130 research outputs found


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    «Abstracción» es la tercera carta de una serie que el teólogo y filósofo alemán de origen italiano Romano Guardini escribió y publicó en la revista Die Schildgenossen (Los compañeros del escudo) de 1923 a 1925, y que recogió en el libro Briefe vom Comer See (1927). El arquitecto Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) subrayó este texto en su copia personal del libro y reprodujo los pasajes más relevantes en el «Cuaderno de Notas» (Notizheft) que redactó de 1927 a 1928 y que forma el fundamento de su pensamiento arquitectónico. Se publican en facsímil las páginas 25-31 del ejemplar de Briefe vom Comer See perteneciente a la biblioteca personal de Mies van der Rohe, con los subrayados que Mies realizó en la misma. Este libro se encuentra depositado en la Daley Library de la University of Illinois at Chicago [Special Collections/ 3rd floor. Signatura (Call Number): cb478 .g8 1927]. El texto que se presenta en español es una versión revisada de la traducción realizada por Víctor Bazterrica (Cartas del Lago de Como, San Sebastián, Editorial Dinor, 1957, pp. 33-41). © Katholische Akademie de Baviera, para Romano Guardini, Die Technik und der Mensch. Briefe vom Comer See. Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, Maguncia, Alemania. © De las imágenes: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Collection, Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago (usa)

    High carotenoid mutants of Chlorella vulgaris show enhanced biomass yield under high irradiance

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    Microalgae represent a carbon-neutral source of bulk biomass, for extraction of high-value compounds and production of renewable fuels. Due to their high metabolic activity and reproduction rates, species of the genus Chlorella are highly productive when cultivated in photo-bioreactors. However, wild-type strains show biological limitations making algal bioproducts ex-pensive compared to those extracted from other feedstocks. Such constraints include inhomoge-neous light distribution due to high optical density of the culture, and photoinhibition of the sur-face-exposed cells. Thus, the domestication of algal strains for industry makes it increasingly important to select traits aimed at enhancing light-use efficiency while withstanding excess light stress. Carotenoids have a crucial role in protecting against photooxidative damage and, thus, represent a promising target for algal domestication. We applied chemical mutagenesis to Chlorella vulgaris and selected for enhanced tolerance to the carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor norflurazon. The NFR (norflurazon-resistant) strains showed an increased carotenoid pool size and enhanced tolerance towards photooxidative stress. Growth under excess light revealed an improved carbon assimilation rate of NFR strains with respect to WT. We conclude that domestication of Chlorella vulgaris, by optimizing both carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio and resistance to photooxidative stress, boosted light-to-biomass conversion efficiency under high light conditions typical of photobiore-actors. Comparison with strains previously reported for enhanced tolerance to singlet oxygen, reveals that ROS resistance in Chlorella is promoted by at least two independent mechanisms, only one of which is carotenoid-dependent

    Combined resistance to oxidative stress and reduced antenna size enhance light-to-biomass conversion efficiency in Chlorella vulgaris cultures

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    Background: Microalgae are efficient producers of lipid-rich biomass, making them a key component in developing a sustainable energy source, and an alternative to fossil fuels. Chlorella species are of special interest because of their fast growth rate in photobioreactors. However, biological constraints still cast a significant gap between the high cost of biofuel and cheap oil, thus hampering perspective of producing CO2-neutral biofuels. A key issue is the inefficient use of light caused by its uneven distribution in the culture that generates photoinhibition of the surface-exposed cells and darkening of the inner layers. Efficient biofuel production, thus, requires domestication, including traits which reduce optical density of cultures and enhance photoprotection. Results: We applied two steps of mutagenesis and phenotypic selection to the microalga Chlorella vulgaris. First, a pale-green mutant (PG-14) was selected, with a 50% reduction of both chlorophyll content per cell and LHCII complement per PSII, with respect to WT. PG-14 showed a 30% increased photon conversion into biomass efficiency vs. WT. A second step of mutagenesis of PG-14, followed by selection for higher tolerance to Rose Bengal, led to the isolation of pale-green genotypes, exhibiting higher resistance to singlet oxygen (strains SOR). Growth in photobioreactors under high light conditions showed an enhanced biomass production of SOR strains with respect to PG-14. When compared to WT strain, biomass yield of the pale green+ sor genotype was enhanced by 68%. Conclusions: Domestication of microalgae like Chlorella vulgaris, by optimizing both light distribution and ROS resistance, yielded an enhanced carbon assimilation rate in photobioreactor

