5,621 research outputs found

    Orientation in the diagnosis of intraocular neoplasia, through intraocular fine needle aspiration (IFNA)

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    IFNA is a safe diagnostic technique that allows diagnostic of neoplastic and inflammatory processes of the eye1. In cats melanoma is common in the eye, skin and oral cavity2. In the eyep, local infiltration to systemic metastases may occur2. Being, the IFNA a method that assists in the diagnosis and therapeutics1,3,4,5. An european female cat, seven years old, was presented to consultation with brown patches of progressive growth in the right iris for four months. The pupillary light reflex, dazzle and menace response were present, and the ocular echography showed an area with iris thickening and with hyperechogenicity1. Due to clinical suspicion of iris melanoma, it was requested radiographic examination of the thorax, abdominal ultrasonography, hematological and biochemical blood analysis1,2, revealing no alterations. The IFNA was performed under general anesthesia introducing the a 26 gauge needle near the limbus and directed to the iris lesion with the bevel facing the surface of the mass3,4. The technique was performed without complications. The cytology using hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed moderate cellularity composed of rounded cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, bulky, pale cytoplasm1. The atypical round cells were suggestive of round cell amelanotic melanoma. Due to the cytological orientation, the enucleation of right eye was advised to the owner, which was declined.The diagnosis of ocular melanoma can be directed on clinical grounds and confirmed by anatomopathological exams2. IFNA is a practical, method in aiding the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic processes. It also helps guiding the surgical procedure and establishing prognosis1,3,4,5


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    Corneal transplantation is a procedure indicated for surgical treatment of several corneal diseases, requiring replacement of the affected tissues1,2,3,4. A dog of undefined breed, 5 years old, revealed on ocular examination, a deep corneal ulcer and a Descemet\'s membrane (DM) exposure. Aiming at corneal repair, the surgical technique of lamellar corneal transplantation was used. The perimeter of the transplant was defined with the help of a biopsy punch. With a 1 ml syringe and a 26 G” needle, air was injected into the deep corneal stroma in order to separate DM from stroma1,2. Subsequently paracentesis was performed to reduce ocular pressure and a small air bubble was added in order to help the corneal depthness perspective. With a crescent knife, excision of the compromised tissue was performed1,3. The DM was covered using cryopreserved canine cornea4 at -20°C in 3mg/ml tobramycin solution and thawed at room temperature it was also molded obtaining the appropriate sized tissue for the recoil1. The corneal suture was made using simple isolated points with 8-0 polyglactin and for corneal protection a third eyelid flap was performed1,3. Topical moxifloxacin, tropicamide, EDTA and autologous serum were used in post-surgical treatment3. The third eyelid flap was removed at 15 days post-surgery and a complete corneal repair was observed with total incorporation in the recipient cornea. Lamellar corneal transplantation employing cryopreserved cornea in tobramycin solution has been shown to be effective in the surgical treatment of descemetocele when related to other techniques1,3,4

    International Entrepreneurship in an Emerging Economy

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    Thomas-Ehrman shifts in nuclei around ^{16}O and role of residual nuclear interaction

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    The asymmetry in the energy spectra between mirror nuclei (the Thomas-Ehrman shifts) around 16^{16}O is investigated from a phenomenological viewpoint. The recent data on proton-rich nuclei indicates that the residual nuclear interaction is reduced for the loosely bound s-orbit by as much as 30%, which originates in the broad radial distribution of the proton single-particle wave function.Comment: to appear in Phys. Lett. B, with 3 eps figure

    Turbulence driven particle transport in Texas Helimak

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    We analyze the turbulence driven particle transport in Texas Helimak (K. W. Gentle and Huang He, Plasma Sci. and Technology, 10, 284 (2008)), a toroidal plasma device with one-dimensional equilibrium with magnetic curvature and shear. Alterations on the radial electric field, through an external voltage bias, change spectral plasma characteristics inducing a dominant frequency for negative bias values and a broad band frequency spectrum for positive bias values. For negative biased plasma discharges, the transport is high where the waves propagate with phase velocities near the plasma flow velocity, an indication that the transport is strongly affected by a wave particle resonant interaction. On the other hand, for positive bias the plasma has a reversed shear flow and we observe that the transport is almost zero in the shearless radial region, an evidence of a transport barrier in this region.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Massive scalar field near a cosmic string

