14 research outputs found

    Formation of Penumbra in a Sample of Active Regions Observed by the SDO Satellite

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    Recently, high-resolution observations improved our understanding of the penumbra formation process around sunspots. In particular, two aspects have been carefully investigated: whether the settlement of the penumbra can occur between the main opposite magnetic polarities where new magnetic flux is still emerging, and the establishment of the Evershed flow. In this paper, we present the analysis of twelve active regions (ARs) where both the penumbra formation and the onset of the Evershed flow were observed. We used data acquired by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) satellite analyzing continuum images, magnetograms, and Dopplergrams of the selected ARs. The results obtained in our sample provided the following information about the stable settlement of the penumbra: eight spots formed the first stable penumbral sector in the region between the two opposite polarities, and nine spots formed on the opposite side. Moreover, eleven sunpots showed an inverse Evershed flow (i.e., a plasma motion directed toward the protospot border) before the penumbra formation, which changes within 1-6 hr into the classical Evershed flow as soon as the penumbra forms. Comparing our results with recent observations, we are able to discriminate between the different ways of penumbra formation. Moreover, we suggest that the change from inverse Evershed flow, visible before the penumbra appears, into the classical Evershed flow may be a signature of the formation of penumbral filaments

    IBIS 2.0 Science Description

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    The Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer 2.0 (IBIS 2.0) is a focal plane instrument which will be developed to acquire high cadence spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric images of the solar photosphere and chromosphere. Its previous version, named IBIS, was installed at the focal plane of the Dunn Solar Telescope of the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico (USA). It used two FPI in a classic mount and operated over the range 580 – 860 nm. IBIS 2.0 provides an important opportunity to investigate many open questions regarding the physics of the solar atmosphere, with particular attention to the phenomena visible in the photosphere and chromosphere. Moreover, IBIS 2.0 could represent a first step to develop a new instrument for the next generation telescopes. A brief overview of the project is available in [RD4]. A Science Working Group (SWG) has been charged by the project with the task of identifying the key science goals for the new version of the instrument and defining the corresponding science requirements that are needed to accomplish those goals. This document reports the outcome of such a Science Working Group

    Penumbral Brightening Events Observed in AR NOAA 12546

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    Penumbral transient brightening events have been attributed to magnetic reconnection episodes occurring in the low corona. We investigated the trigger mechanism of these events in active region NOAA 12546 by using multiwavelength observations obtained with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer, by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, and the Hinode satellites. We focused on the evolution of an area of the penumbra adjacent to two small-scale emerging flux regions (EFRs), which manifested three brightening events detected from the chromosphere to the corona. Two of these events correspond to B-class flares. The same region showed short-lived moving magnetic features (MMFs) that streamed out from the penumbra. In the photosphere, the EFRs led to small-scale penumbral changes associated with a counter-Evershed flow and to a reconfiguration of the magnetic fields in the moat. The brightening events had one of the footpoints embedded in the penumbra and seemed to result from the distinctive interplay between the preexisting penumbral fields, MMFs, and the EFRs. The IRIS spectra measured therein reveal enhanced temperature and asymmetries in spectral lines, suggestive of event triggering at different heights in the atmosphere. Specifically, the blue asymmetry noted in C II and Mg II h&k lines suggests the occurrence of chromospheric evaporation at the footpoint located in the penumbra as a consequence of the magnetic reconnection process at higher atmospheric heights

    Comparative case study of two methods to assess the eruptive potential of selected active regions

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    Solar eruptive events, like flares and coronal mass ejections, are characterized by the rapid release of energy that can give rise to emission of radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum and to an abrupt significant increase in the kinetic energy of particles. These energetic phenomena can have important effects on the space weather conditions and therefore it is necessary to understand their origin, in particular, what is the eruptive potential of an active region (AR). In these case studies, we compare two distinct methods that were used in previous works to investigate the variations of some characteristic physical parameters during the pre-flare states of flaring ARs. These methods consider: i) the magnetic flux evolution and magnetic helicity accumulation, and ii) the fractal and multi-fractal properties of flux concentrations in ARs. Our comparative analysisis based on time series of photospheric data obtained bythe Solar Dynamics Observatory between March 2011 and June 2013. We selected two distinct samples of ARs: one is distinguished by the occurrence of more energetic M- and X-class flare events, that may have a rapid effect on not just the near-Earth space, but also on the terrestrial environment; the second is characterized by no-flares or having just a few C- and B-class flares. We foundthat the two tested methods complement each other in their ability to assess the eruptive potentials of ARs and could be employed to identify ARs prone to flaring activity. Based on the presented case study, we suggest that using a combination of different methods may aid to identify more reliably the eruptive potentials of ARs and help to better understand the pre-flare states...

    On the Evolution of a Sub-C Class Flare: A Showcase for the Capabilities of the Revamped Catania Solar Telescope

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    Solar flares are occasionally responsible for severe space-weather events, which can affect space-borne and ground-based infrastructures, endangering anthropic technological activities and even human health and safety. Thus, an essential activity in the framework of space-weather monitoring is devoted to the observation of the activity level on the Sun. In this context, the acquisition system of the Catania Solar Telescope has been recently upgraded in order to improve its contribution to the European Space Agency (ESA) - Space Weather Service Network through the ESA Portal, which represents the main asset for space weather in Europe. Here, we describe the hardware and software upgrades of the Catania Solar Telescope and the main data products provided by this facility, which include full-disk images of the photosphere and chromosphere, together with a detailed characterization of sunspot groups. As a showcase of the observational capabilities of the revamped Catania Solar Telescope, we report the analysis of a B5.4 class flare that occurred on 7 December 2020, simultaneously observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellites...

    Long-term optical monitoring of the solar atmosphere in Italy

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    Probably, the long-term monitoring of the solar atmosphere started in Italy with the first telescopic observations of the Sun made by Galileo Galilei in the early 17th century. His recorded observations and science results, as well as the work carried out by other following outstanding Italian astronomers inspired the start of institutional programs of regular solar observations at the Arcetri, Catania, and Rome Observatories. These programs have accumulated daily images of the solar photosphere and chromosphere taken at various spectral bands over a time span larger than 80 years. In the last two decades, regular solar observations were continued with digital cameras only at the Catania and Rome Observatories, which are now part of the INAF National Institute for Astrophysics. At the two sites, daily solar images are taken at the photospheric G-band, Blue (λ = 409.4 nm), and Red (λ = 606.9 nm) continua spectral ranges and at the chromospheric Ca II K and Hα lines, with a 2'' spatial resolution. Solar observation in Italy, which benefits from over 2500 hours of yearly sunshine, currently aims at the operational monitoring of solar activity and long-term variability and at the continuation of the historical series as well. Existing instruments will be soon enriched by the SAMM double channel telescope equipped with magneto-optical filters that will enable the tomography of the solar atmosphere with simultaneous observations at the K I 769.9 nm and Na I D 589.0 nm lines. In this contribution, we present the available observations and outline their scientific relevance

    IBIS2.0: The new Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer

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    We present the IBIS2.0 project, which aims to upgrade and to install the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer at the solar Vacuum Tower Telescope (Tenerife, Spain) after its disassembling from the Dunn Solar Telescope (New Mexico, USA). The instrument is undergoing a hardware and software revision that will allow it to perform new spectropolarimetric measurements of the solar atmosphere at high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution in coordination with other ground- and space-based instruments. Here we present the new opto-mechanical layout and control system designed for the instrument, and describe future steps...