3,822 research outputs found

    Inclusive double-quarkonium production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Based on the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization formalism, we investigate inclusive productions of two spin-triplet S-wave quarkonia pp->2J/psi+X, 2Upsilon+X, and J/psi+Upsilon+X at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The total production rates integrated over the rapidity (y) and transverse-momentum (p_T) ranges |y|<2.4 and p_T<50 GGeV are predicted to be sigma[pp->2J/psi+X] = 22 (35) nb, sigma[pp->2Upsilon+X] = 24 (49) pb, and sigma[pp->J/psi+Upsilon+X] = 7 (13) pb at the center-of-momentum energy sqrt{s} = 7 (14) TeV. In order to provide predictions that can be useful in both small- and large-p_T regions, we do not employ the fragmentation approximation and we include the spin-triplet S-wave color-singlet and color-octet channels for each quarkonium final state at leading order in the strong coupling. The p_T distributions of pp->2J/psi+X and 2Upsilon+X in the low-p_T region are dominated by the color-singlet contributions. At leading order in the strong coupling, the color-singlet channel is absent for pp->J/psi+Upsilon+X. Therefore, the process pp->J/psi+Upsilon+X may provide a useful probe to the color-octet mechanism of NRQCD.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, version published in JHE

    Lattice potentials and fermions in holographic non Fermi-liquids: hybridizing local quantum criticality

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    We study lattice effects in strongly coupled systems of fermions at a finite density described by a holographic dual consisting of fermions in Anti-de-Sitter space in the presence of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. The lattice effect is encoded by a periodic modulation of the chemical potential with a wavelength of order of the intrinsic length scales of the system. This corresponds with a highly complicated "band structure" problem in AdS, which we only manage to solve in the weak potential limit. The "domain wall" fermions in AdS encoding for the Fermi surfaces in the boundary field theory diffract as usually against the periodic lattice, giving rise to band gaps. However, the deep infrared of the field theory as encoded by the near horizon AdS2 geometry in the bulk reacts in a surprising way to the weak potential. The hybridization of the fermions bulk dualizes into a linear combination of CFT1 "local quantum critical" propagators in the bulk, characterized by momentum dependent exponents displaced by lattice Umklapp vectors. This has the consequence that the metals showing quasi-Fermi surfaces cannot be localized in band insulators. In the AdS2 metal regime, where the conformal dimension of the fermionic operator is large and no Fermi surfaces are present at low T/\mu, the lattice gives rise to a characteristic dependence of the energy scaling as a function of momentum. We predict crossovers from a high energy standard momentum AdS2 scaling to a low energy regime where exponents found associated with momenta "backscattered" to a lower Brillioun zone in the extended zone scheme. We comment on how these findings can be used as a unique fingerprint for the detection of AdS2 like "pseudogap metals" in the laboratory.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures; v2, minor correction, to appear in JHE

    Electric-field control of spin waves at room temperature in multiferroic BiFeO3

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    To face the challenges lying beyond current CMOS-based technology, new paradigms for information processing are required. Magnonics proposes to use spin waves to carry and process information, in analogy with photonics that relies on light waves, with several advantageous features such as potential operation in the THz range and excellent coupling to spintronics. Several magnonic analog and digital logic devices have been proposed, and some demonstrated. Just as for spintronics, a key issue for magnonics is the large power required to control/write information (conventionally achieved through magnetic fields applied by strip lines, or by spin transfer from large spin-polarized currents). Here we show that in BiFeO3, a room-temperature magnetoelectric material, the spin wave frequency (>600 GHz) can be tuned electrically by over 30%, in a non-volatile way and with virtually no power dissipation. Theoretical calculations indicate that this effect originates from a linear magnetoelectric effect related to spin-orbit coupling induced by the applied electric field. We argue that these properties make BiFeO3 a promising medium for spin wave generation, conversion and control in future magnonics architectures.Comment: 3 figure

    O(αsv2)O(\alpha_s v^2) correction to pseudoscalar quarkonium decay to two photons

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    We investigate the O(αsv2)O(\alpha_s v^2) correction to the process of pseudoscalar quarkonium decay to two photons in nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization framework. The short-distance coefficient associated with the relative-order v2v^2 NRQCD matrix element is determined to next-to-leading order in αs\alpha_s through the perturbative matching procedure. Some technical subtleties encountered in calculating the {O(\alpha_s) QCD amplitude are thoroughly addressed.Comment: v2, 28 pages, 2 figures and 2 tables, matching the published version; typos corrected, references added, as well as a "Note added in the proof

    Holographic Superfluids and Superconductors in Dilaton-Gravity

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    We investigate holographic models of superfluids and superconductors in which the gravitational theory includes a dilatonic field. Dilaton extensions are interesting as they allow us to obtain a better description of low temperature condensed matter systems. We focus on asymptotically AdS black hole configurations, which are dual to field theories with conformal ultraviolet behavior. A nonvanishing value of the dilaton breaks scale invariance in the infrared and is therefore compatible with the normal phase being insulating (or a solid in the fluid mechanical interpretation); indeed we find that this is the case at low temperatures and if one appropriately chooses the parameters of the model. Not only the superfluid phase transitions, but also the response to external gauge fields is analyzed. This allows us to study, among other things, the vortex phase and to show that these holographic superconductors are also of Type II. However, at low temperatures they can behave in a qualitatively different way compared to their analogues without the dilaton: the critical magnetic fields and the penetration depth can remain finite in the small T/T_c limit.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; few comments and references added, a typo fixed in the equation below eq. (16), article accepted for publication in JHE

