63 research outputs found

    ‘Race’, sexualities and the French public intellectual: an interview with Eric Fassin

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    French academic Eric Fassin is interviewed about his work in the field of public sociology, particularly around race and sexuality, over the last two decades. He explains the background and context of intellectuals in France before moving on to the specifics of addressing firstly ‘race’, and secondly sexuality. He argues that 1989 and 2005 are the key turning points in public discourse on ‘race’. Prior to 1989, which saw the first of the ‘Headscarf crises’, ‘race’ was not dealt with explicitly, either in French colonial history or its postcolonial present. The headscarf crisis clarified the tensions within the republican tradition (in which people are formally divided only into French citizens and foreigners, rather than recognised as classes or ethnic groups). The discourse surrounding the riots of 2005 made this the other key year. The framing of debate was along the lines of discrimination (between French citizens) rather than integration (of foreigners into Frenchness), marking a shift towards an acceptance that racism was a social issue. Fassin coins the term ‘sexual democracy’ to encapsulate the distinction between characteristics that are immanent rather than transcendent, and argues that discourse about sexuality and families represents a conflict between those who see them as governed by the social, and those who see them as outside these norms, beyond the social

    Gender and class in Britain and France

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    This article examines the treatment of women's oppression in feminist theory, focusing on the engagement of second wave feminists with the concept of class and its relation to gender. This examination is carried out with reference to British and French feminisms, identifying the main trends and shifts that have developed over the last 35 years and noting that while these are undoubtedly influenced by a particular national context they are also shaped by increasing European integration and social, political and cultural exchanges at a global level. The authors find evidence of a number of similarities in the questions that feminist theorists have asked in Britain and France but also demonstrate that there are significant differences. They conclude that areas of convergent theoretical interests will extend along with cross-border flows of peoples and information

    Sur la notion de minorité

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    The term minority refers to two distinct semantic spheres ; one refers to a legal, customary definition, that of a state of diminished capacity — the other to a numerical definition (a smaller number). This explains the ambiguity in its usage. The latter is however (relatively) demarcated in social science as opposed to its opposite, majority. This dyssimetry of connotations obliges us to emphasize the relational nature of these concepts, rather than their designation of specific social groups.Le terme minorité renvoie à deux univers sémantiques distincts. L'un de définition juridico-coutumière (état de moindre capacité), l'autre de définition numérique (le moindre nombre). D'où l'ambiguïté de son usage. Celui-ci cependant est (relativement) délimité dans les sciences humaines, au contraire de son antonyme majorité. Cette dissymétrie des antonymes appelle à mettre l'accent, plutôt que sur la désignation de groupes sociaux déterminés, sur le caractère relationnel de ces notions.Guillaumin Colette. Sur la notion de minorité. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 77-78, 1985. Racisme, antiracisme, étranges, étrangers. pp. 101-109

    "Enquanto Tivermos Mulheres para nos Darem Filhos" A respeito da raça e do sexo

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    Monique Wittig, The straight mind and other essays

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    Guillaumin Colette. Monique Wittig, The straight mind and other essays. In: Mots, n°49, décembre 1996. Textes et sexes, sous la direction de Colette Capitan et Catherine Viollet. pp. 127-130

    Usages théoriques et usages banals du terme race

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    Guillaumin Colette. Usages théoriques et usages banals du terme race. In: Mots, n°33, décembre 1992. «Sans distinction de ... race», sous la direction de Simone Bonnafous, Bernard Herszberg et Jean-Jacques Israel. pp. 59-65

    Monique Wittig, The straight mind and other essays

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    Guillaumin Colette. Monique Wittig, The straight mind and other essays. In: Mots, n°49, décembre 1996. Textes et sexes, sous la direction de Colette Capitan et Catherine Viollet. pp. 127-130

    P. Achard, A. Chauvenet, E. Lage et al., Discours biologique et ordre social

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    Guillaumin Colette. P. Achard, A. Chauvenet, E. Lage et al., Discours biologique et ordre social. In: L'Homme, 1977, tome 17 n°4. pp. 123-125

    L'idéologie raciste. Genèse et langage actuel

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    Guillaumin Colette. L'idéologie raciste. Genèse et langage actuel. Nice : Institut d'études et de recherches interethniques et interculturelles, 1972. 256 p. (Publications de l'Institut d'études et de recherches interethniques et interculturelles, 2

    Centre lyonnais d'études féministes, Catherine Guinchard, Annik Houel, Brigitte Lhomond, et alii., Chronique d'une passion. Le mouvement de Libération des femmes à Lyon, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. «Logiques sociales »), 1989

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    Guillaumin Colette. Centre lyonnais d'études féministes, Catherine Guinchard, Annik Houel, Brigitte Lhomond, et alii., Chronique d'une passion. Le mouvement de Libération des femmes à Lyon, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. «Logiques sociales »), 1989. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 99-100, 1991. Femmes et sociétés. pp. 219-220
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