    A three-day forest-bathing retreat enhances positive affect, vitality, optimism, and gratitude: An option for green-care tourism in Italy?

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    Forest-bathing experiences can be seen as guided recreational activities led by non-clinical trained practitioners in the context of green, slow, and mindful tourism. Notwithstanding its growing practice, there is a lack of research on the psychological benefits which can help support nature-based tourism destination managers in unlocking the potential of this emerging tourism demand. This study will fill in this gap by testing the hypothesis that a three-day forest-bathing retreat, which fits with the most common type of holidays in Europe, will enhance positive affect, vitality, optimism, and gratitude as indicators of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Forty-four adults were involved in the residential program and filled-in self-report questionnaires before and after the experience to assess the well-being dimensions considered. Results showed a significant increase for all the assessed variables. We conclude that forest bathing as a mindful tourism practice carried out in natural settings dominated by forests can favor hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, thus becoming a potential source of attractiveness for nature-based touristic destinations, but more transdisciplinary efforts are needed to exploit this potential. In particular, research gaps still exist in Europe on cause-effect relations between forest features and psychological benefits, how forests could be managed to guarantee these benefits to the advantage of a tourism destination, and how tourism and forest management sectors could collaborate in this direction

    Phosphorus fractions in sandy soils of vineyards in Southern Brazil.

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    As aplicações de fósforo (P) em vinhedos podem causar o acúmulo desse nutriente no solo e maximizar seu potencial poluente. Este trabalho objetivou quantificar as frações de acumulação de P em solos arenosos cultivados com videiras na região Sul do Brasil. Para isso, amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas de 0-5, 6-10 e 11-20 cm em uma área de campo nativo e em dois vinhedos: um com 14 anos de cultivo (vinhedo 1) e outro com 30 anos (vinhedo 2), localizados no município de Santana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil. As amostras foram secas, moídas e submetidas ao fracionamento químico de P. Os resultados evidenciaram que os teores de P inorgânico aumentaram até 20 cm de profundidade, principalmente no vinhedo 2, em especial nas frações lábeis extraídas por resina de troca aniônica e por NaHCO3, na fração moderadamente lábil, extraída por NaOH 0,1 e 0,5 mol L-1, e na fração não lábil, extraída por HCl 1 mol L-1, representando potencial de eutroficação das águas. As aplicações de fertilizantes fosfatados na adubação de correção e de manutenção nos vinhedos com maior tempo de cultivo aumentaram os teores de P na fração orgânica extraída por NaHCO3 na camada de 0-5 cm, e na fração moderadamente lábil extraída por NaOH 0,1 mol L-1, até 20 cm de profundidade

    A microalgal-based preparation with synergistic cellulolytic and detoxifying action towards chemical-treated lignocellulose