    Zero Sound in Effective Holographic Theories

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    We investigate zero sound in DD-dimensional effective holographic theories, whose action is given by Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton terms. The bulk spacetimes include both zero temperature backgrounds with anisotropic scaling symmetry and their near-extremal counterparts obtained in 1006.2124 [hep-th], while the massless charge carriers are described by probe D-branes. We discuss thermodynamics of the probe D-branes analytically. In particular, we clarify the conditions under which the specific heat is linear in the temperature, which is a characteristic feature of Fermi liquids. We also compute the retarded Green's functions in the limit of low frequency and low momentum and find quasi-particle excitations in certain regime of the parameters. The retarded Green's functions are plotted at specific values of parameters in D=4D=4, where the specific heat is linear in the temperature and the quasi-particle excitation exists. We also calculate the AC conductivity in DD-dimensions as a by-product.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    On nonsupersymmetric \BC^4/\BZ_N, tachyons, terminal singularities and flips

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    We investigate nonsupersymmetric \BC^4/\BZ_N orbifold singularities using their description in terms of the string worldsheet conformal field theory and its close relation with the toric geometry description of these singularities and their possible resolutions. Analytic and numerical study strongly suggest the absence of nonsupersymmetric Type II terminal singularities (i.e. with no marginal or relevant blowup modes) so that there are always moduli or closed string tachyons that give rise to resolutions of these singularities, although supersymmetric and Type 0 terminal singularities do exist. Using gauged linear sigma models, we analyze the phase structure of these singularities, which often involves 4-dimensional flip transitions, occurring between resolution endpoints of distinct topology. We then discuss 4-dim analogs of unstable conifold-like singularities that exhibit flips, in particular their Type II GSO projection and the phase structure. We also briefly discuss aspects of M2-branes stacked at such singularities and nonsupersymmetric AdS_4\times S^7/\BZ_N backgrounds.Comment: Latex, 43pgs incl. appendices, 2 eps figs, v2. minor clarifications added, to appear in JHE

    Molecular Evolution of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta in Invasive Weedy Rice in the USA

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    The Pi-ta gene in rice has been effectively used to control rice blast disease caused by Magnaporthe oryzae worldwide. Despite a number of studies that reported the Pi-ta gene in domesticated rice and wild species, little is known about how the Pi-ta gene has evolved in US weedy rice, a major weed of rice. To investigate the genome organization of the Pi-ta gene in weedy rice and its relationship to gene flow between cultivated and weedy rice in the US, we analyzed nucleotide sequence variation at the Pi-ta gene and its surrounding 2 Mb region in 156 weedy, domesticated and wild rice relatives. We found that the region at and around the Pi-ta gene shows very low genetic diversity in US weedy rice. The patterns of molecular diversity in weeds are more similar to cultivated rice (indica and aus), which have never been cultivated in the US, rather than the wild rice species, Oryza rufipogon. In addition, the resistant Pi-ta allele (Pi-ta) found in the majority of US weedy rice belongs to the weedy group strawhull awnless (SH), suggesting a single source of origin for Pi-ta. Weeds with Pi-ta were resistant to two M. oryzae races, IC17 and IB49, except for three accessions, suggesting that component(s) required for the Pi-ta mediated resistance may be missing in these accessions. Signatures of flanking sequences of the Pi-ta gene and SSR markers on chromosome 12 suggest that the susceptible pi-ta allele (pi-ta), not Pi-ta, has been introgressed from cultivated to weedy rice by out-crossing

    Mental health & maltreatment risk of children with special educational needs during COVID-19

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    BACKGROUND: Children with special educational needs (SEN) are more vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic with risk of poor mental wellbeing and child maltreatment. OBJECTIVE: To examine the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of children with SEN and their maltreatment risk. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: 417 children with SEN studying at special schools and 25,427 children with typical development (TD) studying at mainstream schools completed an online survey in April 2020 in Hong Kong during school closures due to COVID-19. METHOD: Emotional/behavioural difficulties, quality of life and parental stress of children with SEN were compared with typically developed children using mixed effect model. Linear regression analyses were performed to explore factors associated with child emotional/behavioural difficulties and parental stress during the pandemic. Chi-square test was performed to detect the differences in maltreatment risk before and during COVID-19. RESULTS: Children with SEN had significantly poorer overall quality of life (68.05 vs 80.65, p < 0.01). 23.5% of children had at least one episode of severe physical assault and 1.9% experienced very severe physical assault during COVID-19. Rates of physical assault increased significantly (59.8% vs. 71.2% p < 0.001) while children with mental disorders had increased risk of severe physical assault comparing to those without mental disorders (RR = 1.58, ꭓ2 = 5.19 p = 0.023). CONCLUSION: Children with SEN had poorer mental health than typically developed children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Maltreatment risk for children with SEN is higher in comparison to pre-COVID-19 era. Surveillance of child maltreatment, continuity of medical and rehabilitation care to support children with SEN are essential during a disease pandemic
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