo de polpa vermelha (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck), bem como gerar informações que auxiliem no seu maior consumo. Realizou-se primeiramente a caracterização físico-química da laranja de polpa vermelha cultivar Cara Cara e da laranja de polpa amarela cultivar Navelina, traçando um paralelo entre elas que indicasse os potenciais benefícios nutricionais. A caracterização físico-química compreendeu as análises de pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, ácido ascórbico e os compostos bioativos (conteúdo de carotenoides, flavonoides totais e fenóis totais). Ambas as amostras apresentaram características desejáveis de acidez e alto conteúdo de ácido ascórbico (superior a 55 mg.100g-1 de porção comestível). A cultivar Cara Cara indicou possuir maiores teores de compostos bioativos. A análise sensorial foi composta pelo teste de aceitação, com escala hedônica de sete pontos, apresentando médias superiores a 6 (gostei muito e gostei moderadamente) na maioria dos atributos das laranjas estudadas e o Teste de Perfil Descritivo, que revelou importantes descritores de diferenças entre as laranjas. Concluindo-se que, estas avaliações foram capazes de indicar importantes informações a serem usadas nas estratégias de marketing a fim de promover o maior consumo de laranjas de umbigo de polpa vermelha, como os valores superiores de compostos bioativos e atributos sensoriais positivos.bitstream/item/221210/1/l6capitulo6.pd

    Targeted chemical and sensory profiling to guide consumption of blood orange.

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    The objective of this study was to identify the perception of consumers regarding the consumption of blood oranges as well as to generate information that helps in their greater consump-tion. The physical-chemical characterization of the blood orange, cultivar Cara Cara, and the yellow-pulp orange, cultivar Bahia, was carried out, drawing a parallel between them that indicated their potential nutritional benefits. Both samples showed desirable characteristics, Cara Cara has higher levels of carotenoids, flavonoids and total phenols. The sensorial analysis revealed important descriptors of differences between oranges and was possible to identify factors that characterized the mar-keting and consumption of blood oranges, which were related to the consumption, quality, health and, perception of this type of fruit. It was concluded that these evaluations were able to indicate important characteristics to be used in marketing stra-tegies in order to promote the greater consumption of oranges with red pulp, exploring their bioactive benefits

    Evaluation of total and bioaccessible concentration of minerals in creole beans.

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    The present study evaluated the total and bioaccessible concentrations of minerals in raw and cooked Creole beans. An analytical methodology was optimized, which involved several steps from sample preparation, accuracy study, data treatment, and instrumental analysis ? using a microwave-induced plasma optical emission spectrometer (MIP OES). The present study provides information about the total concentration of the metals Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Zn and the bioaccessible fraction of metals Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in three different types of creole beans. The elements that presented a greater quantity on all beans, both raw and cooked, were K and Mg. K varied from 12,600 to 13,300 mg/kg for the raw beans and 4590?10300 mg/kg for the cooked beans. Mg varied between 1620 and 1980 mg/kg for the raw beans and 670?1040 mg/kg for the cooked beans. The BRS Expedito type showed a higher concentration of K and Mg on raw and cooked beans. However, when the bioaccessibility study was carried out among the elements listed above, the most bioaccessible were Cu and Zn. Cu presented a bioaccessible fraction percentage between 52.6?59.2% for raw beans and 38.5?61.2% for cooked beans. Zn presented a bioaccessible fraction percentage between 45.6?50.6% for raw beans and 43%?63.5% for cooked beans. The results found on this study indicate that, possibly, the water and the cooking process significantly influences the mineral content. Also, studying mineral concentration on cooked beans is more nutritionally important than characterizing the raw grain, as beans are a type of food mostly consumed on its cooked form

    Efeito da cultivar, granulometria e interação destas no conteúdo de arabinoxilanas de farinha integral.

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    farinha de trigo integral (FTI), obtida através da moagem do grão inteiro contempla todos os componentes anatômicos do grão nas mesmas proporções como existem na forma intacta, fato que a caracteriza como excelente fonte de ingredientes nutricionais e funcionais (Weaver, 2001). Entre os constituintes do trigo, as arabinoxilanas (AX) vêm atraindo atenção devido sua atividade biológica e efeitos imunológicos benéficos a saúde (Lu et al., 2004 e Wang et al., 2010). As AX são o maior constituinte da fração insolúvel da fibra alimentar presente na fração de farelo de trigo, pertencem ao grupo dos polissacarídeos não amiláceos e são compostas principalmente por xilose e arabinose, ambas pentoses (Mendis & Simsek, 2014)