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    High-temperature bioconversion of lignocellulose into fermentable sugars has drawn attention for efficient production of renewable chemicals and biofuels, because competing microbial activities are inhibited at elevated temperatures and thermostable cell wall degrading enzymes are superior to mesophilic enzymes. Here, we report on the development of a platform to produce four different thermostable cell wall degrading enzymes in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The enzyme blend was composed of the cellobiohydrolase CBM3GH5 from C. saccharolyticus, the β-glucosidase celB from P. furiosus, the endoglucanase B and the endoxylanase XynA from T. neapolitana. In addition, transplastomic microalgae were engineered for the expression of phosphite dehydrogenase D from Pseudomonas stutzeri, allowing for growth in non-axenic media by selective phosphite nutrition. The cellulolytic blend composed of the glycoside hydrolase (GH) domain GH12/GH5/GH1 allowed the conversion of alkaline-treated lignocellulose into glucose with efficiencies ranging from 14% to 17% upon 48h of reaction and an enzyme loading of 0.05% (w/w). Hydrolysates from treated cellulosic materials with extracts of transgenic microalgae boosted both the biogas production by methanogenic bacteria and the mixotrophic growth of the oleaginous microalga Chlorella vulgaris. Notably, microalgal treatment suppressed the detrimental effect of inhibitory by-products released from the alkaline treatment of biomass, thus allowing for efficient assimilation of lignocellulose-derived sugars by C. vulgaris under mixotrophic growth

    La completezza della documentazione sanitaria: ruolo dei Link Professional nel miglioramento continuo

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    INTRODUZIONE \u2013 premesse e scopo dello studio: La completezza della Cartella Clinica (CC) \ue8 un indicatore della qualit\ue0 delle cure erogate, per questo la valutazione regolare del contenuto rientra nelle attivit\ue0 di miglioramento continuo. Scopo di questo studio \ue8 valutare se il coinvolgimento e la formazione specifica di professionisti gi\ue0 impegnati nell\u2019attivit\ue0 assistenziale e clinica abbia un effetto sulla completezza della CC introdotta presso le due Strutture Operative Complesse (Medicina Fisica e Unit\ue0 Spinale, Medicina Fisica e Unit\ue0 delle Gravi Cerebro-lesioni acquisite) del Dipartimento Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione (IMFR) di Udine. MATERIALI E METODI: Nel dicembre 2017 \ue8 stata adottata dall\u2019IMFR una nuova CC integrata multidisciplinare e ne \ue8 stato valutato l\u2019impatto in termini di completezza a gennaio 2018 (T0). Contestualmente sono stati formati sulla corretta compilazione della CC 17 link professional che, fungendo da raccordo tra i colleghi operatori e direzione ospedaliera, nelle settimane successive hanno promosso incontri periodici di formazione e approfondimento sul tema coinvolgendo tutto il personale sanitario. La completezza della CC \ue8 stata rivalutata a maggio 2018 (T1), a valle degli incontri formativi. Le misurazioni sono state effettuate mediante valutazione da parte dei link professional su 38 CC (20 a T0 ed 18 a T1) di pazienti in ricovero ordinario, utilizzando la medesima griglia composta da 10 sezioni, articolate in 59 voci. Per valutare l\u2019eventuale miglioramento \ue8 stata calcolata la completezza complessiva e la differenza tra T0 e T1 (\uf044T1-T0) in termini percentuali ed \ue8 stata effettuata una verifica del test d\u2019ipotesi con \uf0632. RISULTATI: La completezza complessiva della CC delle due strutture \ue8 aumentata significativamente (p<0,01), passando dal 62% (T0) all\u201980% (T1). A T1 \ue8 stata raggiunta, con un miglioramento significativo (p<0,01), una completezza pari al 100% nella sezione consensi (\uf044=29%), al 98% nella valutazione riabilitativa (\uf044=20%), al 92% nella lettera di dimissione (\uf044=29%), all\u201985% nella valutazione infermieristica (\uf044=13%), all\u201982% nel progetto riabilitativo individuale (\uf044=24%), al 74% nel piano integrato di cura (\uf044=15%) e al 77% nella grafica e scheda terapia (\uf044=34%). Un miglioramento, anche se non significativo, \ue8 stato registrato nelle rimanenti sezioni: valutazione medica (completezza: 82%, \uf044=6%), diario integrato (65%, \uf044=17%) e varie (64%, \uf044=8%). CONCLUSIONI: Il modello adottato si \ue8 dimostrato efficace nel supportare il processo di miglioramento della completezza della cartella clinica