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    The ζ\zeta function of a massive scalar field near a cosmic string is computed and then employed to find the vacuum fluctuation of the field. The vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor is also computed using a point-splitting approach. The obtained results could be useful also for the case of self-interacting scalar fields and for the finite-temperature Rindler space theory.Comment: 15 pages, standard LaTeX, no figures. Reference [14] correcte

    Síndrome de horner em um felino: Relato de caso

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    A Síndrome de Horner é uma alteração que decorre de uma interrupção na inervação simpática para o globo ocular, esta alteração não é necessariamente uma doença, mas uma manifestação que pode ser secundária a outras enfermidades1,2,3. É uma disfunção neurológica que pode expressar diversos sinais clínicos3. Esta síndrome pode ser classificada como de primeira ordem, segunda ordem ou terceira ordem, variando com a localização anatómica da lesão. Objetiva-se relatar um caso de um felino manifestando Síndrome de Horner de terceira ordem.Uma fêmea felina, europeu comum, esterilizada, 7 anos de idade, com vacinas e desparasitação atualizadas. Com estímulo iatrogénico de quatro dias, o olho esquerdo apresentava exposição da membrana da 3ª pálpebra sobre a superfície ocular. No exame oftalmológico observou-se no olho esquerdo uma discreta diminuição do tónus da pálpebra inferior, exposição da terceira pálpebra, e enoftalmia (figura 1). O teste de resposta à ameaça, movimento, ofuscamento e reflexo pupilar directo à luz apresentavam-se positivos em ambos os olhos. A tonometria de aplanação, foi realizada com uma gota previa de colírio anestésico (proximetacaína 0,5%), obtendo-se valores de 16 mmHg para o olho direito e 18 mmHg para o olho esquerdo. Nos testes com colírio de fluoresceína e rosa bengala, não foram observados qualquer ponto de penetração dos corantes na superfície corneana, O teste com colírio de fenilefrina na concentração de 10%, foi realizado instilando uma gota no olho acometido. Após 12 minutos da aplicação do colírio, observou-se melhora dos sinais clínicos.No exame otológico observou-se otite abrangendo o conduto externo e médio. Foi solicitado exames de imagem, hematológica, bioquímicas, hormonais, citológica, cultura e antibiograma. Devido aos sinais clínicos e aos resultados dos exames realizados, diagnosticou-se da uma Síndrome de Horner de terceira ordem.Foi prescrito como forma de amenizar os sinais clínicos, o colírio de fenilefrina a 10% na frequência de uma a duas vezes ao dia, conforme a observação do proprietário relativa à exposição da terceira pálpebra. Para o tratamento da otite foi prescrito por via otológica um ceruminolítico e uma pomada com associação de antibiótico, antifúngico e corticosteroide, ambas na frequência de duas vezes ao dia. Por via oral foi prescrito um antibiótico e um protetor gástrico, durante 10 dias e anti-inflamatório não esteroide, durante 5 dias.A terapia antimicrobiana foi empregue seguindo a sensibilidade do agente isolado, nos demais exames não foram observadas alterações significativas. A primeira reavaliação foi realizada sete dias após o início da terapêutica, observando-se melhoria dos sinais clínicos oculares, suspendendo o uso do colírio e mantendo as demais medicações. A segunda reavaliação foi realizada 15 dias após a terapêutica inicial, observando resolução da enfermidade otológica e cessão das manifestações clínicas, suspendendo as medicações e recebendo alta medica.A síndrome de Horner é uma condição clínica relativamente frequente, associada a várias afecções. O prognóstico está relacionado com a identificação da causa primaria e com administração o tratamento adequado, sendo em alguns casos uma enfermidade autolimitante